Cocaine is a hell of a drug... former Child actor "Orlando Brown".

I was wondering if dude dropped the N bomb.

Was also wondering what would've happened if the homeowner pulled the strap on those bounty hunters. Aint no way a dude just coming in my crib like that while my family there. I definitely would've had to at least bust the shot off and take my chances with a judge.
Ehhhh im pretty sure they were doing the knoockinng and **** before getting to where he was hiding. Dude shoulda just gone to court.. why go thru a bond and not appear at court annnnnd leave the state...
How they get a legal warrant to enter the house, it isn’t even Orlando’s house? He was just staying there as a guest.
There was another case where the laws bust into someone's house in plain clothes, the owner started bucking at them and ended up getting charged.
We had this happen in Michigan. They were going after a girl. They broke into a relative’s house but were charged by the police.

Glad these dudes got charged. Also glad that the article clearly states these bounty hunter dudes have no more rights than the average citizen.

Dudes don't have any kinda badge and they just busting in peoples cribs pointing guns at their families and ****. There is no way I'm letting that **** fly without at least grabbing my straps and pointing back. Like I said before I would need a judge to sort that whole **** out.
If I'm not mistaken, a bounty hunter has the right to run up in your crib without a warrant if they believe you are there. Now if it's somebody else house then you have the right to tell them to step off.
Somebody can correct me if I'm wrong.
They run in my **** like that ima up the 40 and blow at em
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