
Haven't been in the gym for three weeks :smh:

It coincides with it being cold as hell outside when I get off in the morning so I go to the crib and sleep :lol: smh

Right there with you, had a good routine down for about two months, started noticing the progress, missed 1 day, and haven't been back, that was almost a month ago.
Small goofy confession, I like the tv show Girl Code, I think the chicks are funny. I will watch, like if a game is on and I'm flipping channels during the break and its on, I get so into it I forget that I was even watching a game
One last confession then I'm out, real life on everything I only check this thread to see if Shoyru post stuff, I don't know her or anything, but I know she goes through it and sometimes throwing in the towel seems like a viable option and that's no way to go. I like when she post because it lets me know that she fought through the day. No simp, no cape or nothing, but I like that she won the day even if she feels like she lost. Out.
I just read my orginal post from 2012, the amount of foreshadowing is kinda creepy.
With so many of my friends getting engaged and what not I often think "It would be nice to have a girlfriend" but then I realize that I'm not one to let people in and the thought fades. I push people away a lot and force that energy into other things.
I think my ex/bm is a piece of ****... like one of the worst types of females ever made. Short of the murdering type, which I wouldn't put it past her if she could get away with it, she's only a few steps up from pedophiles in my book.

This ***** is honestly a pathological liar and I never caught on until it was too late. :smh: The **** that she lies about is baffling and mind numbing. It doesn't even make sense to lie about the things she did and I gave her the benefit of the doubt at one point, but checked up on some of her stories and of course, LIES. Who knows what this bird was doing behind my back that I don't know about, but then again, I smashed at least 2 new women a year for every year I was married to her, so I don't sweat it much.

Now that I've gotten my cs reduced and my custody increased, she tries for every opportunity to get under my skin with petty ****, like wearing jewelry I bought her when she drops the kids off and texting me with the dumbness anytime an opportunity presents itself. It doesn't move me one bit. The only thing that does irk me is how she neglects our daughters. That **** has me fuming sometimes. She'll leave them with damn near anybody to get time to herself and doesn't even cut their fingernails or do simple **** like homework with them.

I have to cover for things that she doesn't. This ***** is a grown *** woman living at her mom's house with a new car and no health insurance. :x Stunting is her lifestyle. She'll take trips, but won't get an adult job. She waits tables with a Masters degree and a teaching credential to make money under the table. What a role model. Not that I give a **** about her lifestyle, but I hate that my daughters see her as an example of how to be a woman. Glad my gf is a far better example and has her **** together. Not only that, she loves my daughters and they love her too.

Today she lied about what day Veteran's Day is on, as if I don't have a calendar, to try to get a three day weekend. >D Talm bout the school is celebrating it on a Monday. :rolleyes I check the school's site and nope. Call the school to confirm and nope. Then when I check her, she has the nerve to get an attitude. Only 12 more years of this and I won't have to deal with her. I'm eagerly awaiting that day that my daughters can come and go as they please and I don't have to acknowledge her existence.
Bruh the feeling is too real smh. My son's mother ain't ****. Over time you get over all the other stuff but the way they treat the child is what's frustrating and can send you from 0 to 100 real quick. I have full custody so I don't gotta put up with as much but just hate to see her continously let him down. I'm a mommas boy too so I can't stand it.
Honestly I've kept **** bottled up for a while but finding out that I got passed on for the promotion I've been working my *** off for in favor of people not nearly as experienced as I am kinda just set me off.

I'm sick of this **** man. Whenever things start looking up it just f'ing falls apart on me or it doesn't work out and there's nothing I can do to stop it most of the time.

I'm knee deep in debt due to being unable to pay off my medical bills. I'm probably never going to be able to pay them off.

I'm starting to despise my ex because despite burying the hatchet, she feels the need to take lil shots at me and bring **** up when I just want to move on from that **** and not remember it because it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. What makes it worse is that I've been the worse off one since breaking up, so it gets to me more than it should.

Now it's just a matter of wtf is going to happen to me next.

But I'm supposed to just smile and "it'll get better" right? Nah
With so many of my friends getting engaged and what not I often think "It would be nice to have a girlfriend" but then I realize that I'm not one to let people in and the thought fades. I push people away a lot and force that energy into other things.

