Copper Air Foamposite One (Merged)

Just left footaction on 34th, gettin a ticket.

Wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it would be, sj's release was 10x worse.
Originally Posted by MJsaver

Just left footaction on 34th, gettin a ticket.

Wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it would be, sj's release was 10x worse.
Audi....chill bro! You'll be able to get em cheaper than that. Try and keep in contact with sneaker_st to see what's gonna happen...he might have some extra...if not still 300 is too much to pay right now.
shiiiiiiiiiii.....dudes wanna pay $300 and they drop tomorrow?

for $ i'll go pick up some pairs for people at the footlocker near me since nothing but senior citizens shop there and they have 24 pairs of coppers
I'm in a crazy predicament NT ATL told me they had a size 7 just 2 days ago, now they're saying no size 7...I guess ill try NDC
Any bmore heads Footlocker in Security mall is selling Coppers now. $250 out the door though. This seem like they'll be a real easy cop in Bmore, so everybody tht wants them should be able to get them
Originally Posted by RichYung87

Originally Posted by MJsaver

Just left footaction on 34th, gettin a ticket.

Wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it would be, sj's release was 10x worse.

Hard to say, when i got in line at around 5p.m. about 30 people were ahead of me...

I got a ticket within 30 minutes.....

When i left the line was starting to stretch out...maybe 75-100 people...

Manager said they have 400+ prs, so everybody that was there SHOULD be good. 
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by mYKiCkZArEaG21

Only store in orlando fl gettin theses r footaction at florida mall... 16 pairs ONLY... At 7pm there givin out tickets so u could pick ur pair up at 9am tomorrow...
someone from Orlando didn't want to tell me where he was getting his pairs

I think he's just salty cuz he's not getting any period

I dropped the Footaction info on here over a week ago, and got called out saying they weren't getting them.  Must of been the same guy.  
Magic1978 wrote:

Originally Posted by BRNQING

Originally Posted by Magic1978

Originally Posted by BRNQING

look at the great email i received guys i am glad i ordered 2 pairs
this is foolishness

As you already know, the Copper Foamposite One is
releasing tomorrow, but only in a handful of
stores (Big City Footlockers, Footaction) will
receive this product on time. I buy and re-sell
from small mom&pop stores all across NYC, of which
none have received nor have any info on when Nike
is shipping out their allocations. In the best
interest of our relationship, I feel it is best to
issue you a FULL REFUND so you may grab the
opportunity to buy this product at your nearest
FL,FA on time. If I receive any update on when I
will receive my shipment, I will send you a
follow-up message to offer you a chance to buy
this product again w/ U.S FREE SHIPPING. I am
sorry for taking so long but I was unaware of the
entire situation as my supplier explained. Please
leave positive feedback, I will surely contact you
again once/if the Foamposite One releases to me.
Thank You for your understanding in this matter.
We appreciate your business.

- footwear_depot
Have you been following what's going on?  It's not his fault.  That's more stand up than some would have done.

what does that mean?  stand up, as in holding my money but relying on resaling to get my shoes ??? get real guy! you should only do resaling if you have an account or a for sure way of getting the shoes in bulk a FOR SURE WAY
He didn't hold your money on purpose, in fact he could have held it longer and just said I'm going to send them to you when I get them.  Some stuff is beyond peoples control.

And how did you think he got the sneakers?  Did you ask questions first?  Only people with accounts should do re-selling, they wouldn't need to re-sell 

Like someone said before, you shouldn't pre-order if you can't afford to let that money go, because it's like letting someone borrow money.

i cant afford it ? thats the first thing anyone says when someone has a problem with a pre -order .... its not about the money bro seriously its the way business is conducted... if you owned a company it would easily be run into the ground with your business  mind..... i can afford the shoes ... the principle in which the auction was put up was ridiculous and if you dont believe that ... your obviously the guy who put up the auction
has anyone talked to ron of shoetrends? with all the craziness i feel this will not end well.
Originally Posted by BRNQING

Magic1978 wrote:

Originally Posted by BRNQING

Originally Posted by Magic1978

Originally Posted by BRNQING

look at the great email i received guys i am glad i ordered 2 pairs
this is foolishness

As you already know, the Copper Foamposite One is
releasing tomorrow, but only in a handful of
stores (Big City Footlockers, Footaction) will
receive this product on time. I buy and re-sell
from small mom&pop stores all across NYC, of which
none have received nor have any info on when Nike
is shipping out their allocations. In the best
interest of our relationship, I feel it is best to
issue you a FULL REFUND so you may grab the
opportunity to buy this product at your nearest
FL,FA on time. If I receive any update on when I
will receive my shipment, I will send you a
follow-up message to offer you a chance to buy
this product again w/ U.S FREE SHIPPING. I am
sorry for taking so long but I was unaware of the
entire situation as my supplier explained. Please
leave positive feedback, I will surely contact you
again once/if the Foamposite One releases to me.
Thank You for your understanding in this matter.
We appreciate your business.

