Cool Job: Brand Director, Nike....good read

Apr 7, 2004
Cool Job: Brand Director, Nike:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, 'Bitstream Vera Sans', sans-serif]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, 'Bitstream Vera Sans', sans-serif]I'm trying to get a gig with Nike, it will be hard as hell, but i've got great experience and solid connections, they have a dept. mainly focused in music marketing, basically getting product placement in videos, etc. Thats where I want to be. Just thought I'd post, if anyone is interested in working for Nike. Nice little read.[/font]
Cool Job: Brand Director, Nike:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, 'Bitstream Vera Sans', sans-serif]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, 'Bitstream Vera Sans', sans-serif]I'm trying to get a gig with Nike, it will be hard as hell, but i've got great experience and solid connections, they have a dept. mainly focused in music marketing, basically getting product placement in videos, etc. Thats where I want to be. Just thought I'd post, if anyone is interested in working for Nike. Nice little read.[/font]
Originally Posted by theNextPuff

Cool Job: Brand Director, Nike:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, 'Bitstream Vera Sans', sans-serif]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, 'Bitstream Vera Sans', sans-serif]I'm trying to get a gig with Nike, it will be hard as hell, but i've got great experience and solid connections, they have a dept. mainly focused in music marketing, basically getting product placement in videos, etc. Thats where I want to be. Just thought I'd post, if anyone is interested in working for Nike. Nice little read.[/font]
Good luck man. That would be every dude on this board's dream to be working for the swoosh. I had two friends that interviewed up in Oregon. One was a Duke grad that was on the golf team & another interviewed for the design dept (I think...). Both made it a road trip to check out campus & everything. I do know someone in the medical field, that last I heard is working with Nike possibly in orthotics. But not sure now. Anyways good luck.
Originally Posted by theNextPuff

Cool Job: Brand Director, Nike:
[font=Helvetica, Arial, 'Bitstream Vera Sans', sans-serif]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, 'Bitstream Vera Sans', sans-serif]I'm trying to get a gig with Nike, it will be hard as hell, but i've got great experience and solid connections, they have a dept. mainly focused in music marketing, basically getting product placement in videos, etc. Thats where I want to be. Just thought I'd post, if anyone is interested in working for Nike. Nice little read.[/font]
Good luck man. That would be every dude on this board's dream to be working for the swoosh. I had two friends that interviewed up in Oregon. One was a Duke grad that was on the golf team & another interviewed for the design dept (I think...). Both made it a road trip to check out campus & everything. I do know someone in the medical field, that last I heard is working with Nike possibly in orthotics. But not sure now. Anyways good luck.
They have a Senior Financial Analyst job opening at the Nike regional office down the street from my house. I would totally apply if I didn't have a great job already. I'm trying to get my friends to apply so I can get hook
They have a Senior Financial Analyst job opening at the Nike regional office down the street from my house. I would totally apply if I didn't have a great job already. I'm trying to get my friends to apply so I can get hook
@bryants8to24 i appreciate that man, I got alot of people trying to get me in there, I've also had a chat with a previous Nike marketing manager, she left in like 2004, but I found her on LinkedIN and reached out, she loved my story and what ive been doing with my jewelry company ( @rocspebbles ) and my marketing/PR experience, so im working hard to get in there for sure.
@bryants8to24 i appreciate that man, I got alot of people trying to get me in there, I've also had a chat with a previous Nike marketing manager, she left in like 2004, but I found her on LinkedIN and reached out, she loved my story and what ive been doing with my jewelry company ( @rocspebbles ) and my marketing/PR experience, so im working hard to get in there for sure.
@XanGelicO Your welcome! My goal is to do something related to working for Nike every single day, either doing research, looking up potential contacts, reaching out to people, bugging my contacts about helping me out coming across this email has been beneficial,,,I actually sent Marc an email on Friday to see if he would be willing to explore a discussion with me about his experience with Nike...hopefully he gets back to me...i've been doing IT technology marketing and PR for almost 4 years now, and I have a degree, so i'm proven.....
@XanGelicO Your welcome! My goal is to do something related to working for Nike every single day, either doing research, looking up potential contacts, reaching out to people, bugging my contacts about helping me out coming across this email has been beneficial,,,I actually sent Marc an email on Friday to see if he would be willing to explore a discussion with me about his experience with Nike...hopefully he gets back to me...i've been doing IT technology marketing and PR for almost 4 years now, and I have a degree, so i'm proven.....
So I got 2 responses from 2 different NIke execs on this job, they were both very kind and informed that the position received a ton of interest, and they forwarded my email onto the appropriate HR person for the gig. I actually emailed Marc the guy in that interview, he got back to me as well.
Its just nice to know that when you have experience and you present yourself on a corporate level, they will respect you and answer back....
So I got 2 responses from 2 different NIke execs on this job, they were both very kind and informed that the position received a ton of interest, and they forwarded my email onto the appropriate HR person for the gig. I actually emailed Marc the guy in that interview, he got back to me as well.
Its just nice to know that when you have experience and you present yourself on a corporate level, they will respect you and answer back....
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