I feel this 100%! I got a wedding in a few weeks and had the same thought. Then just thought, I don't think I want that commitment, I like being able to put al of me into anything I wanna do at any point in time. I think it just has to be the 110% perfect girl for me otherwise I aint gonna just be in it, to say im in one (a relationship) ya dig?
I get what yall are saying about relationships, why not just not worry about it? It's good reassurance to yourself. but a lot of times, we say it to compensate for what we don't have. So I say enjoy your life, who cares about who is single or not. Be happy for those who have found their key. Live life without these burdens weighing on us, and when the time comes, it will happen. And if it's one thing I learned, a relationship will probably not work the way you envision it.

Then again, I'm saying all of this because I have not found that one yet either.
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I get what yall are saying about relationships, why not just not worry about it? It's good reassurance to yourself. but a lot of times, we say it to compensate for what we don't have. So I say enjoy your life, who cares about who is single or not. Be happy for those who have found their key. Live life without these burdens weighing on us, and when the time comes, it will happen.

Then again, I'm saying all of this because I have not found that one yet either.

I don't worry about it. I just had the same thought he did this week. It never crosses my mind, im too busy in my own head to have someone else try enter it
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With so many of my friends getting engaged and what not I often think "It would be nice to have a girlfriend" but then I realize that I'm not one to let people in and the thought fades. I push people away a lot and force that energy into other things.

I feel this 100%! I got a wedding in a few weeks and had the same thought. Then just thought, I don't think I want that commitment, I like being able to put al of me into anything I wanna do at any point in time. I think it just has to be the 110% perfect girl for me otherwise I aint gonna just be in it, to say im in one (a relationship) ya dig?

Yea man, I've kinda been talking to a friend of mine I've known for 7 years but she lives in a different state and it's not really worth it for me to try a long distance relationship again.
Yea man, I've kinda been talking to a friend of mine I've known for 7 years but she lives in a different state and it's not really worth it for me to try a long distance relationship again.
Too much effort and risk and not much reward. Fun to toy with but not worth it, agreed
The only reason why i spend so much time online is because i don't have anyone to talk to in real life

I don't think about suicide but life is boring

Idk, i wanna be happy but my body is stressed the **** out and i'm only 19

The only reason why i spend so much time online is because i don't have anyone to talk to in real life
I don't think about suicide but life is boring
Idk, i wanna be happy but my body is stressed the **** out and i'm only 19

YouTube infinite waters diving deep, he'll help you out. Search his vids, I'm sure he has something just for you bruh.
Being alone is not something you should feel bad about. A year ago I was independent. Doing my own stuff. I left my university to go back home since my parents moved to a better place. The new college was down the block. I picked up a bad habit and my grades suffered. My relationship with my girlfriend was tainted. I pushed her away. Spent most of my time alone vibing. My friends either were back at school or at my old joint. In this time frame I learned to be myself and who I am in a way. My own being. Life is about growing as a person and creating something. I quit my bad habits and started to change what I felt was negative about myself. I see positive changes in my life today. My relationship with my girlfriend is quite better. We took a few months off and I realized its hard to throw something away when time and effort was placed into it, it's hard to just start over sometimes. Some may say it's better but that's a variable I do not need. I wanted to be a better person, a better brother, son, friend, boyfriend. My past caught up with me. But I won't allow it to ruin the future.

Suicide is never the way folks. Your mind and soul is a present. You're alive because you deserve to be. I believe most of us are in first world countries. We don't wake up to a new government or have to think about when the next meal will be.. There are hotlines and people for you. Take that depression and kick it's butt. You are the one who creates your future. You control your thoughts and happiness.

