
Not into drugs^

Ready for that college life. I feel like my mind has went past my age, like I've grown more wise than people think the average 18 year old is.
Damn if I had to guess based on post I would've thought you were one of the older dudes. You got the 06 Grapes and didnt outgrow them over the last 7 years?

I didn't get them in 2006, my father did, I bought them off of him since he was about to sell them to FC. I'm a size 9.5/10 but I can fit into them nicely.

I guess I sound older than I am, which is fine. Age is really but a number I guess :lol

I felt the same way at your age. Nothing wrong with that. Went to college, one of the best decisions of my life if not THE BEST.
Definitely do it if you can. You will come to realize that you were right about most of those people but wrong about some. Best part is you can use the fact that you were away as an excuse for not seeing them when you realize who the good ones are.

Wish you the best.

I was thinking about that last part :lol

I've gone to a few colleges to check them out, campus life seems great. UMW (where my sister goes) is a great quiet school in downtown Fredericksburg. Being there all day everyday would be great, I also went to ODU and it's a great school but it isn't surrounded my the nicest of neighborhoods if you know what I mean. Crime watch off the charts. A few other schools have been looking at me, like Penn state, but I'm still unsure. I don't want to base it completely off of campus life, I need to find a school with a strong psychology branch.
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^Make sure they are strong in other things besides psychology. When you take college level classes you end up hating things you used to like. If you go to a school that is only good at psychology then you can't switch majors
I'm going insane. I feel like I've evolved past my friends and family, because everyone around me who used to be the coolest people to me annoy me now. There isn't anything they can say or do that doesn't annoy me. I can feel my anger coming back, and after being so calm for so long it doesn't feel good. It feels like crap. But I can't escape the large amount of people who always want to talk about some dumb **** or debate with me over something I never said. I look at people I've known for a long time like they are the plague. It's even spread to my girlfriend whom I've been with for years. I can't get over this, because it feels like they are ruining my life and dragging me down and I wish there was just some rope I could cut and they would all tumble loose and out of my life. I've always been proud of myself for not reducing myself to drugs and alcohol over issues like this, but now I'm not so sure.

I want to go to college right this moment so I can leave them all behind and have nothing to do with them anymore. And what's with all these touchy feels people? They think they can touch my hair without asking me just because it's there? The hell is that? If you touch me, that's disrespect. Period. I don't care your reasoning, if you don't respect me then why should I respect you? I'm so worked up and annoyed because these people won't leave. And it's not until now that I realize that they have a huge part in my life and they are turning me for the worst.

I'm tired of these people nt, I really am.

Sir Charles I felt the same way (except for the anger and girlfriend part) when I was 18 and I couldn't wait to leave off to college and I am glad I did. Hopefully you will make friends like I have (small circle but we all want success) and you succeed the way you'd like. You'll learn that ignorant people are everywhere including college but you just gotta know how to distance yourself from them even if it means focusing 100% on classes for a little while. Just remember to stay on top of your work and don't forget to act your age every once in a while, some times it's ok to fail as long as you learn from it. Last but not least, don't let anything or anyone discourage you and you'll be good.
I'm behind in a class and on the verge of failing it and its killing me :(
I'm behind in a class and on the verge of failing it and its killing me
Story of my semester right now. 
I've been working on my diet and picking exercise back up since the wrestling season ended, but
at this point I'm only working out harder to look better on some Count of Monte Cristo, revenge bang steez.
Shoot, I know I'm handsome, but I'm chubby, and I'm an ***** hole. It feels like whether physically, or by my
personality, no one wants me, they want me to change and be a nice guy, eff em.
When I was a funny, nice, fat, dude they walked all over me. Now I'm a funny, jerk dude and they can't stand me.
But I'm gonna keep griding, start running, start losing weight, start getting abs, and run through hos.
I'm not happy, and I don't think I'll be happy anytime soon :{
I've been working on my diet and picking exercise back up since the wrestling season ended, but
at this point I'm only working out harder to look better on some Count of Monte Cristo, revenge bang steez.
Shoot, I know I'm handsome, but I'm chubby, and I'm an ***** hole. It feels like whether physically, or by my
personality, no one wants me, they want me to change and be a nice guy, eff em.
When I was a funny, nice, fat, dude they walked all over me. Now I'm a funny, jerk dude and they can't stand me.
But I'm gonna keep griding, start running, start losing weight, start getting abs, and run through hos.
I'm not happy, and I don't think I'll be happy anytime soon :{
Know that feel
I am just about finishing my 4th year in CC but I am not transferring until another year. A smart and savy student would be able to transfer in 2 years. Smart students transfer by 3. Average student take about 4 but I'm planning on transferring after my 5th. :( I feel like I failed my parents and peer's expectations but its my life and I'm in the driver seat. I will do whats best for me and live my own life.
I was feeling pretty good today, kept the annoying people away from me, and kept on really good terms with my girl. Mousepad came in finally, and I got a letter from Penn State telling me to apply. I hope to keep it this way.
I am just about finishing my 4th year in CC but I am not transferring until another year. A smart and savy student would be able to transfer in 2 years. Smart students transfer by 3. Average student take about 4 but I'm planning on transferring after my 5th. :( I feel like I failed my parents and peer's expectations but its my life and I'm in the driver seat. I will do whats best for me and live my own life.

