COBRA KAI - Karate Kid Sequel - Learn the Way of the Fist - S5 09/09/22

Loved Seasons 1-4. Season 5 I liked, but not as much as I expected. Season 6 should definitely be the last imo. Maybe they’ll finally get Swank for the finale since I think she’s the only one from the Miyagi-verse who we haven’t seen yet on the show
I still don’t get the fascination with wanting to have Hilary Swank on this show. Literally nobody currently on this show knows her or had any contact with her in the past. She would serve zero purpose to the story, especially if season 6 ends up being the final season.
I still don’t get the fascination with wanting to have Hilary Swank on this show. Literally nobody currently on this show knows her or had any contact with her in the past. She would serve zero purpose to the story, especially if season 6 ends up being the final season.

This show's entire essence is about Mr. Miyagi. And with her being Mr. Miyagi's last student, it's just a way to tie in the fourth movie. Like I had mentioned, nobody even needs to know her. Keep it simple wit Daniel-san just having a heart-felt epilogue speech at Mr. Miyagi's tombstone and then Swank walks up and they have a few words about him, that's all.

Perfect way to end a show that's this heavy in fan-service. But it's not essential either. So if it doesn't happen, I don't think it's a big deal.
I still don’t get the fascination with wanting to have Hilary Swank on this show. Literally nobody currently on this show knows her or had any contact with her in the past. She would serve zero purpose to the story, especially if season 6 ends up being the final season.
For big name recognition. Hard to argue with the fact that she’s had the most successful career out of anyone who has appeared in the KK films. Regardless of the rave reviews, there’s probably still people out there who haven’t bought into the CK hype. Having someone like Swank associated with the series could potentially increase viewership and open it up to a whole new audience
So the more I think about it it feels odd that Silver was the big villain for basically the previous 2 seasons. This last season felt empty with so little Kreese. He’s basically the face of Cobra Kai that everyone knows. I almost wish him and Silver would’ve changed roles somehow. Then again Silver screwed over Daniel pretty badly in the movies so I understand it
what do you think season 6 will be about? kreese taking cobra kai to the takai tournament and miyago-do trying to win it so they don't go global?
what do you think season 6 will be about? kreese taking cobra kai to the takai tournament and miyago-do trying to win it so they don't go global?

I figured it would be about the tournament but does Cobra Kai have anyone left? Once Silver got exposed it looks like they all quit. Unless Kreese can go overseas and get some new fighters for the tournament I’m not sure how he can operate in the US since he’s a fugitive now
I'm expecting Kreese to experience some sort of an awakening in S6. While I don't expect him to do a full 180 and become a good guy and best buddies with LaRusso/Lawrence, I hope he does realize his methods/mentality need refinement. Think it's pretty obvious that one of the overarching themes of the show is growth/maturity. It would be a shame if they ended the show with Kreese going back to the same person he was since day 1.

As far as Silver goes, I think we've seen enough of him. I hope they don't make an attempt to continue his story in S6
Man I want to finish but i'm exhausted by everyone's first instinct being to run in, make accusatory statements and start a fight like cavemen. Then again this show would be a 1 hour special.
Man I want to finish but i'm exhausted by everyone's first instinct being to run in, make accusatory statements and start a fight like cavemen. Then again this show would be a 1 hour special.

I see you be practicing the Miyagi-do instead of Cobra Kai :lol:
Just finished it…
Barnes, Chozen, Johnny, and Daniel should just do a separate show without the freaking kids…. Like all 4 travel to Okinawa or something. Barnes the most relatable to me now since I used to be in the furniture business lol
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