
Yo Sole Blessed I gotta be honest it irks me how you type everything out with capital first letters. Hella random but yeah. And you don't even do it half the time. Consistency is key man lol
Yo Sole Blessed I gotta be honest it irks me how you type everything out with capital first letters. Hella random but yeah. And you don't even do it half the time. Consistency is key man lol
:lol: :smh: I question myself too rereading. My iPhone got me slipping but I feel I do it for the important sentences.
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I'm appreciating everyone's honesty in this thread.. @FOUSEY thank you for your story and I can say I struggle with the double life thing also. Yours goes deep though..mine has to do my parents also but I've learned to live with it. I hope you find your way bro.
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I gotta get this off my chest, pun intended....

Estos son mis confesiones
Justo cuando pensaba que le dije todo lo que podría decir
Mi chica en el lado dijo que había recibido uno en el camino
Estos son mis confesiones
El hombre que estoy tirado y yo no sé qué hacer
Supongo que tengo que dar a la parte 2 de mis confesiones
Si yo voy a decir entonces que tengo que decirle a todo
Maldita cerca llorado cuando recibí esa llamada telefónica
Estoy tan Throwed y yo no sé qué hacer
Pero para darle la parte 2 de mis confesiones

I'm rusty

Bout to send this off to my Hispanic peeps for quick translation
I should have never drank goose right after I drank brews and Henney. These are my confessions.
I visited my family out-of-state this past week and found out my grandma is showing early stages of dementia.

It's difficult to see her like this, knowing that I only visit once a year during Christmas. Although it may be selfish of me to think, it would be much easier if she can go in peace than to have her condition worsen (and people trying to take advantage of her current state).
I visited my family out-of-state this past week and found out my grandma is showing early stages of dementia.

It's difficult to see her like this, knowing that I only visit once a year during Christmas. Although it may be selfish of me to think, it would be much easier if she can go in peace than to have her condition worsen (and people trying to take advantage of her current state).
My great grandma suffered from Alzheimer's before she passed away and it made things difficult on my family, obviously through no fault of her own. I'm not exactly sure of all of the details of the disease, but it was incredible how sometimes she could forget long-term family members and friends and yet could wander to places and go to people she'd met just a few times. I was younger, but I remember the cops having to help find her sometimes. Her memory could be extremely sharp recalling details from her early childhood and other times she'd be speaking of things that never happened.

My grandpa showed early stages of dementia before he passed away early last year and honestly I felt the same way. Based on my family's attitudes and reactions I think I was the only one who felt this way. When he passed away they acted like he was stolen away, but I knew he wouldn't have to endure the full-on onset of dementia and the array of other health-related concerns that plagued him the past few years.
I have a great girl but I sometimes feel obligated to another girl, I never acted on it and hopefully never will however i want to cut the feelings and ties to the other girl. I don't talk to the other girl every day, sometimes weeks go by but every once in awhile I find myself still thinking about her. I also feel like I'm living a double life like some of you have mentioned.
I have a great girl but I sometimes feel obligated to another girl, I never acted on it and hopefully never will however i want to cut the feelings and ties to the other girl. I don't talk to the other girl every day, sometimes weeks go by but every once in awhile I find myself still thinking about her. I also feel like I'm living a double life like some of you have mentioned.

Tell the other girl why you want nothing more to do with her. Her response will show you everything you need to know about her.

Been there a few times. Dodged several bullets. But I've seen dudes that didn't know when to end it go down in flames.

It's best just to never open those doors in the first place. Water your own lawn and the other grass can't be greener.
Old ex hit me up on some how are you type tip. Must be one of her new year resolutions :lol: I kept it cordiall
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I have a home girl, or at least we used to be cool, now we're cordial. Her marriage is breaking up and I'm lowkey happy because that marriage was a fraud to begin with. She suckered this girl into quitting her job, moving down here, getting a crappy job, ruined this girls credit, fleeced a co-worker out of $10,500 after his wife died. This chick is a fraud and I hope she lets her wife move on with her life. And on top of that, she ain't even really gay, just a role.
Tell the other girl why you want nothing more to do with her. Her response will show you everything you need to know about her.

Been there a few times. Dodged several bullets. But I've seen dudes that didn't know when to end it go down in flames.

It's best just to never open those doors in the first place. Water your own lawn and the other grass can't be greener.
Thanks, I'm at the point where I have to make the decision before it gets any worse. I know the other girl would be no good for me, the lust is what tempts me but I know what I have to do. You're right, it's best to never open the doors, I can't imagine anything good would come out of it.
Thanks, I'm at the point where I have to make the decision before it gets any worse. I know the other girl would be no good for me, the lust is what tempts me but I know what I have to do. You're right, it's best to never open the doors, I can't imagine anything good would come out of it.

Don't confuse lust for love. It happens to the best of us. Accept your mistake, forgive yourself and move on. Remember why you love your girl and focus that energy you give to the side on her. Don't let that new P mess your life up homie.

Under no circumstances EVER bring this up to your girl. Live with the guilt. It's yours, not hers.
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Ayy I was just in a similar position. Except I'm married. Once girly found out I was married she tried even harder to get my attention. And I sort of liked her to begin with. So she would be visiting me at work, laying it down wit me in my back office on some cuddling steez. About a week in, I realized exactly where that situation would go and just like dude said, envisioned my whole life goin down in flames.

Deaded that quick. I told her exactly wats up and she was like aite I'll stop bothering you .. And that was it. It was a huge relief and I think a big test considering it was the first 3 months of my marriage.

I'm proud of myself for not going further and having the control to recognize my duties as a man and how easy it is to mess up in this world or how the bad honeys still exist after marriage and its up to you to dodge them.

Marriage don't change you, you have to change yourself. Often times dudes like myself or my homies, think marriage will automatically make you a better person... Like yo I will stop smoking, cheating, playing Once I'm married. It don't work like that. That's a personal effort needs to be made to achieve that change and settle into the new role and accept it and love it.
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I slept in my van last night

Was cold as hell

Went to Walmart this morning to grab a blanket

Helped dramatically

My eyes are wide open

I saw a persons true colors anymore so I can't rock with them

I expect it to be a harsh winter but I'll have my own place by spring if I play my cards right
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