I was in CC for 4 years to bro. i feel you on everything you said. you just have to man up and stay focus.

Also find out what you trully enjoy and stick with it. don't go into a degree that bores the **** out of you
I'm instensly attracted to nerdy, plain, and generic white women. Gorgeous and educated black women throw themselves at me and although I'm attracted I'm not nearly as turned on as I am to quirky white women who wont even look in my direction. Most the time they're obvious losers too.

It's like I want to win them over and can't.
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I am just about finishing my 4th year in CC but I am not transferring until another year. A smart and savy student would be able to transfer in 2 years. Smart students transfer by 3. Average student take about 4 but I'm planning on transferring after my 5th.
I feel like I failed my parents and peer's expectations but its my life and I'm in the driver seat. I will do whats best for me and live my own life.
As long as you end up doing what you like for a living don't trip about it. Everyone goes at their own pace.
For the first time in my life I actually feel "happy". I don't mean happy I got something or that temporary feeling when something good happens but I believe that I am actually feeling happiness. For the longest time I had no idea what happiness meant to me (just like love) but I definitely feel happiness right now. I've been through so much in life that happiness didn't seem realistic to me like everybody portrays it to be and I used to think that so many people around me were going through life with a fairytale perception of everything but now I can honestly say that happiness is real to me. I don't mean to sound corny but I feel like Will Smith at the end of "The Pursuit of Happiness" :lol
- I feel so much happier now that the toxic people in my life are out. I'm still dealing with the damage they caused, though.
- I have the weirdest attraction to older guys. Like, 2-10 years older me type of older. Also, I think Viet guys, Korean guys, and Jewish guys are cute too. :{ :lol
- I get triggered really easily. My brain just mentally shuts off when I see guys who remotely look like any of my ex's.
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For the first time in my life I actually feel "happy". I don't mean happy I got something or that temporary feeling when something good happens but I believe that I am actually feeling happiness. For the longest time I had no idea what happiness meant to me (just like love) but I definitely feel happiness right now. I've been through so much in life that happiness didn't seem realistic to me like everybody portrays it to be and I used to think that so many people around me were going through life with a fairytale perception of everything but now I can honestly say that happiness is real to me. I don't mean to sound corny but I feel like Will Smith at the end of "The Pursuit of Happiness" :lol

I am jealous. The past few years I don't think I have ever been at a point where I could say I am actually happy. I have experienced things that have given me the feeling for a short period of time, but it hasn't been anything I have been able to sustain.
I am jealous. The past few years I don't think I have ever been at a point where I could say I am actually happy. I have experienced things that have given me the feeling for a short period of time, but it hasn't been anything I have been able to sustain.

I know that feel bro, just keep pushing. When it hit me it hit me all at once, it's all still overwhelming but I think my thoughts prior is what makes it even more special. I've dealt with so much depression it seemed like life just wasn't going my way. Hang in there and those stars will align, trust me.
I'm instensly attracted to nerdy, plain, and generic white women. Gorgeous and educated black women throw themselves at me and although I'm attracted I'm not nearly as turned on as I am to quirky white women who wont even look in my direction. Most the time they're obvious losers too.

It's like I want to win them over and can't.
 I know her ugliness is exaggerated in the Don't Be a Menace clip for comical purposes but it's really is like that. Replace her with Allison Williams, Ke$ha, Kristin Davis, Sarah Wayne Callies, Ivanka Trump.and Samantha Gunthtie. (Especially Sarah and Samantha)

Just average looking, pancake butts and swag.

It's not like I even think about having a relationship with them, I just want to SMASH, and I don't know why...been like that all my life.

I feel like I'm selling myself short because in reality no matter how clean cut of a guy I am I know they'd never touch me because I'm BLACK.
This heightens my lust. 

There's literally NOT ONE DAY where I'm not hit on by black, Hispanic or Asian women and they're pretty nice looking but it just feels too easy.
But I just can't get these plain boring sometimes doofy and pragmatic white women to look my way. 

I want this reality to GO AWAY but it won't. If this what if feels like to be a heroin addict and you just can't kick the habit...then I feel for them, I really do. Because I don't like this addiction it's unhealthy and psychotic.
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I am not attracted to black girls lately. (I'm black and have a black gf)

Mostly been attracted to Hispanic chicks lately and it shows.

I feel dead. I'm 5'9", 138 lbs. and I eat whatever I want. I don't gain any weight. I plan on going to the gym Monday to run and workout because I hate the way I feel right now. I don't feel like any of my "juices" or blood is flowing if you know what I mean.
^^^^ I love black women but I am the type they don't check for..smdh
All my girlfriends(ex fiancé) were asian and I find them to be beautiful just like black women but know I can never achieve a serious relationship with them because of how racist asian parents are
Suck don't find Latinas or Caucasian or East Asian women attractive at all
But if a black chick or asian chick walks by I damn near break my neck... Forever alone
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