Colleges in Georgia VOL.Which one is the best

Originally Posted by PatentBoy23

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Georgia State or Southern

I came in here thinking you'd be talking about Emory
hyping up his own school, even tho I thought the same coming into this thread.

The Emory library and campus is
. I study there from time to time.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

I graduated from Jonesboro HS...who else is from Clay Co?

Damn NT is really big...
i went to jnoesboro hs for summer school had to make uptwo classes hands down it is the shyytest highschool in clayton I saw the biggest roaches I've ever seen in my life at that school

im from clayton county lovejoy area go to perry learning center aka open campus it s like ten minutes from jonesboro high mane we the best school in the ocunty

wat year did u graduate ??????????? u know ninjas in amp squad n 2dubb ???
Georgia State...

...and unless @!+@ changed real quick, they'll let anybody in. I had classes with some of the dumbest people on the planet. I doubt the admissions officeeven knows what a rejection letter is.
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