Could I receive welfare/food stamps? vol. College student

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Originally Posted by NYH425

for the sake of your own dignity, can u really stoop that low? no disrespect, i don't know your situation. but if you're working at an intern, can't u just look for another job or internship? what happened to the days of being self sufficient?
Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Single 21 year old college student males do not deserve Welfare.

It's pathetic to resort to this level, to look for a handout.

Originally Posted by nomoplayinga

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Single 21 year old college student males do not deserve Welfare.

It's pathetic to resort to this level, to look for a handout.

LOL, ok.

What's pathetic is spoiled kids that get handed everything in life. My parents don't help me out much, the one huge thing they have done is let me use this car, despite how run-down it is. The rest is on me.

It's not like I'm not trying to look at other options. I've inquired into part-time stuff in addition to the internship, but nothing has worked out. I flipped weed for about a month last year and made $300, but I'll never do that again - too risky.

Who is supposed to get food stamps? Self-sufficient people who aren't making much money and need a little help to make ends meet?

Oh wait, that's me.
i'm sorry but it is kind of pathetic, cant you just work harder and pick up a second job. Plus isn't this why students take out LOANS.

- what get me about conservatives is they hold this idea of welfare and how thats cheating. the confusing part is, its a tool. a tool constructed by our government to help you get to where you're going in life.
- keep in mind i am ONLY talking about those individuals using the program for what its intended. can any conservative on here explain to me how using the welfare system is any different than using say a crowbar to pry something open? is that not cheating if you dont use your bare hands??

apply and see what happens. but as far as people saying that's "stooping low," if you only knew. i know there's some dudes here who live in low income areas and when i tell you that everybody is on EBT/WIC, i mean everybody. i know bad teenage chicks who go to the corner store every day and rack up using their EBT cards and hustlers who get $700 a month through SSI. so needless to say, you should be able to get something at least. but if you can't, don't be surprised because this country's welfare system is a joke.
Don't listen to all these people talking down to you for asking about welfare.  You work hard at school and your job I'm sure. Its yours, your parents, your family's taxes that pay for these programs, if you qualify then why not take advantage? 

If you dont deserve welfare then who does? Homeless people who got there by being drug addicts and alcoholics?  Hoodrats that got knocked up at 15?  I'd rather have my tax dollars going to someone who works hard and is in school and will actually become a productive member of society.  Don't get me wrong I'm all for hard working people and families that struggle to make ends meet getting assistance, but what the difference between them and you?

Oh yeah, I'm ready.
If it werent for this....

I would be struggling like no other, thank you government.... thank you

One day I won't need it and pay my taxes happy knowing I got helped too
Originally Posted by nomoplayinga

Originally Posted by badmoonRison

Originally Posted by davidisgodly

Single 21 year old college student males do not deserve Welfare.

It's pathetic to resort to this level, to look for a handout.

LOL, ok.

What's pathetic is spoiled kids that get handed everything in life. My parents don't help me out much, the one huge thing they have done is let me use this car, despite how run-down it is. The rest is on me.

It's not like I'm not trying to look at other options. I've inquired into part-time stuff in addition to the internship, but nothing has worked out. I flipped weed for about a month last year and made $300, but I'll never do that again - too risky.

Who is supposed to get food stamps? Self-sufficient people who aren't making much money and need a little help to make ends meet?

Oh wait, that's me.
i'm sorry but it is kind of pathetic, cant you just work harder and pick up a second job. Plus isn't this why students take out LOANS.

loans just to eat? hes a student...why pick  up a second job and break his back even more? unless you have some BS student worker job (not all but some) going to school and working one job is hard enough...his taxes pay for the welfare so why not benefit when he's  putting in?
It's there for a reason OP, if you don't use it some other lazy person will. You should try applying for Medicaid also if you don't have health insurance.

dudes are really giving op crap for trying to get welfare/food stamps when he could really use them unlike some people who milk the system.
where's this same rage when big corporations are stealing money time and time again and firing people, oh i forgot they can do that but when some random dude wants to get a little chump change from the government we gotta give him crap.

smh at the closed minded sheltered mentality of some on here. keep mommys nipple and that baby bottle in your mouth for a long time some of you guys because the real world is going to be a real eye opener
Yeah just pick up a second job and a loan, or more loans. This way your grades can suffer, you'll be a bit more stressed, AND you'll be in debt. Don't apply for a program meant for people in your situation, that's available regardless of you using it or not. Think about taxes man, taxes.

You guys are absolute morons, i've got to remember to stay away from serious discussions on here, ya'll the same privileged tools. BTW go for it OP.
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