Club Photography Help! Pics included

Originally Posted by Lance With Antss

Thanks kingtre. Do you know where I can find the info on the iso settings? Or ask your homegirl if she can school me on the canon rebel cause this camera is not user friendly at all. And as far as the negativity I dont pay any mind to it. I just wanted some pointers from people who know more about the camera than I do. Appreciate the help dude

By the way, What clubs do you promote for?

i would just google a canon rebel forum ....then search and see if theres topics on low-lighting/club/concert shots etc if not make one- again your gonnahave to sift through the nonsense and take from it what you need
as far as clubs I have a company and we mainly do one-off special events whenever i feellike it
i was into it heavy last year and had some recurring nightsbut its alot of hassle and politics in this city...
Yeah there is alot of hassle and politics and on top of that you have people caling you nonstep to get in for free to skip line etc etc. It gets annoying butgetting paid to party is two thumbs up in my book. Plus the groupies love it lol
There's more pics on my website.. Click on "you been caught mixing" and go to the providence pictures.
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