cool tech stuff

the wait period was a cool invention, i wish they would bring it back though
but on a serious note this is 
DARPA Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle

View media item 644125
a global strike weapons program to develop vehicles capable of [COLOR=#red]flying at Mach 20 and reach any target in the world in an hour[/COLOR].



Quantum Computing
I can't even begin to explain how AMAZING this breakthrough is. We won't be able to see the effects of this for another 5-10 years, but this has incredible applications. It's widely believed that the secrets of teleportation, time travel, and even the origins of the universe lie within quantum physics. Here's a video if you're interested. Here's an article on it too.

Thorium Nuclear Power
Take everything you know about Nuclear energy. Now take away all of the incredibly bad stuff about it (i.e. Meltdowns, Nuclear waste, uranium enrichment, etc.) You now have Thorium Nuclear Energy! Instead of using enriched uranium to power reactions, this type of nuclear energy uses Thorium -- a much more abundant compound that doesn't have half of the negative side effects that traditional nuclear energy entails. It was discovered along with uranium-based nuclear energy, but was thrown by the wayside since Thorium is pretty much more difficult to weaponize. More info here. (a reminder that Nuclear Energy came as a byproduct of WW-I & WW-II as allied and enemy forces alike were attempting to create the ultimate weapon... interesting article on that as well.
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Very interested in the "new" forms of exotic matter. Makes what appears to be a magic a very real thing.
Very interested in the "new" forms of exotic matter. Makes what appears to be a magic a very real thing.

For those who are unfamiliar with the term "Exotic Matter" (wiki articles)

Exotic Matter: a term which refers to matter which would somehow deviate from the norm and have "exotic" properties. There are several uses of the term.
  • Hypothetical particles which have "exotic" physical properties that would violate known laws of physics, such as a particle having a negative mass.
  • Hypothetical particles which have not yet been encountered, such as exotic baryons, but whose properties would be within the realm of mainstream physics if found to exist.
  • States of matter which are not commonly encountered, such as Bose–Einstein condensates and quark–gluon plasma, but whose properties are perfectly within the realm of mainstream physics.
  • States of matter which are poorly understood, such as dark matter.

Negative Mass: a hypothetical concept of matter whose mass is of opposite sign to the mass of normal matter, e.g. −2 kg. Such matter would violate one or more energy conditions and show some strange properties, stemming from the ambiguity as to whether attraction should refer to force or the oppositely oriented acceleration for negative mass. It is used in certain speculative theories, such as on the construction of wormholes.

According to Ray Kurzweil's predictions (director of engineering at Google), we'll be able to use Femtotechnology (technology that is smaller than the nano and pico scale) to create new matter by the end of the 21st century. Exciting stuff. :pimp:
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crazy robot!

DARPA is up to some cool (albeit scary) stuff. I think the video you posted is of their BigDog model. They have a few others:

This robot can run up to 28MPH. It's faster than Usain Bolt.

This one can jump up to 30 feet consistently.

Makes me sad that the Marine Corps is one of the biggest contributors. All that innovation for war. :smh:
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those are awesome thanks for sharing! ive seen that jumping one

but never had seen  the cheetah one before!
30 years from now I think we will be seriously planning interstellar travel, and I think that the politics of today will be nothing compared to what we will deal with then.
That LS3 robot thing, is creepy as F!

And i dont get the big deal with the cheeter, arent machines suppose to act faster than humans. Thought it'd be able to run faster than 28mph tbh

3D guns -  

3D gun documentary (25mins) -   

I really hope 3D printers arent restricted to a certain market by ridiculous price points. 3D printers can literally lift a large portion of the world out of some level of poverty, i.e. roofs, water tanks etc. I hope the powers that govern its use, try to be rational. 

SMH at 3D guns though, such a terrible use for an amazing piece of innovation.. The guy in the docu is kinda crazy too
SMH at 3D guns though, such a terrible use for an amazing piece of innovation.. The guy in the docu is kinda crazy too

I think he is making a valid point. He's putting a ripple in the wave. He is proving a point that the majority of this world's population have zero clue about the real issues at hand today or the future we have ahead of us. Our politics are spent arguing over irrelevant matters that are made to seem relevant. We have answers for all of these issues we are dealing with today, but the governments have too big of a stronghold to allow any progress. It's too easy for them. Why would they let that go: 10 years from now, I think he is simply going to say "I told you so."

But if it matters, I do believe that every person should own a gun. Think of capitalism and money. How fair is it that a select group of people control all of the money? Imo, it's more fair than having a select group of people in control of all weapons.

That was pretty cool. Those flying formations must have been a ***** to program.
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