crazy teachers

i had a substitute math teacher who thought he was abducted by aliens and they gave him a message to spread to students about a new number system..
and heres a video of him actually
Well when I was a sophomore I had this teacher who I thought was a lesbian. (She just had that dike look) But she was pregnant. A year later my friend saw herat the gym holding hands with some chick

Also sophomore year I was in health and this guest speaker chick was informing us about rape. The whole class was wild and loud and not paying any attention toher and she flipped out and told us how she was date raped and she started crying and basically ran out of class.

Freshman year my C.A.D. teacher threw a stapler at a wall and broke it.

Last year (senior year) i had this rude science teacher who was a total #+!$$. Most people never paid attention and at the end of the year a bunch of peopledropped her class (including me) and she looked like she had been crying when I went to get her to sign the class drop form.
I remember during 10th grade my Spanish teacher Mr Miller (white guy who did not know much Spanish) was arrested by the cops. He was known to write checks toget things, and then immediately put a stop payment on the checks lol. He would brag to the class how clever he was, and how he would continue to "gamethe system". Needless to say, the $*# hit the fan, and one day when he showed up to work, the principal and the cops were waiting out front for hisarrival. He must have knew they were there for him, because he did not make it halfway down the block, before he turned around and started running. The copschased and caught him, and slammed him to the ground. Kids were on the ground because they were laughing so hard.
dont feel like writin em all out but we had a guest speaker who fought in WWII. he was the craziest dude ever. He showed us pictures of people he had cut upand burned and all this stuff and threatened to kill a korean kid cuz he looked like a "dirty ***"
Originally Posted by antoekneeo

I remember during 10th grade my Spanish teacher Mr Miller (white guy who did not know much Spanish) was arrested by the cops. He was known to write checks to get things, and then immediately put a stop payment on the checks lol. He would brag to the class how clever he was, and how he would continue to "game the system". Needless to say, the $*# hit the fan, and one day when he showed up to work, the principal and the cops were waiting out front for his arrival. He must have knew they were there for him, because he did not make it halfway down the block, before he turned around and started running. The cops chased and caught him, and slammed him to the ground. Kids were on the ground because they were laughing so hard.
Someone post a gif of what his facial expression might have been
Damn you guys have crazy stories. The only wild teacher I had was my 7th grade science teacher. One time he was really pissed and cussed out a student in frontof the class and physically pushed him down into his seat. But he wasn't really crazy...he was a chill dude and he just lost his temper. Great teacherthough, minus the amount of work he gave us.
my history teacher was pretty crazy. He always had funny cursing arguments right in front of the class with another crazy teacher I had from New York.

One time, a girls phone rang in class. He took the girls phone, went outside and threw it across to the roof of another building.
I had a whole bunch of teachers in high school that used to throw the board erasers at anyone that was sleeping during class.

Also there was this teacher I had for chemistry, and she was bending down in front of me and my boys helping another student. While doing this her thong wasshowing and my friend started touching a little tag that was hanging from it. I don"t know if she felt it and didn't care or if she ever noticed butit was funny and has us like
as 15 year olds.

I almost forgot there was another teacher who was cool, but he tripped over my baseball bag during class one day so he got mad and threw it out the window. Iwas heated but I couldn't do anything lol.
i had a Biology teacher in high school that was an ex-marine. I saw him have flashbacks a couple times during class. I wouldn't go and say he was crazythough.
Originally Posted by HyphySole

my history teacher was pretty crazy. He always had funny cursing arguments right in front of the class with another crazy teacher I had from New York.

One time, a girls phone rang in class. He took the girls phone, went outside and threw it across to the roof of another building.
who's in your avy?
Originally Posted by Lunatic 809

I had the craziest English teacher in middle school. She would start crying out of nowhere and talk about how her daughter was a drug addict. One day some of my friends started making animal noises and she went crazy trying to figure out where the noise was coming from.

She had the biggest camel toe too
We would tell her and she would just laugh and not do anything about it.

i had an English teacher that use to cry out of nowhere. i think her son died in a car accident or something, because every friday she told us to be safe if wego to parties and she'd start crying.
i had a teacher who swore she died and came back to life. She claimed to know how it felt to be dead.
when i was in 7th grade i was taking french my teacher (woman) was crazy.. she would filp out for no damn reason. she was happy one minute and angry the when i was in 8th grade i heard that some kid was playing around with a rubber band and by accident slipped off his fingers and she saw it flying across theroom and she grabbed by the shirt and got em out the seat to pick up the rubber band and for no reason she kicked him and the kid fell to the ground being alldramatic and then she kicked em again... i dont know if the kids parents sued but months passed by and she was still teaching...
I had some weird teachers

not many crazy ones

like this one dude who smelled everyday and was just weird, he seemed like one of those "How to catch a predator" guys
When i was in middle school Art class teacher who an grumpy old lady would toss an eraser too anyone caught talking in class ....well one day she ran outof eraser so she threw a stapler toward my friend and hit him in the head ....everyone in class was
, while my friend was
My old band teacher in HS was racist as hell. Calling Rap jungle music and the such. Turned out he married one of his former students who was black. go figure.
Originally Posted by ABallin23

i had a substitute math teacher who thought he was abducted by aliens and they gave him a message to spread to students about a new number system..
and heres a video of him actually

Dude looks like one of the members of the Heavens Gate
My spanish teacher wasn't actually crazy, but one time she was real weird. This dude in that class was like Native American or whatever. We were readingthis spanish textbook and inside it instead of Native Americans, it read Indians. My teacher was just reading out of the book. All of a sudden, the dude juststarts yelling, "That's racist, You're a racist!" Then she got up and said " Get out of my classroom!" Then she broke out intotears screaming, "I'm not a racist!!" She literally cried for the rest of the period. Best spanish teacher I ever had though.
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