College-heads, I need advice on how to email in sick to my prof? vol. pics for beasts

Originally Posted by georgehimself

Dear Professor,

I apologize as I am unable to attend class today due to my mysterious illness. I would write more but I have no details, and I also do not have a note from my physician. If it is any consolation, I have pics for the beasts.

Spoiler [+]


Ground King
shut this thread down.
Don't try and bluff them with an email saying you in fact do have a doctors note for a fake illness... 
I almost got screwed by this one time.. Don't want the prof to know your face/name as that fool that tried to pull one over on them.. 
plethora of fine asian speciwomen

i love each n every one of them

dont think i dnt see that lil effer in the back
#1, unless the other assignment is due during the class, you don't HAVE to miss.  You have a day and a half to get it done.  I've gotten final projects for the class done in the same amount of time you're talking about so you're just making the choice to miss.

#2, If your professor has been around teaching for any period of time he's going to know the trick of trying to email him to say you're sick.  If you're going to miss, don't waste your time emailing him.  If you are, just tell him you made the choice to miss his class to work on an assignment for another class you didn't properly have planned to finish earlier.  If anything you'll get points for honesty.

If you're willing to work the entire day on both projects, try using the Kramer sleep cycle.  I used to use it during finals and it worked wonders.  You only sleep for 2 hrs. so you're never groggy and you still remember the information you worked on before you went to sleep.
I skipped alot of classes in college and never emailed my professor once...
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