cost of living in the motherland

Nov 17, 2007
sup fam
i would like to know the current situation back there when we talk about expenses and bills ..cost of living in general for an average bacherlor or family man... lets say how much you guys pay for electric, cable,water, fast internet (lol i know),  rent, gas allowance, food, as for a middle class to upper class nters...
My elec. bill, from a stable 8k for 2009 went to 12k last march 2010 and this april 2010 wooping 15k (family of 6pax/ 2 kids, 2 nanny me and wifey) water - 1k / ala pa sa house, gas,food...haayyy and nga pala Budget for J's...

dont go back here if i were
If you'll stay in Manila, it will be expensive as compared to any province here in PI... If i were you, I will just reside outside Manila, then start up a small business instead.
im no expert in this since im not paying any bills but from personal experience its much cheaper living here than in the states (especially compared to cali). my dad is retired, and here were able to live comfortably off his pension alone, unlike the states were he had to work and we stayed in a small apartment.
depends on your lifestyle and where you decide to live.

rent will probably consume the most, depending on the location. a nice 1-bedroom flat in Makati/Fort is easily at least Php 30k ($675), plus utilities would be another Php 10k+ ($225).

1-bedroom flats in Eastwood are pretty reasonable at Php 14-20k ($315-450).

I know of people who earn around $1000 monthly who live comfortably on their own, renting flats in Eastwood. That won't be enough if they lived in Makati or the Fort though.
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