College DropOut Joining The Military

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by Fox5Kobe

Originally Posted by runzombierun

werent you going to collect the SSI for having some mental issues and you stopped taking your meds? is the military and the mind games of bootcamp really the best option?

I was referred to the mental health building upon the break-up of my girlfriend. I was depressed for a year straight and became paranoid because i stayed in the house it didn't stop because we broke up and my aunts had a major part in breaking us up then i went to live with them and it got worse. they proceded to %*% on me and treat me bad and not care about the fact me and girl had just broke up so i never healed up from that breakup. i was alerady in the system of mental health but the tests kept coming up negative that i didnt have a problem. So, i was about to fake it until i made it! But, I've been thinking and doing the math and feeling like is that even going to be enough money to support myself currently and for the future and how am i gonna get back into college? buy a car? i'd be living in the hood in upstate ny i dont want that for myself for the rest of my life for some monthly check thats only boils out to one week or working a fulltime job. your ideas?
if you have a history of mental issues the military will not accept you.
although this is true .. you'll be amaze at how many people lie and get in.
Originally Posted by offbad

Originally Posted by solesavage

Older brother dropped out of a full scholarship to USC(Architecture). Joined the Army, served two terms in Iraq. Graduated from UC Hayward, Has a full time job working intelligence out in Sacramento....Last year tried out for Ranger School, passed and is now a Ranger.

Well off now, owns two homes, several cars, living life to the fullest......


  is right.

Did you brother enlist or try to go the officers route since he has a college degree?  That Ranger stuff is no joke.  Is your brother active in the 75th?

A good buddy of mine is/was (not sure sure you ever lose that designation?) Ranger-Qualified after completing Ranger School.  Dude never went to the 75th Ranger Batallion though so I guess he was never an operational Ranger, just Ranger-Qualified.  Might have turned out for the better.  He's been busting his *@* the last year or so with Special Forces Qualification Course and is finally on track to graduate this November and get his Green Beret.  He was just telling me the other day that he has Robin Sage coming up soon and that stuff sounds pretty awesome. 
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