College World Series (LSU-Texas)

Oct 5, 2011
Anyone watching this LSU/Texas? Pretty good game right now.

LSU brought out Chad Jones (starting strong safety) in the 7th, and he's out there throwing 93 mph after hardly playing this season

Jared Mitchell with that crazy triple earlier in the game.

I want LSU to win because of the game-tying triple hit by #3 in like the 5th and then this first pitch, 2 out double to tie it up 6-6 in the 9th.
Can LSU put something together to actually take the lead instead of putting something together to tie things up?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Can LSU put something together to actually take the lead instead of putting something together to tie things up?

that's what has surprised me, i think they're averaging 11 runs a game
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