Clemson v. Hurricanes Thread. Miami, FL; ABC 3:30pm

Miami is trash
good throw on 3rd and 11. Miami haters, everyone who wish they lived here and went to my school, COMMENCE!
Good, definitely was sick of hearing about how good Miami was after getting mollywhopped by an average VTech team and acting like beating OU without Bradfordwas all that impressive.
The D-line, RS, Whipple, and Jacory need to take full responsibility for this loss.
Playcalling was terrible, D allowed too many holes for CJ to run through. Whipple and RS not on the same page, Jacory making stupid throws. Terribleplaycalling in OT.

All that needed to happen was for Miami to win out and GT to lose any game, even non conference. Ugh, Miami let me down big time.
Now GT has to lose to Wakeor Duke or else it's curtains for us.
Our lack of depth on the d-line killed us today. There's no reason players like Josh Holmes and Andrew Smith should be playing that many snaps. They'regreat for spot duty but when they have the play that much we're going to get killed.
The three straight runs after the BH interception was something Nix would've called. We go from going for the Jugular against OU to three straight runs.SMH I wonder if the usual RS end of season slump starts early this year. I really hope that RS doesn't get an extension until the end of the year.
why is it so hard to get Travis Benjamin the ball? I dont understand it

does he not know his playbook? what is it?
Originally Posted by CP1708

People kept tellin me how simple it would be to stop Va Tech.

That didn't work out the way I had hoped.

So everyone sayin protect Jacory = win makes me nervous.

Protect the ball, protect Jacory, run the ball, and avoid stupid penalties would make me feel much better. We've come a long ways, but we still have half a season, gotta stay on point for each game, NO LETDOWNS.

Let's get this U.


Bad bad game from J Harris.

At home no less.

Get back to work, lettin all that press get to their heads. Everytime they get in the top 10, the do this crap.
Completely outcoached.

I'm not even going to say any more.

Horrible play calling in OT and the 4th quarter.

+%@ was Whipple thinking with an end around in the 4th backed up in your own territory? Horrible call. Inexcusable.

OT play calls? Smh. Don't even want to think about it.

No blitz on 3rd and long in OT are you freaking kiidding me Lovett? Complete stupidity. No excuse. DLine was getting no freaking pressure all day and you sendno extra men with game on line? I wouldve have fired him in the locker room right after for that garbage.

$Coaches lost us this game. As bad as Jacory played we still had no business losing.

Horribly coached game. Pathetic
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

Completely outcoached.

I'm not even going to say any more.

Horrible play calling in OT and the 4th quarter.

+%@ was Whipple thinking with an end around in the 4th backed up in your own territory? Horrible call. Inexcusable.

OT play calls? Smh. Don't even want to think about it.

No blitz on 3rd and long in OT are you freaking kiidding me Lovett? Complete stupidity. No excuse. DLine was getting no freaking pressure all day and you send no extra men with game on line? I wouldve have fired him in the locker room right after for that garbage.

$Coaches lost us this game. As bad as Jacory played we still had no business losing.

Horribly coached game. Pathetic

I agree some of those were bad calls, but Jacory threw a pick 6 and Spiller just torched you guys. That KO return and long touchdown pass weren't the faultof coaching, and that's 21 points worth right there. It isn't always the coaches' fault when your team loses; sometimes a great player just makesgreat plays.
Why the %%$@ would you kick it to spiller with 50secs left in the half?


I'm bouta rewatch this BS game right now. Straight garbage coaching decisions.

How do you burn all 3 timeouts in the 3rd quarter?

Or get a damn 12th man penalty after a timeout?

Straight garbage coaching. I'm seriously disgusted. We actually played hard. Pathetic coaching. Smh
Spiller should never be left 1on1 with a LB with no safety help ever. That's just stupid. No LB in the world can cover him. Bad coaching.

And kicking it to Spiller at the end of the half? Bad coaching decison.

The Jacory pick 6. Just a terrible throw. Horrible mistake by Jacory.

Difference is...I can live with player mistakes. Every player is going to make them. Coaching mistakes like we had are inexcusable.

If players cost you the game...fine whatever. Live with it.

But to have a bunch of stupid coaching decisions cost us is just freaking pathetic. Seriously.
!@*$ !@*$ !@*$ !@*$ %%%#* $+@ %+*#%

These ninjas aint mature yet....where the !@*$ is the discipline shannon?

You gotta be *$*+@$* kidding me...same old story

I need to smoke
Just got home from the game.

-Certainly not worried about Whipple departing for an NFL OC job. He'll be here for some time. That time out right before the half was ON HIM. The Late 4thquarter drive, and OT playcalling was very Nix-esque. He's qualified, and still glad to have him. But he's by no means a 'genuis'. He's aRob Chudzinski.

- Joe Pannunzio = kill yourself.

- Shannon & Lovett need to realize that even a guy who has not completed 50% of this passes on the year, if you give him time all day and only rush 2.5 ,he's going to look like Peyton Manning. I know our D-line depth is ravaged by injuries, by why the hell are linebackers playing 10 yards deep on 3rd andlong on 90% of those snaps?

We got baptized by Dabo Swinney......
The timeout stuff has got to stop.

It's like Shannon is afraid to keep them for later in the game, he's always usin those damn things in the 1st and third quarters.
Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by ddot7


Originally Posted by theone2401

Wow, great. ABC is showing the Michigan-Penn St game and we're supposed to get Clemson-Miami...looks like it's blacked out on ESPN for me in NY though, nothing's showing.
I got it in NY on ESPN...dont worry you aint missing nothing. The game will be over shortly...

How'd that work out for you? You madddddddddd?

PS. Game shouldn't have even been that close. We should've won by 10-14, Freshman mistakes by Parker...but he redeemed himself in the end.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Good, definitely was sick of hearing about how good Miami was after getting mollywhopped by an average VTech team and acting like beating OU without Bradford was all that impressive.

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