- Jun 10, 2006
- 3,149
- 987
This is my current life. Work then school. If I'm lucky, I get to hit the crossfit gym when ever I'm not tired from work, slammed with work, or slammed with homework. I'm stressed even though most times, I don't want to admit it to myself. I'm not happy with work to the point my IDGAF tude is showing and don't care if it is. I'm not happy with the current workload and get little to no support. So it's like I'm set up to fail. I have enough stashed to pay my bills for a least 2 months and tell everybody - **** you, but that ain't the smartest idea. Only thing to do is send out this resume and hope somebody bites. I'm not getting any play but I'm not eem worried b, yambs is like catching the bus.
Same here brother. I work full time, after that it's night class, and when I get home it's homework or studying until 2AM. Some days I will squeeze the gym in, I try to at least 3 days of the week.
I just got my first IT certification (passed the test on Monday) after months of studying, so that freed up a lot of time -- but all that time will just go to my current school load (2 classes -- programming and stats). I had just decided to go back to school in the beginning of this year -- really want to obtain my masters in the future. I think about it every day and fear that I may get shot down, but I'm going to try my best.
One thing I can say about the stress, is that it is good stress. Although I am so restless at times, I am reassured by the accomplishments midway and that keeps my drive.
Don't see it as setting up yourself to fail, see it as a minor setback and get through it man.
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