
Been with my girl a year man, but it's long distance and we both young. I'm always thinking she's gonna leave me. But I know she loves me. I fell hard for her and I ain't bout to let her go. I'm just scared as ****.
I just started to pay back my student loan. I've been delinquent for a couple of years now. I make 80k a year. I'm a deadbeat.

Making that dough bro. Lots of wish we could make that much.
Pay that load off asap. Live free and happy.
I am really disappointed in myself. I've neglected my studies for years now, and I'm in my senior year of high school with barely a 2.0 GPA. Maybe a little lower, I haven't checked recently. I have had everything I would have ever needed to get perfect grades all throughout high school, but I took the lazy route and did the bare minimum leaving my GPA so low and ending my chances of going to a good school until I go to community college for two years. :smh:

I'm starting to actually feel like i've made the the people around me proud.

Congrats, man. :pimp:
I am really disappointed in myself. I've neglected my studies for years now, and I'm in my senior year of high school with barely a 2.0 GPA. Maybe a little lower, I haven't checked recently. I have had everything I would have ever needed to get perfect grades all throughout high school, but I took the lazy route and did the bare minimum leaving my GPA so low and ending my chances of going to a good school until I go to community college for two years.

I graduated high school with a 3.7 GPA and took several AP classes and all of that really doesn't matter in the long run as I'm finding out. I'm a sophomore in college and I'm thinking of switching my major after this semester to something that's more in line with what I want to pursue in terms of career paths. Do you know what you want to do in terms of possible careers when you're older? If not, community college could actually end up being a blessing in disguise since you'll be taking a wide range of classes and a few of them could spark your interest. At the very least you'll be able to knock out several annoying Gen Eds so that you can focus on your major classes when you transfer.
Watching the friends around me graduate, while I'm still slightly struggling to begin my major is a terrible feeling. Thinking I was so well off, and I just
let myself fall off. Not having my priorities straight, drinking, partying, too much short-term fun, without working for the long-term.

Watching the friends around me graduate, while I'm still slightly struggling to begin my major is a terrible feeling. Thinking I was so well off, and I just
let myself fall off. Not having my priorities straight, drinking, partying, too much short-term fun, without working for the long-term.



This is more than likely my last semester at a university because of the same reasons... Let it all go to waste :smh:
I am really disappointed in myself. I've neglected my studies for years now, and I'm in my senior year of high school with barely a 2.0 GPA. Maybe a little lower, I haven't checked recently. I have had everything I would have ever needed to get perfect grades all throughout high school, but I took the lazy route and did the bare minimum leaving my GPA so low and ending my chances of going to a good school until I go to community college for two years. :smh:

I graduated high school with a 3.7 GPA and took several AP classes and all of that really doesn't matter in the long run as I'm finding out. I'm a sophomore in college and I'm thinking of switching my major after this semester to something that's more in line with what I want to pursue in terms of career paths. Do you know what you want to do in terms of possible careers when you're older? If not, community college could actually end up being a blessing in disguise since you'll be taking a wide range of classes and a few of them could spark your interest. At the very least you'll be able to knock out several annoying Gen Eds so that you can focus on your major classes when you transfer.

I'm swaying towards a history major on the political/government side. The community college I'm planning on going to, Germanna, is actually a great school but I've just rustled my own jimmies thinking of how much better I could have done.
I'm swaying towards a history major on the political/government side. The community college I'm planning on going to, Germanna, is actually a great school but I've just rustled my own jimmies thinking of how much better I could have done.
I have that same feeling, I'm on pace to take 4-5 business prerequisite classes next semester and how I do will determine whether I barely get in or don't get into the business school. If I wasn't in this situation then I wouldn't be considering switching majors. Yeah I've heard of Germanna since I'm from Virginia too. While you should try and finish the year strong, college is a fresh start and the work habits and motivation you have at that level is what matters, not mistakes you made as a high schooler.
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During lunch I went to FB stalk my ex who cheated on and left me after 7 years. Saw some recent photos... She's still with the dude she cheated on me with. Now I feel like **** and my day is ruined. :smh:

I lost.

Not because I lost her. Because I obviously haven't moved on after 2 years.
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Watching the friends around me graduate, while I'm still slightly struggling to begin my major is a terrible feeling. Thinking I was so well off, and I just
let myself fall off. Not having my priorities straight, drinking, partying, too much short-term fun, without working for the long-term.



This is more than likely my last semester at a university because of the same reasons... Let it all go to waste :smh:

Same, I'm so close to giving up on school if I can't start my major next quarter. So many roadblocks have me losing all motivation for it. :smh:
During lunch I went to FB stalk my ex who cheated on and left me after 7 years. Saw some recent photos... She's still with the dude she cheated on me with. Now I feel like **** and my day is ruined. :smh:

I lost.

Not because I lost her. Because I obviously haven't moved on after 2 years.
That sucks, man.

I know you've heard it already, but any girl that would cheat is not worth your time, much less a girl that cheated on you.

You didn't lose.

Why did you say 2 years though? If it's been 7? Are you still in contact with her? Have you dated new girls? How has that gone?
I'm swaying towards a history major on the political/government side. The community college I'm planning on going to, Germanna, is actually a great school but I've just rustled my own jimmies thinking of how much better I could have done.
I have that same feeling, I'm on pace to take 4-5 business prerequisite classes next semester and how I do will determine whether I barely get in or don't get into the business school. If I wasn't in this situation then I wouldn't be considering switching majors. Yeah I've heard of Germanna since I'm from Virginia too. While you should try and finish the year strong, college is a fresh start and the work habits and motivation you have at that level is what matters, not mistakes you made as a high schooler.

