College is not what i thought it would be......dam

Dec 21, 2009
College is not what i thought it would be 
The partys all suck.....

I can't get girls......

The classes all suck .......

Its super hard to focus.........

Being black seems to scare asian chicks ......

The food sucks because is pretty much the same @*## everyday .

Am battling depression...

NT fam help me out  am losing it 

I transfered from cc btw after a year so am a transfer sophomore  
Rough life bro...rough life.  I suggest you rob kids of their books and sell them online then use the money to buy popeyes halal chicken
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

College is not what i thought it would be 
The partys all suck.....

I can't get girls......

The classes all suck .......

Its super hard to focus.........

Being black seems to scare asian chicks ......

The food sucks because is pretty much the same @*## everyday .

Am battling depression...

NT fam help me out  am losing it 

I transfered from cc btw after a year so am a transfer sophomore  
snap son.. 
yea where you go to school at ? 
I feel you bro... 
smoke good weed and do you....forget all the cliches that people say your supposed to do in something nobody else is doing...apply what your studying to your life...the social stuff is just an the something.

Stick with it and in four years you can Occupy Wall Street and complain about the "system".

I hear you bro, my first college experience was definitely like the ones in the movies..But I stayed focus and got through it man...Probably join some clubs and organizations to meet new people.....Make friends in your class (male or females) and that should open the door for you..Good luck and stay up
Originally Posted by RealRubirosa

Stick with it and in four years you can Occupy Wall Street and complain about the "system".

and get arrested for trying to close your bank account
It's all downhill for you...seriously. There are no more white horses and no more pretty ladies knockin at your door.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

smoke good weed and do you....forget all the cliches that people say your supposed to do in something nobody else is doing

You go to school for education. Trust me, get the best grades you can now and get a good job. 4 years of fun
They beat me to it

Smoke weed also get out your comfort zone..... Id give half a ball to be at a real Uni. Only a matter of time.

I go to CC and Ill admit it can be fun sometimes. Just talk to the chicks often and everything will fall into place dont stress over it. Your single and young I presume.... your already winning
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

university at buffalo
You go to a party school man. I've only been twice and got laid the second time....I'm willing to bet you just have the wrong perspective. First off, all the stuff you posted is NOT what you should be looking to get out of college. First and foremost, you are spending money and time there in order to educate yourself and get a good job. That is your main goal, so start networking, join clubs, get to know your professors on a personal level, go to office hours, and GET GOOD GRADES. Right now you might feel like that is the least of your worries but 5 years from now you're gonna look back and wish you did just that. Trust me.

As far as parties and females, don't stress over it. Just meet new people (not just girls, just be personable in general), go out of your comfort zone. Like I said I've been to UB a couple of times and even though the people I was with had everything planned, there was def no shortage of parties or chicks. That school is massive. The year is still early so don't get discouraged yet but if you keep up this Debbie Downer attitude all year you're definitely not smashing. Girls can sense that %*$% from a mile away. And maybe I just wasn't paying attention when I went but I don't remember seeing any hot Asian girls while I was there. They're not known to be very receptive of black guys to begin with so if you're basing your success with females off asian chicks then you might wanna get used to riding the bench dawg. That place is PAWG heaven tho 
Originally Posted by Rico x Hood

It's all downhill for you...seriously. There are no more white horses and no more pretty ladies knockin at your door.
 True story dudes sittin in prison cells right now and would kill 20 @++!+@ just to be where you at right now make the best of it get some good herb find a female to burn with you to pass time youll be good college can only get better.

You're gonna have to join a bunch of different clubs (mostly @##$ like Ultimate Frisbee & things athletically driven) to find people with your similar interests. Harsh realities breh, people telling you to smoke good bud, do you already know where the trees are at? You're definitely there for the education but I can understand wanting to unwind on the weekends. You'll have to test your luck with some aggressiveness, try some awkward humor on random ladies and see what happens.
im currently going through the exact same and like someone mentioned up there, my high times are whats getting me by.
Bro I feel you. It was the same way for me at first but if you pick up the street pharmaceutical trade everything will change real quick.
I woke up on my housemates bed confused but I just remembered I was locked out last night so I stormed in the room and passed out
. Now I'm about to pack a bowl and possibly grab some Pho to cure my hangover.

Hangovers, the worst part about college.
c'mon pookieman, you know I'm not in the right state of mind right now 
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