And the baby mamas... Honestly that woman is nuts. Just stunt on yourself and your lady and your daughter. That Bm don't mean a thing. Don't let her get to ya. Once she starts seeing you get your son or daughter a wardrobe or taking her to see frozen on ice or them happier... You win. Get the kids to want to see daddy and auntie NewNew. It will eat her. Just it's about you and the kid. When they grow up they'll realize .
Being alone is not something you should feel bad about. A year ago I was independent. Doing my own stuff. I left my university to go back home since my parents moved to a better place. The new college was down the block. I picked up a bad habit and my grades suffered. My relationship with my girlfriend was tainted. I pushed her away. Spent most of my time alone vibing. My friends either were back at school or at my old joint. In this time frame I learned to be myself and who I am in a way. My own being. Life is about growing as a person and creating something. I quit my bad habits and started to change what I felt was negative about myself. I see positive changes in my life today. My relationship with my girlfriend is quite better. We took a few months off and I realized its hard to throw something away when time and effort was placed into it, it's hard to just start over sometimes. Some may say it's better but that's a variable I do not need. I wanted to be a better person, a better brother, son, friend, boyfriend. My past caught up with me. But I won't allow it to ruin the future.

Suicide is never the way folks. Your mind and soul is a present. You're alive because you deserve to be. I believe most of us are in first world countries. We don't wake up to a new government or have to think about when the next meal will be.. There are hotlines and people for you. Take that depression and kick it's butt. You are the one who creates your future. You control your thoughts and happiness.

And the baby mamas... Honestly that woman is nuts. Just stunt on yourself and your lady and your daughter. That Bm don't mean a thing. Don't let her get to ya. Once she starts seeing you get your son or daughter a wardrobe or taking her to see frozen on ice or them happier... You win. Get the kids to want to see daddy and auntie NewNew. It will eat her. Just it's about you and the kid. When they grow up they'll realize .
Real frustration around this job **** man

this man gets it :pimp:

Keep making moves

The only reason why i spend so much time online is because i don't have anyone to talk to in real life
I don't think about suicide but life is boring
Idk, i wanna be happy but my body is stressed the **** out and i'm only 19
Same age as you went through the same ****

This year has really been life changing fam

Used to wake up 4 in the afternoon feeling like **** cuz I had no job wasn't in school ,watching other people make moves

Then I got sick of that **** ,went out and got my license worked out more ,got into college and landed a job (for a short amount of time) :lol:

Point is to do something everyday that's productive and will better your future

Change your habits

Work out
Find a job get around your city

Make a plan (don't share it with anyone)
Just lost my father to pancreatic cancer about 2 weeks ago.

He was only diagnosed in May, never though he would be gone so early.

I'm a strong man and have dealt with this as best as I can, but there are just some days that I feel lost.

Sounds selfish for me to resent losing my father at 25 years old , when plenty of people have never had or known their father.

I keep telling myself take this one day at a time.
Sounds selfish for me to resent losing my father at 25 years old , when plenty of people have never had or known their father.
I am sorry for your loss, but i don't see what is selfish about missing someone like your dad...if i am comprehending your statement properly... 

if your father and you were close, you have every right to miss someone that hopefully had a positive impact on your life...stop thinking about others, who have nothing to do with you and grieve/celebrate his life...spend time with your family and talk about the good times or do whatever you need to do that will put you back in a positive mind state...
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Just lost my father to pancreatic cancer about 2 weeks ago.

He was only diagnosed in May, never though he would be gone so early.

I'm a strong man and have dealt with this as best as I can, but there are just some days that I feel lost.

Sounds selfish for me to resent losing my father at 25 years old , when plenty of people have never had or known their father.

I keep telling myself take this one day at a time.
my condolences.Bro, I know exactly how you feel. What you're saying about how you didn't have enough time is exactly what I said too. I lost my mom in july, she went to the hospital for just pneumonia and its happened before and it was supposed to be a easy fix but they found out it was something else, and it still hurts to this day. It's going to suck. There will be days that hurt a lot and then there will be days where it's just an okay/good day and then there will be horrible days where you are ready to quit or snap. No matter what just keep doing what you have to do to make your dad proud. He's there for you still whether or not you see him. I still talk to my mom to this day whether I visit her at the cemetery or just when I'm by myself and I'm feelin bummed out. Trust me when I say this, all those feelings and emotions are normal. If you ever need someone to talk to PM me or hmu on here or any thread. Again I am truly sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your fam.
Mr. Rolex, I don't know you, nor is my life all that bad off, I think I'm better than I give myself credit for, but damb if what you wrote doesn't make me want to do better. When you said that " you are alive because you deserve to be" that caught me in the feels, I'm like I'm alive and I should make more of being alive. What you've written was the most inspirational thing I've read in a long time. Thank you.
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