Cosmos A spacetime odyssey 3/9

Got bored and turned off the tv

Great show but I'm just burned out on Evolution/Natural Selection. It's all wee covered in my biology class the first month and half of the new semester :lol:

Will be watching next week though. :nerd:
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Melanin's properties extend beyond the pigment in skin color.

It exhibits chaotic behavior difficult to track and understand much like the aforementioned antimatter.

I can see the confusion in my post If it seemed I was making a physical connection, I was speaking more so from a spiritual/metaphysical point of view.

First impression:

Why start the show off with depicting that our history of pursuing the stars starts with a "European" hunter gatherer. I get this is a small piece of the show but it already sets an undertone for a specific agenda to be pushed.

Bruh. I was definitely taking a physical approach. Metaphysical hadn't crossed my mind, elaborate.
Wait sound travels faster than some odd 300 milli m/s??

I missed today's episode cause of work I'll b sure to catch it on demand
OMFG does NDT know everything!?

Dude was dropping knowledge on photography without any sign of ignorance.
lol! just about. I remember seeing dude on bill maher some weeks about and they way he explained some stuff...
How does sound travel faster than light though?

found this:

"According to Physics Web in 'Sound breaks the light barrier,' a professor of physics in Tennessee has designed an experiment which proves that sound can move faster than light. This looks like impossible -- and it is. In fact, the physicist has tweaked some scientific definitions. No sound can go faster than light. But a sound pulse, or more precisely, all the wavelengths associated to a sound, have a "group velocity" that far exceeds the real physical limits."
What did you agree with/disagree with specifically? Just curious. 

Complete lack of knowledge of how the first cell came to be.
Darwinism to it's full extent. Darwin also hypothesized how people of color are closely related to apes/monkeys more than their lighter/white counterparts.
Some other things that were trivial but probably because of my lack of knowledge/ study/ or complete understanding
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To my astronomy enthusiasts..tomorrow (monday going into tuesday) is the first lunar eclipse of 2014 peaking late at night. Weather permitting be sure to check it out!!!
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