CraigsList vol: are people rly this desperate?

Jul 29, 2006
its round 3:30 am here, cant sleep for some reason. was surfin through the internet. starting lookin through things on craiglist ( cars,tvs,movies) . man butthe personals are where its at, the things people say on here is straight comedy
NT are people rly this desperate??????
i was almost i tears reading some of the stuff on here their couples on there wanting to get it on wit other couples. 40+ yrold women askin for "help" . dudes comin outta the closet left and right. man the L's people must take on this site are making my stomach hurt.
their are always a few bad apples in any community, but its just sort of a scary eye opener when people dont have to meet people in person and their"primal" forms of thinking total encompass their virtual out cry's of their own personal assumptions of partial privacy, when it comes to meetingpeople in the "real" world. (though the term "real" is speculative). word to baudrillard and plato
Masterbation Partner - m4w - 28

Reply to: [email protected]
Date: 2008-03-27, 7:48AM PDT

Looking for a masterbation partner. You can watch me and then I can watch you. I'm not looking for a relationship, oral, or intercourse. I'm justlooking for some one to watch and learn from. I would like to chat first and see if we have some common interest about the subject of masterbation. I love itand enjoy it and I hope there is a female out there that feels the same way. Let me know if you are interested.

Hell no lol
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Yea like already stated, it's a trap!! no chicks post on CL unless they are an escort or looking for a female
yeah now that u posted this it got me thinkin bout how we treat women and the male concensus on the appreciation on women. we cannot exist without ourcounterpart but the way we treat them is what they assume we cant identity the culprit is a sad example on the mentality of humanity. god this is a sad statepeople are i this day and age
Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Yea like already stated, it's a trap!! no chicks post on CL unless they are an escort or looking for a female
yeah now that u posted this it got me thinkin bout how we treat women and the male concensus on the appreciation on women. we cannot exist without our counterpart but the way we treat them is what they assume we cant identity the culprit is a sad example on the mentality of humanity. god this is a sad state people are i this day and age
words of wisdom from a guy with a dragonballz avy
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Yea like already stated, it's a trap!! no chicks post on CL unless they are an escort or looking for a female
yeah now that u posted this it got me thinkin bout how we treat women and the male concensus on the appreciation on women. we cannot exist without our counterpart but the way we treat them is what they assume we cant identity the culprit is a sad example on the mentality of humanity. god this is a sad state people are i this day and age
words of wisdom from a guy with a dragonballz avy
who in their right mind did not grow up on dragon ball son?
The internet brings good and bad. CL is a community that supports this kind of thing, making the users think its ok or somewhat normal. They can connect withother people who feel the same weird ways and thats good as long as no one gets hurt. Most of the time thats not the case though.
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