Computer Science

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Thanks for the replies, yea I'm not that great in math. I talked to head and another member of the CS department, I was told that I would have to take a total of 6 math classes. They said to only do it if I know that CS is something I truly want to do. I was also told take a basic programming class first to see how I like and if all was good to switch over to CS. I live with two engineers, one's mechanical and the other might be electrical but I found out that he's a CS minor last night but he stayed at his gf's so I haven't gotten a chance to speak with him. But I hear stories from them and the workload seems brutal, but a lot of engineers say that they couldn't be Pre-Med
. People that I spoke too have said Software/Computer Engineer, even when I said that I was switching my major but not sure to what, they suggested engineering but like I said, I'm not that great with math.
Reading about people getting to work at Google, RIM, Microsoft, when I read that I'm like wow that's cool and interesting, I wish I could do that and it's very possible that it's something I would like to do. In about 2 weeks, I'll be choosing my classes for next fall, I was also told to consider staying Bio for now and explore next by signing up for classes that would help me find something that I like. I'm still gonna research CS and related majors and also just consider exploring next year(which I rather not do though).
Yea just do the research before hopping in
Research is very important. (I feel as I missed out on a Jackie Chan Adventures joke but oh well)
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