Confession: I'm an NT Lurker Vol. How many more out there?

that Sting pic
I've been lurking since 06. I got put on through soleredemption where I used to check releases.
I was 12 scrolling through all of this madness
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by ninongjhey

Wow, so much hate...

Let's see, I'm 25, Graduated in 2005. Discovered NT when I was a Junior. So 2004. I still remember the EKIN702 Days.

I remember when the whole "vibe" was positive.   
I've been here since 2003 and I have never witnessed this positive vibe you speak of.
NT been around since 2000? some of  you aint even have a PC in the home............RT

Got on to NT right before 09/11.............

Internet was still fairly NEW to people and frankly being 28, My generation didn't have a chip on our shoulders like some of you  (1990 and on), you werent trying to insult people you met on the net, there werent that many people to begin with , Anyway when you arguing with moms over the phone line cuz the crib got 56 K, all you had TIME to do was lurk back in the day,NT was mostly sneakerheads, trying to break necks, gettin in on early releases,

Not to mention, NT started out with teenage asian cats, that whole e-thug generation came here like Season 2 of the Sopranos like late 02 , when general started poppin...........

BTW........The entitlements some of you have in regards to a WEBSITE is ridiculous, sad and hilarious all the same time.

Happy New Year everyone, another year to add to your NT stripes...

Joined 02/02/02.............
Originally Posted by justicedivine

I've been lurking since 06. I got put on through soleredemption where I used to check releases.
I was 12 scrolling through all of this madness


I aint been there in years.

off to google i go

edit: never mind it looks like their forum is gone 
My brother put me on NT way back, lurked for years before I actually got an account. Started with JB/Nike, but now mostly General/Music/Sports. I remember always trying to register but it never going through or getting accepted. Also remember the thread when that pic with a room full of Asian guys was getting photoshopped with NT members faces 
I found this site when I was in 8th grade in 2007. I was a lame and a google search of "What are the best Jordans?" led me to this site 
. I still remember mad dudes were saying Bordeaux 7's too 

Then I lurked until the end of 2009 when I made an account and started posting a bit. I found General in my computer classes in HS when I needed something to pass the time with; quickly fell in love with the lulz.
Now I'm primarily in General 
lurked since 06 and joined at the top 09

I remember going to the Jordan Brand forum and reading the Flint 7/ Cardinal 7 thread

I found the connection between the NTer Flint Grey and the Flint 7 funny for some reason
it's prob all a coincidence.
lmao smh...i even hesitated to post in this thread. I don't have any stats/proof or anything but NT's definately brought the lulz over the years
been a member since the SB JEDI's.......................


F.....Jeffery malabalan.....evangilin......eric hwang.....and others who were involved............
Lurked in early '04, signed up in 05. I used to post here n there but then just stopped but continue coming to nt for news n lulz and most importantly all the beef over the yrs...NT has changed alot tho but it's still funny lol
Very good points in this thread. NT has so many viewers now that the amount of negative people has increased. Still a great board, I just don't have the desire to post like I used to (I think I've made 200 posts in the last 3 years).
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