College Life

^ :lol

*EDIT:1600th post :hat
i miss Ateneo now... :\
went to grade school and 2 years of high school there... great campus BTW :hat
I got you man. I was raised here in Hawaii and Cali but I went to the PI for a brief college exposure. It was pretty nice and I liked it, I got to wear a white polo. It was weird but it was fun meeting people. It was just weird how they looked at me since I was coming from the US. Just get used to public transportation unless you have a and yeah food is really cheap..and nice.
College in the philippines will be awesome simply because of the people you will be interacting with. Filipinos are accomodating, courteous, humble and patient by nature so expect the atmosphere to be conducive to learning and gaining lots of friends.
Education, I heard, is also much much more expensive in the U.S. compared to the Philippines, especially if you go to well-known colleges and universities. My recommendation is that you go to either Ateneo, U.P. or La Salle. Those are the 3 best schools in the Philippines. 2 of my sisters went to Ateneo de Manila as academic scholars and they loved the environment, the competitiveness as well as the high standard of education and values, especially since the Ateneo group of schools are being run by the Jesuits.
I work for a multi-national company and our recruitment team usually eyes what we call the "traditional" source of talents from those 3 schools but also makes it a point to look at products of the good provincial schools in luzon, visayas and mindanao like University of San Carlos, Ateneo De Davao and Xavier University. In fact, the top 3 positions in our company's sales department are all products of shools outside luzon.
I am sure you will love it here in the Philippines in case you decide to go to college here, that's something I can almost guarantee you. There will be adjustments to be made (language, kind of humor we have here, culture and people) but trust me, when you look back someday at your college stint here in the Philippines, you'll be saying to yourself IT WAS ALL WORTH IT AND IT WAS ALL GOOD!
Hope you make the best decision for yourself
2 things: 1,make sure you invest in proper rain gear,typhoons in the Philippines are vicious, and 2,if you commute everyday,see to it that you have a good quality facial cleaner,smog,unfortunately,is a daily part of life.

make friends,have fun,and graduate on time.then go back to where your from and show off your brand spankin' new degree.thats all to it.go get em' tiger!
"Hope floats so let it rise"-Rev.Run
I had a friend in the states after he graduated High School, went to the Philippines for college, which I found wierd, after graduation he came back to the states and found a job here, now he is earning good and traveling all over. I also heard of another story of a fresh graduate from the P.I. who was a computer science major, not sure what school, but when he arrived in the States landed a job quickly earning like $70,000 a year. If it works for them, I guess it can work for others, I believe they are benefits of going to College in the P.I., you can have an edge, if you ever open a business in the P.I. you can rely on your former classmates, unlike a foreigner/balikbayan who wouldn't know anyone. Also, if your going to go to school in the P.I. you might as well apply for "Dual Citizenship", nothing beats having 2 Passports, American & Filipino. If you can't speak Tagalog, go buy a Rosetta Stone Tagalog set 1 & 2 for $329.00 and teach yourself the language, so you'll have that edge.
It really varries on your degree.
I'm in athletic training and nutrition so if I graduate in the PI it would be a little hard for me to get a job here. But If I finished my nursing in the PI, it would be a lot easier for me to get a job here, and of course I have to take the exam.
Im here for Nursing, the backlog in the states is just rediculous. 2 year waiting list in almost all schools, well in Los Angeles at least. Its funny how all the "balikbayans" i meet in the PI are taking nursing, we just laugh it off. But I love my school, UST has hot chicks.

Ateneo > La Salle.

No offense to anyone. Those school jokes are quite true. One wouldn't make fun of our president's height if it aint true. :b
Team Philippines
Member No.63
I am too possibly leaving to attend La Salle next year.. kind of concerned and excited..

Concerned because of the enviornment of Philippines, its pretty rough compared to where I was born and raised, in fact completely different, but eveytime I have gone over, I began to see the beauty of it.. Language is not really a problem I guess, my english is like England english haha, but I understand some tagalog..

Just can't wait to experience it really, all you guys in here seem real chill and welcoming, so im sure it should be cool..
vamos argentina​
June 9 - July 9​
^ LOL. That would depend where you were raised and all?

Sometime it seems that everything is handed to ya over here on a silver platter of sorts. First year of classes is like a repeat of the 11th and 12th grade. You get the typical bio, algebra, @#%$, etc...
If that's rough for ya! =)
"From North Carolina...At Guard...6'6"...Michael Jordan"
Los Angeles Lakers for life!!!
I'm proud to be a Filipino!!!!!
UP's education is really nice.. however, some of the facilties their arent, uh, hmm, can't reciprocate.. (that's what im hearing)
True about UP's facilities. I've had a couple of batchmates complain about it also. It's run by the government and tuition there is cheap since its public. But I guess funding for them has been cut short for example I think they were supposed to put up a new building infront of the Math building and somewhere in the start of construction it was suddenly cut and up to now it's still isnt complete
I say do it, go home and study there. Depending on your degree, here in cali classes are impacted and sometimes you have to wait a long time to get into a certain program. (Example:Physical Therapy)

Back home classes are cheaper (compared to the US) and faster to finish because I do not think classes are impacted. If I had to do things over again, I would have went to college back home. Besides, you would have alot of fun there IMO.
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AIM: kob8intheoc

I need some Nike Penny Foamposites, Jordan XI's size 9. make it easier and more enjoyable for you............
THIS IS ATENEO........................................................

georgina wilson

georgina wilson

georgina wilson's "old id"

THIS IS LA SALLE.....................................................

nicole hernandez

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^Hahaha! Mmmm... dapat ata mangolekta din ako ng sa CSB. Haha
The worst disability, is the disability to understand.
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