One night a woman went out for drinks with her girlfriends. She left the bar fairly late at night, got in her car and onto the deserted highway. She noticed alone pair of headlights in her rear-view mirror, approaching at a pace just slightly quicker than hers. As the car pulled up behind her she glanced and saw theturn signal on - the car was going to pass - when suddenly it swerved back behind her, pulled up dangerously close to her tailgate and the brights flashed.

Now she was getting nervous. The lights dimmed for a moment and then the brights came back on and the car behind her surged forward. The frightened womanstruggled to keep her eyes on the road and fought the urge to look at the car behind her. Finally, her exit approached but the car continued to follow,flashing the brights periodically.

Through every stoplight and turn, it followed her until she pulled into her driveway. She figured her only hope was to make a mad dash into the house and callthe police. As she flew from the car, so did the driver of the car behind her - and he screamed, "Lock the door and call the police! Call 911!"

When the police arrived the horrible truth was finally revealed to the woman. The man in the car had been trying to save her. As he pulled up behind her andhis headlights illuminated her car, he saw the silhouette of a man with a butcher knife rising up from the back seat to stab her, so he flashed his brights andthe figure crouched back down.

The moral of the story: Always check the back seat!
Originally Posted by Cleavland Steamer

There was once a 20 year old man named Jackson. He was tired after a long day of school at The University Of Nebraska but, he promised his mother he would come over for dinner. After 30 minutes of driving he got to his mothers house. As he got out of his car he realized no lights where on in the house.A chill ran down his back. He walked up to the door and knocked 4 times. Nobody answered. He looked down at his keys and realized he had a spair key to his mothers house. He unlocked the door and went in. Nobody was home. He decided to call his moms cellphone. He heard a ringing upstairs so he walked up the steps, through the hall and into the bathroom. He turned on the lights and sees his mother layin in a puddle of her own blood. There was a note in her hand that read "I left your dinner in the microwave, son."He went downstairs, aight his dinner and left.
This is the only scary part.

I don't understand?
Originally Posted by Hokkaido JDM

There is a moment each leap year, at exactly three minutes past three on the morning of February twenty-ninth. If you possess the courage, await that moment in darkened room, with no other present. At that moment, the darkness will deepen. If you were to hold your hand directly before your face, you would not see a thing. But you must not do so. No, for that would be to waste the moment. Instead you must reach out, into that impenetrable darkness.

And it will reach out to you.

An unseen hand will grasp yours. You must not flinch away, nor tighten your grasp. To do so will only slough away more of the decrepit flesh that covers it, and anger its unseen owner. Remain perfectly still, as the withered fingers move over your palm, tracing unknown patterns. Do not move an inch as it crawls slowly up your arm. And most of all do not even breathe as it caresses your face, touching what cannot be seen.

Should you remain still through this, the hand will be withdrawn and a voice will speak, so close you can feel its breath on your face, smell the scent of decay it carries. It will ask you for one simple piece of information: your name. Answer truthfully. Answer truthfully, and the presence will retreat, leaving only a whisper in the air as the darkness lifts. "It is done."

From that day on, untold good fortune will be yours, and mysterious power. You will lack nothing, and have everything. But in a year, perhaps two, your eyes will sting in bright light, you will feel your skin begin to decay, and the sweet smell of death will be upon your breath...
sounds great! i'd ask for some spacejams!
Originally Posted by Cleavland Steamer

There was once a 20 year old man named Jackson. He was tired after a long day of school at The University Of Nebraska but, he promised his mother he would come over for dinner. After 30 minutes of driving he got to his mothers house. As he got out of his car he realized no lights where on in the house.A chill ran down his back. He walked up to the door and knocked 4 times. Nobody answered. He looked down at his keys and realized he had a spair key to his mothers house. He unlocked the door and went in. Nobody was home. He decided to call his moms cellphone. He heard a ringing upstairs so he walked up the steps, through the hall and into the bathroom. He turned on the lights and sees his mother layin in a puddle of her own blood. There was a note in her hand that read "I left your dinner in the microwave, son."He went downstairs, aight his dinner and left.

creepy fail
Originally Posted by CarminePOWER

Originally Posted by Cleavland Steamer

There was once a 20 year old man named Jackson. He was tired after a long day of school at The University Of Nebraska but, he promised his mother he would come over for dinner. After 30 minutes of driving he got to his mothers house. As he got out of his car he realized no lights where on in the house.A chill ran down his back. He walked up to the door and knocked 4 times. Nobody answered. He looked down at his keys and realized he had a spair key to his mothers house. He unlocked the door and went in. Nobody was home. He decided to call his moms cellphone. He heard a ringing upstairs so he walked up the steps, through the hall and into the bathroom. He turned on the lights and sees his mother layin in a puddle of her own blood. There was a note in her hand that read "I left your dinner in the microwave, son."He went downstairs, aight his dinner and left.
This is the only scary part.

I don't understand?
wow that cave story was good
loved the ending i clicked next hoping for something but nothing

man i wonder what happened.....
Just remembered one about my gramps driving his taxi in Mexico....

