Columbia Air Jordan 4 Retro for 2015 (01/10/15 $190)

Its been fun in here, but its time for me to move on before the shipping questions start.  Good luck to everyone still looking hope u find your pair, and see you in the Oreo thread!! On to the next one
Dont pay resell, finishline still has sizes and im positive not everyone will pick up their raffle pairs
we know this but thats almost like saying not all pedophiles are bad. its true, but its rare. if you buying 4 pairs plus most of the time you are a reseller. the odds of it being someone like you are not in your favor.

One of the worst things you can compare it too... Comparing pedophiles to sneaker resellers...

NVM back to topic...
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For the people having checkout issues on FNL continuously, it might be because your billing and shipping address are different, FNL won't accept transaction, just putting it out there if not already known....side note congrats to all those who copped this morning
This shoe is different than the normal 4 because of the design so I will have to go with the oval laces and flat laces are a must for any 4 with mesh netting.
Can these laces be any longer ?

same thing i thought
another nt'er said.. premium quality means more laces too 
For the people having checkout issues on FNL continuously, it might be because your billing and shipping address are different, FNL won't accept transaction, just putting it out there if not already known....side note congrats to all those who copped this morning

Usually has nothing to do with that. It's just their system being overwhelmed. Take a card that you fail with on a release day and try to buy something during the middle of the week. Card will go through without a problem.
My OG retro iv+ Oreos had oval laces too, I think just the iv's with mesh have flat laces
Youre the one quick to assume... You automatically thing people flexing multiple pairs are resellers. They could be helping and looking out for friends and family.
I guess for some it's some kind of rush. Like the guy who has to outbid everyone on ebay just for the satisfaction of winning an item he dose not necessarily care for...
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[emoji]128184[/emoji] [emoji]128588[/emoji]preach. Let him feel some type of way. Worried about others when he just said he got three pairs. #theirony
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Picking up my pair right now.... Could ve went without the connect but she looked out on the xi release for a 20 dollars tip.... Cnt afford to lose tht connect
Kids sizes are not moving at all... I ordered my wife and daughter pairs online. Might have to try see if I can scoop them up in store when I pick up my pair.
Usually has nothing to do with that. It's just their system being overwhelmed. Take a card that you fail with on a release day and try to buy something during the middle of the week. Card will go through without a problem.
It's not the system being overwhelmed, it's just finishline policy of billing and shipping needing to match, of course the card will work elsewhere
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