Good luck to you, I hope you get into business school. Is there something you plan to do with business as your major?
During lunch I went to FB stalk my ex who cheated on and left me after 7 years. Saw some recent photos... She's still with the dude she cheated on me with. Now I feel like **** and my day is ruined. :smh:

I lost.

Not because I lost her. Because I obviously haven't moved on after 2 years.
That sucks, man.

I know you've heard it already, but any girl that would cheat is not worth your time, much less a girl that cheated on you.

You didn't lose.

Why did you say 2 years though? If it's been 7? Are you still in contact with her? Have you dated new girls? How has that gone?

We were together for 7 years and it's been two years since we've been broken up. We lived together for six years and shared things financially so it was pretty much a marriage |I

I'm 29 now. In the past two years I've concentrated on my professional life heavily and learning to enjoy things for myself. I haven't dated anyone so I've been out of the game for a total of 9 years :x
During lunch I went to FB stalk my ex who cheated on and left me after 7 years. Saw some recent photos... She's still with the dude she cheated on me with. Now I feel like **** and my day is ruined. :smh:

I lost.

Not because I lost her. Because I obviously haven't moved on after 2 years.
That sucks, man.

I know you've heard it already, but any girl that would cheat is not worth your time, much less a girl that cheated on you.

You didn't lose.

Why did you say 2 years though? If it's been 7? Are you still in contact with her? Have you dated new girls? How has that gone?

We were together for 7 years and it's been two years since we've been broken up. We lived together for six years and shared things financially so it was pretty much a marriage |I

I'm 29 now. In the past two years I've concentrated on my professional life heavily and learning to enjoy things for myself. I haven't dated anyone so I've been out of the game for a total of 9 years :x
My bad, I misread your first post.

I feel for you. That's rough. You're doing the right things, but be sure to enjoy these next couple years. You're young, still learning a lot, and will find a lot of success with women once you get back in the game.
There was a time I legitimately thought the world of her: I loved her liked her, think I may have been in love honestly man she was my queen that took control of my life with her presence. She wasn't perfect, she wasn't the greatest, heck she was cute but I've laid eyes on better even at the time we first met. We didn't have a whole lot in common besides the way we felt about each other but that was enough. Maybe I should've known this was coming, maybe I did? Ended up being a weird situation...but man she was mine & that's all I wanted.

The way things ended I'll never understand, was like a bad joke gone wrong. I think about it from time to time(obviously) & I know I'm better off because I'm out that black hole so I can build something legitimate where we can actually coexist, sometimes though I think I don't even care to do that anymore because I had someone that cared to care through every difference.

I won't go back & speak to her ever again, partially because I can't & partially because I don't want to. I miss being the reason she had a smile on her face though & wish her the best. I don't want to find someone like her, with all this said that chick may legit be crazy(you know it's real when you jokingly call them crazy & they get offended & defensive, ran right through that warning light) but I want someone that cares(rather makes me THINK they care) as much as she did, I miss that.

Had to get that thought out man, the memories right now...
Luckily everything I've went through this year including with her(check my confessions post back in June, same girl) has prepared my perspective to face this for what it is, doesn't mean I wanted to go through it though.

Thanks for your time.
This is a messed up one.

Yo, one of my best friends in the world (former college roommate as well) called me up the other day and told me he's currently facing a case for having illegal sexual stuff downloaded/shared on his computer. Telling me that there's a chance he'll face jail time (2 years + 8 years probation), a chance he'll have to move out of the country (if it effects his work here) and that due to this he's been facing anxiety/depression/panic attacks and taking prescribed meds and stuff for it. I was supportive over the phone because I don't want a friend who's depressed to feel like he's alone... but on the other hand, whatever he was downloading/sharing had to be REALLY disturbingly bad. I could only assume children were involved. He says it was a mistake but also admits that he had the chance to delete/stop and chose not to do so. He was saying there's a chance that he would ask me to write a letter or something about his character. It really makes me re-evaluate our entire friendship and don't know how supportive I can be. :smh: Isn't this wild SMH.
This is a messed up one.

Yo, one of my best friends in the world (former college roommate as well) called me up the other day and told me he's currently facing a case for having illegal sexual stuff downloaded/shared on his computer. Telling me that there's a chance he'll face jail time (2 years + 8 years probation), a chance he'll have to move out of the country (if it effects his work here) and that due to this he's been facing anxiety/depression/panic attacks and taking prescribed meds and stuff for it. I was supportive over the phone because I don't want a friend who's depressed to feel like he's alone... but on the other hand, whatever he was downloading/sharing had to be REALLY disturbingly bad. I could only assume children were involved. He says it was a mistake but also admits that he had the chance to delete/stop and chose not to do so. He was saying there's a chance that he would ask me to write a letter or something about his character. It really makes me re-evaluate our entire friendship and don't know how supportive I can be. :smh: Isn't this wild SMH.

In the US, the only porn that is actually illegal is pedo stuff and non consensual stuff... So he's either watching kiddie porn or real rape/snuff porn...
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