I'll tell it tomorrow when it's sunny outside with enough light in the room. Don't wanna type and do this right now or else I won't be able tosleep
long read, i post this in every scary story thread. and im not gonna stop now

cliffnotes at the end......

WASPS AND ASPS (9:03:09 PM): I had to pee too, I was tip toe'ing around the apartment and lookin behind the walls and bustin doors openhahhhaha. and usually I have dreams about zombies,monsters,murderss ect. but those dont do nothing, and actually are quite fun. but this one was pretty darncreepy and had non of the afformentioned.

SOMEGIRL (9:03:36 PM): what was it bout?

WASPS AND ASPS (9:05:26 PM): so right. every now and then I have a dream about me being absent from school. and of course my mom is upsetand blah blah blah. well,in my dream im in newport news, I either go to my highschool or my middle school. if I go to my high schoool, then I am already therebut I might leave after school, I never dream about going there......

WASPS AND ASPS (9:13:04 PM): if im going to my middles school then I always go there but I never leave, and if im going to my middlesschool then I have to walk through Dickerson court projects (which is a real place)

SOMEGIRL (9:13:18 PM): bwahahahahha

SOMEGIRL (9:13:24 PM): you got your own projects

WASPS AND ASPS (9:13:57 PM): when I was younger we used to go there to get foodstamps and I thought my family owned them. I wasdisappointed when I found out that we did not.
WASPS AND ASPS (9:14:00 PM): but anyway......
WASPS AND ASPS (9:15:31 PM): my mom fussed at me for not going to school and told me to get dressed to WALK to school as usual. so I put on afly $+@ outfit (im fly as 2mutha****as in my dreams) and then I see some Nike boots in my room, and I wanted to wear them so bad, but they were dirty and oldand beat up. But since I had never worn a pair, I put them on anyway.

WASPS AND ASPS (9:15:39 PM): ........
WASPS AND ASPS (9:17:07 PM): so I put them on and went on my walk and then I came to Dickerson court projects, there were the dope boys andthe kids playing with hoola hoops and jump ropes. I never come to Dickerson courts unless im walking to school but nobody messes with me when I comethru........

WASPS AND ASPS (9:19:39 PM): so I walk to the other edge of DC and there is very very tall old worn out metal fence. and right behind thefence is a black plastic bag so u couldn't see what was behind the fence. But there was a small opening thru the fence that if u really wanted too u couldslip thru, but it seemed like nobody knew about the opening, or else somebody would have fixed it........
WASPS AND ASPS (9:20:51 PM): but me desperately needing to go to school, I slipped right thru the opening. (note: my hands are shaking rightnow as im typing this
WASPS AND ASPS (9:20:54 PM): .......

WASPS AND ASPS (9:22:40 PM): as I came thru the other side I saw the most horrible thing I have ever seen. Basically it was this very big,about a football field big ditch. now, I know my school is suppose to be in this spot but I am bewildered by whets in its place instead, in fact, I can see myschool in the background, I have to cross this ditch, and past the building right on the other side of the ditch......
WASPS AND ASPS (9:24:21 PM): now, back to the ditch. It is FILLED with this pink slime. And in the middle of the slime is a woman. She iswearing clothes similar to the crocodile hunter and she is doing something in the pink slime in the middle of the ditch. So I get in this big $+@ ditch and tryto cross it. I look at my dirty beat up Nike boots and think to myself, hmmm this is why I worn these, must be a sign......

SOMEGIRL (9:26:24 PM): still here...
WASPS AND ASPS (9:26:32 PM): as I hop in the slim I realize what this ditch is and what made the slim. There are literally THOUSANDS andTHOUSANDS of dead babies in the slime, pieces of baby arms and legs, and head and eyes are immersed in the slime. Matter of fact the slime is a result of somuch decaying baby carcasses. I am completely disgusted and try my hardest to make my way out and to the lady in the middle. There are flies everywhere buzzingaround me.......

WASPS AND ASPS (9:28:38 PM): and I fall IN THE SLIME. My hand gets stuck in it, and when I went to pull my hand out there was a babies headlooking at me. It died with its eyes open. I get up and shaking and start carefully making my way past all the dead baby parts, and try not to slip again. Ifinally reach the lady in tears and I ask her what is this place, how could such a horrible place exist. I didn't really get what she was doing in thefield of slime but she looked up too me and said.........
WASPS AND ASPS (9:29:43 PM): This place is called Honest George.

WASPS AND ASPS (9:32:17 PM): Honest George? I said to myself. I had so many problems with that name. 1. Its too creative for such a place.Meaning that somebody with some authority would have had to know about the place to run it and give it a name. And also the name Honest. It meant to me that itmeans that this place was meant to exist and that whoever ran it (the govt I suppose) felt as if it was the right thing to do. And the name George. Was itpossible that every baby in the huge ditch was named George? I had no way to make sure but it made me feel like I knew every baby in there......