- footwear_depot
Have you been following what's going on?  It's not his fault.  That's more stand up than some would have done.

what does that mean?  stand up, as in holding my money but relying on resaling to get my shoes ??? get real guy! you should only do resaling if you have an account or a for sure way of getting the shoes in bulk a FOR SURE WAY
He didn't hold your money on purpose, in fact he could have held it longer and just said I'm going to send them to you when I get them.  Some stuff is beyond peoples control.

And how did you think he got the sneakers?  Did you ask questions first?  Only people with accounts should do re-selling, they wouldn't need to re-sell 

Like someone said before, you shouldn't pre-order if you can't afford to let that money go, because it's like letting someone borrow money.

i cant afford it ? thats the first thing anyone says when someone has a problem with a pre -order .... its not about the money bro seriously its the way business is conducted... if you owned a company it would easily be run into the ground with your business  mind..... i can afford the shoes ... the principle in which the auction was put up was ridiculous and if you dont believe that ... your obviously the guy who put up the auction

Home boy, you gambled and lost PERIOD. No one could foresee this happening. A lot of indy businesses that sell kicks rely on bigger stores because the bigger stores have the accounts. Nike just don't go around giving accounts to anyone. sneaker_depots fault that they didn't come through on RD. Theres a good chance he'll still get his shipment, just not tomorrow. U thought it was an easy score so u pre-ordered, so did I, difference is my pre order came through (good looks sneaker_st). Its a gamble, no one can see the future. Take it with a grain of salt.
Originally Posted by BRNQING

i cant afford it ? thats the first thing anyone says when someone has a problem with a pre -order .... its not about the money bro seriously its the way business is conducted... if you owned a company it would easily be run into the ground with your business  mind..... i can afford the shoes ... the principle in which the auction was put up was ridiculous and if you dont believe that ... your obviously the guy who put up the auction
Why did you respond to me twice?  Are you trying to take your anger out on me?  Well I'm the wrong one kid.

First of all, stop blaming others for YOUR fault.  You selected a reseller.  What did you expect on ebay taking pre-orders.  You just didn't get one who came through.  Now you're crying on NT like we can do something for you.  You know how many stories of this we've heard.  You didn't get your kicks, oh well, tough.  You're getting your money back, so stop crying, they're just sneakers.  There's a lot more important things going on in this world, so please stop crying on the internet and man up for God's sake.

And the reason I couldn't own a company is because I don't have the temperament, for dealing with people with you.  You've been a member for five years, and your first post are crying about a re-seller   
Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz

shiiiiiiiiiii.....dudes wanna pay $300 and they drop tomorrow?

for $ i'll go pick up some pairs for people at the footlocker near me since nothing but senior citizens shop there and they have 24 pairs of coppers

Dude...who is that in your avy?!?!
Originally Posted by 2 gun gibbs

Home boy, you gambled and lost PERIOD. No one could foresee this happening. A lot of indy businesses that sell kicks rely on bigger stores because the bigger stores have the accounts. Nike just don't go around giving accounts to anyone. sneaker_depots fault that they didn't come through on RD. Theres a good chance he'll still get his shipment, just not tomorrow. U thought it was an easy score so u pre-ordered, so did I, difference is my pre order came through (good looks sneaker_st). Its a gamble, no one can see the future. Take it with a grain of salt.

dudes going to be like, are you calling me fat 
Originally Posted by aceofjays

Originally Posted by Mayhemgatz

shiiiiiiiiiii.....dudes wanna pay $300 and they drop tomorrow?

for $ i'll go pick up some pairs for people at the footlocker near me since nothing but senior citizens shop there and they have 24 pairs of coppers

Dude...who is that in your avy?!?!
That is Elena Heiress
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