Common - (New Album Info) vol. Invincible Summer

Mar 17, 2007
Neptunes on the album?! not to mention Q-Tip and Ye'. I'm excited

I kinda liked "The Believer" as the album title, but "Invincible Summer" is pretty dope.

Its all about the music anyways.

"MoviesOnline: Any new shifts or collaborations?

COMMON: Oh yeah, some new shifts. Actually the new album is called Invincible Summer and it will be out in the later part of June. I guess the new shift isjust the music sounds newer. It's really developing. I'm really happy about it. It feels good. It's not really heavy and it's Pharrell from TheNeptunes and The Neptunes are producing a lot of it. And also a producer named Mr. DJ who did a lot of work for OutKast, did Bombs Over Baghdad and Ms.Jackson. Anyway, these cats are really giving me some new, fresh sounds and I'm taking it somewhere vocally that I haven't been before. I'menthused. I'm really excited. I think it'll be a great summer album, like for people to feel good. I want to make people smile and enjoy life. As muchas I want to make them think, it's important that they smile too. "

Rest of the interview(Mainly about Street Kings, other movie roles, and the rest on the new music):
For some reason..... I really don't think this album will be as good as his last two. I know that we haven't even heard a snippet of the album or evena single but i get a feeling that this will be on the same level as Electric Circus...
Yeah, lyrically, it wasn't as on point as his previous efforts, but FF was still a decent album to me.

Sounds like it might be pretty good though.
i thoroughly enjoyed FF, and it was definitely refreshing to hear at the time it released with all the weak album drops of those months

got high hopes for this one
I might be opening for him in two weeks...

My boy's band is on the bill to open the show, but I have about 4 collaborations with them, so it all depends on which direction they decide to go. theyhave a 30-45 minute set so I might get squeezed in
^^That's what's up man, the best of luck to you.

Anyways, heard about this a few days back when I posted it on my blog. I am very excited about it, especially with my boys kickin' it mellow for commonsense. You know how hard they come with the bridges and breakdowns.

Oh, finding forever was ok...I agree it wasn't the best of his lyrical ability by far. Every time I think about it, my mind keeps bringing up the like"That was the dude from nsync-ay"


I loved 'Be' though. Every track was flames damn there.
Even though they are different, FF was a letdown after Be. And thats not to say I dont knock it a lot, because I do. Be was absolutely amazing, and FF justcant compete with it. FF is great in its own way too, but after Be, I completely cosign everyone who says it was a disappointment.
Sounds soft

Dude needs to move away from that entire opkayplayer/neptunes/k west sound , it`s so damn predictable .
Originally Posted by Nako XL

I might be opening for him in two weeks...

My boy's band is on the bill to open the show, but I have about 4 collaborations with them, so it all depends on which direction they decide to go. they have a 30-45 minute set so I might get squeezed in

is that in DC... i'm going to see him next week or in two weeks, i can't remember
I agree..Finding Forever was extremely disappointing. Never thought I'd see the day that Common would disappoint. Hopefully this makes up for it.
I cant really say i like common that much i dont see what the hype is about.....i like that he is with kanye and all that......but his beats are prettywack.....i dont like good lyrics if they arent supported by a good beat.
Originally Posted by treewing

For some reason..... I really don't think this album will be as good as his last two. I know that we haven't even heard a snippet of the album or even a single but i get a feeling that this will be on the same level as Electric Circus...

Electric Circus definitely came to my mind while I was reading that. Time will tell. I don't see it dropping in June though considering this is Apriland we haven't gotten a single from him thus far.
Originally Posted by FreshKicks of BelAir

I cant really say i like common that much i dont see what the hype is about.....i like that he is with kanye and all that......but his beats are pretty wack.....i dont like good lyrics if they arent supported by a good beat.

Dude has had some of the best producers in the game work on his music...I'm not understanding how he's getting "wack beats". As forElectric Circus, I thought it was a pretty good album. 'Aquarius' is one of his best tracks to date IMO.
Damn another album so soon...thats what Im talking about...I can't wait

Oh and for those of you talking about FF was disappointing go take a bath with a toaster....
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