WASPS AND ASPS (9:34:36 PM): but I kept it moving toward the building on the opposite side of the ditch. Now, notice how the ditch had PINKslime....that was because there were NO BLACK BABIES in it. however when I got to the building there were all these little black children with dirty diapersand torn tee shirts playing with the chopped up baby parts, playing with baby arms, legs, kicking the heads etc. all of them were dirty and had sores and skinrashes. Some of them looked happy and laughed, but some of them looked very sad. All of them looked hungry..........

WASPS AND ASPS (9:37:12 PM): I ran thru the building. And went to my school nurse. cuz I still had slime on my hand and I tought that sinceI fell in a bunch of dead babies that I might be infected. the nurse said that this shot should do the trick. and told me not to worry. so I ran to my grandma's house cuz she usually is upon things and I could talk to her about everything. I ran in there and told her what happend.........
WASPS AND ASPS (9:38:20 PM): I was crying and fell to the floor, my cuzin and his friend were in there with me and were lookin at me with asmirk on there faces like "what is wrong with him, he wylin he aint really see none of that" until I finished my story and my grandmareacted.....

WASPS AND ASPS (9:41:18 PM): her eyes got all big and her jaws dropped

"gasp......YOU WENT TO HONEST GEORGE!!!!!!!?? NOOOO!!!!, U POOR BABY".........

in my head I was like "yes!!! And there are ALOT of poor babies in that mutha****a"....

she told me that I was not suppose to go there, that nobody was supoosed to got there. after I knew that she knew about, I wondered how many other peopleknew about it but never spoke on it. I guess it was suppose to be a secret, that what goes o n there could go on just as long as everybody stays away and keepsquiet. she felt so bad for me and leaned to hug me, hesistated and chose not too. then I thought that even my grandmother doesnt want to hug me for somereason......

WASPS AND ASPS (9:41:21 PM): I never found out why cuz I woke up.
WASPS AND ASPS (9:41:24 PM): the end.

SOMEGIRL (9:42:25 PM): dang
SOMEGIRL (9:42:30 PM): thats pretty intense shawn

Originally Posted by CarminePOWER

Originally Posted by Cleavland Steamer

There was once a 20 year old man named Jackson. He was tired after a long day of school at The University Of Nebraska but, he promised his mother he would come over for dinner. After 30 minutes of driving he got to his mothers house. As he got out of his car he realized no lights where on in the house.A chill ran down his back. He walked up to the door and knocked 4 times. Nobody answered. He looked down at his keys and realized he had a spair key to his mothers house. He unlocked the door and went in. Nobody was home. He decided to call his moms cellphone. He heard a ringing upstairs so he walked up the steps, through the hall and into the bathroom. He turned on the lights and sees his mother layin in a puddle of her own blood. There was a note in her hand that read "I left your dinner in the microwave, son."He went downstairs, aight his dinner and left.
This is the only scary part.

I don't understand?

Originally Posted by alljayevryjay

A man went to a hotel and walked up to the front desk to check in. The woman at the desk gave him his key and told him that on the way to his room, there was a door with no number that was locked and no one was allowed in there. Especially no one should look inside the room, under any circumstances. So he followed the instructions of the woman at the front desk, going straight to his room, and going to bed.

The next night his curiosity would not leave him alone about the room with no number on the door. He walked down the hall to the door and tried the handle. Sure enough it was locked. He bent down and looked through the wide keyhole. Cold air passed through it, chilling his eye. What he saw was a hotel bedroom, like his, and in the corner was a woman whose skin was completely white. She was leaning her head against the wall, facing away from the door. He stared in confusion for a while. He almost knocked on the door, out of curiosity, but decided not to.

This disinclination saved his life. He crept away from the door and walked back to his room. The next day, he returned to the door and looked through the wide keyhole. This time, all he saw was redness. He couldn't make anything out besides a distinct red color, unmoving. Perhaps the inhabitants of the room knew he was spying the night before, and had blocked the keyhole with something red.

At this point he decided to consult the woman at the front desk for more information. She sighed and said, "Did you look through the keyhole?" The man told her that he had and she said, "Well, I might as well tell you the story. A long time ago, a man murdered his wife in that room, and her ghost haunts it. But these people were not ordinary. They were white all over, except for their eyes, which were red."
Scariest story so far.
Originally Posted by Shawn Is 0n NT

There is a story, passed on from long ago.

About a woman framed, 'Bloody Mary'.
The story is about a queen who killed people for fun, burning them at stakes and slashing them to un-humanly forms. She even killed pregnant women, slashing open their wombs to then murder the baby. She is one ultimate, horror bringing murderer, and ever since her death, she haunts people that say this ritual.
The ritual is this:
Stand in a dark room, no light whatsoever. None. Stand in front of a mirror, make sure no light is present. Say 'Bloody Mary' while turning around in a circle three times, then face the opposite direction of the mirror, then spell 'murder' backwards, which is basically 'red rum.' Notice how red rum can have the same look as crimson blood. After saying that, turn around slowly to find the figure of Mary standing behind you, haunting your presence.
I remember when I was a kid, I used to think that I would grow out of being scared of this stuff.

So far I haven't
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