Credit: Do you have good/bad credit?? Vol. Suze Orman

Jan 5, 2008
Credit: Do you have good/bad credit?? Have you ruined your credit? Is it in great shape? Has a family member or friend ruined it? I ruined mine in college andthe past few years I've managed to pay off my bills and get on the right track, but now I need to build it back else can you build your creditbesides credit card purchases??? Discuss
bad credit, im on my way to getting everything back to zero, though so i should be a good boy and ill be straight ina year or so, im only 20 btw
youre young, thats a good thing....atleast you learned your lesson before its time to buy a car/house etc
Good credit. I'm 21 and I bought a car on my own, making payments every month on time and I have a couple of credit cards that I've never been late on.Feels good.
I recently found out you need at least a 680 to get a 4.25% rate on a mortgage, so just try to stay above that. I have a 634 raised my score 100 points in twoyears. My credit was horrible, but discipline and smarts have put me on the right track. Shooting for 700+ by the middle of next year.



esp in these times-
bad credit messed it up last year i didnt have a job for a while and got like 2 credit cards

i got time to fix it though im only 21 plan on paying both of them off later this year.
I have good credit right now. I've had a credit card for the past 2 years. I pay everything in Full and on time. I don't know my credit score... Inever checked. I started off with a student credit card with a low limit from my bank and now I have 4 credit cards and 2 AMEX charge cards. I recently justgot a Platinum Amex.
my limts been cut by citi ... score went down ... now its only good ....
... my fault for running a balance .... will b good in a few months
i started out great for a couple years, but maxed out 2 credit cards and then stopped making payments on those and also a personal loan in the past year.

but i recently settled the personal loan and am currently in the process of settling the 2 credit cards. so i should be good.

23 btw.
I'm already paying a mortgage, I have untapped VA loans that are pretty much guaranteed, and pay my credit card(s) off monthly (Amex Gold forces thathabit). I saw $250 worth of write-offs on my credit report, but I was just approved for 4.875% on my refinanced mortgage (down from 6.5%), so I guess I'mgood.
23 years old with a credit score of 772... looking into buying my first condo this year
working on it..was a victim of identity theft. and all that is finally off my tryna build it up now.

I had my balance at 90% used for a good 6 months (mind you its been paid off by the end of the month for a year) and they upped my Minimum payment from$25-$60.

So far I owe about $600 which should be paid off in 2.5 weeks. I need to start savin. Glad I only have ONE credit card though.
credit was sexy for a good year (im 19 now)

everything went to !#%% around ran out and have 2 credit cards overdrawn and a overdrawn bank account

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