Continuous Bomb threats at my school vol: Can't even go to class

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Your school not have caller id?
Lol, they're not calling them in, that's the thing.....I've heard rumors its being done by writing in bathrooms, and some of the latest ones were sent via letters to the school offices....I really don't think they have the slightest idea of how to stop this, now there's a petition to close down the school too smh....I'm just really praying nothing happens b/c campus is really densely populated, it's build upwards and not spread out...but how the hell do you have 7 threats in 24 hours in 6 different buildings? This guy is just effing w/ the system now
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

After what happened in Oakland, I wouldn't take this kind of junk lightly.
And they aint. They following protocol as usual. Offering $50k to the person who helps convict the assailant(s) and if I found out who it is, I'd be singing like nobody's business. It's disturbing the kids getting their education. Cats payin out of pocket to attend school and gettin screwed bc some dude aint study/wanna play jokes.  Not to mention the loans I owe Pitt.
Need to get them knocked out
Doesn't make sense for it to just be a joke. 17 in a few weeks?
They're softening you up. They want people to let their guards down.
17 left jabs followed by a sneaky right cross. The real one wouldn't be called in, so keep your guard up and don't rely on the school telling you where the danger is.
Keep your eyes open and stay safe.
Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Doesn't make sense for it to just be a joke. 17 in a few weeks?
They're softening you up. They want people to let their guards down.
17 left jabs followed by a sneaky right cross. The real one wouldn't be called in, so keep your guard up and don't rely on the school telling you where the danger is.
Keep your eyes open and stay safe.

Real life.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by GRyPR33

Doesn't make sense for it to just be a joke. 17 in a few weeks?
They're softening you up. They want people to let their guards down.
17 left jabs followed by a sneaky right cross. The real one wouldn't be called in, so keep your guard up and don't rely on the school telling you where the danger is.
Keep your eyes open and stay safe.

Real life.
Exactly what I'm worried about, on some boy who cried wolf type of stuff....I'm worried something could go down in one of the two major academic buildings that haven't received a threat yet, my eyes are gonna be all over for anything suspect for roommate was just talking about what if this wasn't even their plan, they just wanted to get a large number of people in a tight area and try and do another shooting....had me like 
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