the story of the little girl crying
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

About three years ago, I was driving home by myself at like 3am when I saw someone standing in the middle of the street. When I got closer there was nothing there. The second I realized there was nothing there BUZZZ. My phone vibrated and I had an email titled "Michael, it's time for new contacts."

The email was from "1-800 Contacts" but it scared the %$*% out of me at the time. Now I'm just like damn, 1-800 Contacts stay on top of their #%#%.  

Damn, I'm so claustrophobic that I was scared when he was going through that narrow passage in that cave story
Originally Posted by tizoni

FOG (or anyone), info on that thing?^^^
Apparently it's some sort of parasite. If I find anything else about it I will post it here. In the mean time, I'll post some more short stories.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

About three years ago, I was driving home by myself at like 3am when I saw someone standing in the middle of the street. When I got closer there was nothing there. The second I realized there was nothing there BUZZZ. My phone vibrated and I had an email titled "Michael, it's time for new contacts."

The email was from "1-800 Contacts" but it scared the %$*% out of me at the time. Now I'm just like damn, 1-800 Contacts stay on top of their #%#%.  



but that parasite thing is 
I am pretty new at this so explain to me how to post pics from an iPhone.
I was in the Eastern state pen in Philly that place is creepy as hell to begin with. So I took lots of pics and when I came home to look from my phone there is a ghost ! Visibly clear .what's more creepy is I took the picture in the death row room. again I am new at this and have pics to prove as soon as someone tells me how to from an iPhone because I am not transferring this pic to my comp I wanna post it here and just delete
Thanks peepsBtw I have no picture editting skills so no way I could fake this
Why do I always go in here late at night.

That cellphone story & pic got me shook'd now...
Originally Posted by vick the quick

I am pretty new at this so explain to me how to post pics from an iPhone.
I was in the Eastern state pen in Philly that place is creepy as hell to begin with. So I took lots of pics and when I came home to look from my phone there is a ghost ! Visibly clear .what's more creepy is I took the picture in the death row room. again I am new at this and have pics to prove as soon as someone tells me how to from an iPhone because I am not transferring this pic to my comp I wanna post it here and just delete
Thanks peepsBtw I have no picture editting skills so no way I could fake this
send picture to this email [email protected]... i'll post it up for you, b/c i don't know any other way you could post it online without first putting it on your pc.
Originally Posted by seniosoul

Originally Posted by vick the quick

I am pretty new at this so explain to me how to post pics from an iPhone.
I was in the Eastern state pen in Philly that place is creepy as hell to begin with. So I took lots of pics and when I came home to look from my phone there is a ghost ! Visibly clear .what's more creepy is I took the picture in the death row room. again I am new at this and have pics to prove as soon as someone tells me how to from an iPhone because I am not transferring this pic to my comp I wanna post it here and just delete
Thanks peepsBtw I have no picture editting skills so no way I could fake this
send picture to this email [email protected]... i'll post it up for you, b/c i don't know any other way you could post it online without first putting it on your pc.
thanks for sending the pictures...i scaled them, og size in the spoiler... looks like a creepy black and white painting of a mans face on the wall in the background.
in the foreground that glare does look like some kind of bubbly entity..IMO
Spoiler [+]



* but as you can see in the 2nd pic where is the painting in the back of the wall ? Thats what creeps me out about it.
Just that place in general was pure errie . If your ever in Philly and wanna feel scared seeing or not it will get to you psychologically.
Also as I was leaving I looked in from the outside cell windows and I seen a man walking across from behind through the window . Didn't think nothing of it till a family of 3 walked in there and after they were done In the cell/room all 3 came out and a 4th person never came out which creeped me out At that point AND left . Later on that night check my pics and the ghost pic shows up
[h3]Not a story but still a creepy concept

[h3]The One-Man Hide And Seek[/h3]Introduction:

The one-man hide and seek, aka the one-man tag, is a ritual for contacting the dead.

The spirits which are wandering restless on the earth are always looking for bodies to possess. In this ritual you summon such a spirit by offering it a doll instead of a human body.

Warning: If you have psychic abilities you may feel unwell or be prone to accidents during the ritual.

Things you need:

+ A Stuffed Doll with limbs
+ Some Rice (enough to stuff the doll full)
+ A Needle and a Crimson Thread
+ A Sharp-Edged Tool (such as a Knife, a Glass Shard, or Scissors)
+ A Cupful of Salt (natural salt would be best)
+ A Hiding Place (preferably a room purified by incense and ofuda)

1. Take all the cotton (or whatever it is stuffed with) out of the doll, and stuff it instead with rice*1.
2. Clip a bit of your nails and put them inside the doll, and sew the opening up with the crimson thread. When you finish sewing, tie up the doll with the rest of the thread *2.
3. Pour water into a bathtub.
4. Place a cup of salt water inside the hiding place.
How To Do It:

1.Give a name to the doll (the name could be anything but your own)
2.When it is 3 am, say to the doll "__(your name) is the first it," three times.
3.Go to the bathroom and put the doll into the water-filled bathtub.
4.Turn off all lights in the house, go back to the hiding place and switch on the TV.
5.When you have counted ten with your eyes closed, go back to the bathroom with the edged tool (a knife, etc) in your hand.
6.When you get there, say to the doll ,"I have found you, __(the doll's name)," and stab the doll with the edged tool*3.
7. Say "You are the next it, __(the doll's name)," as you put the doll back in its place.
8.As soon as you have put the doll down, run back to the hiding place and hide.
How To Finish It:

1. Pour half the cup of salt water into your mouth (don't drink it; keep it there)*4 and get out of the hiding place and start looking for the doll. The doll is not necessarily in the bathroom. Whatever happens don't spit out the salt water.
2. When you find the doll, pour the rest of the salt water which is left in the cup over it, and then spray the salt water in your mouth over it as well.
3. Say "I win," three times.

This supposed to end the ritual.
After this make sure you dry the doll, burn and discard it later.

Please don't stop this ritual halfway. You must do it through to the end.

This is a dangerous ritual and I will not be responsible for what happens to you if you try.
Other things to keep in mind:
+Don't go out of the house until you have done the finishing ritual.
+You must turn off all lights.
+Keep quiet while hiding.
+You don't need to put the salt water in your mouth all the time. You only need to do it during the finishing ritual.
+Remember, if you are living with someone you might put them in danger too.
+Don't continue this ritual for more than one or two hours.
+For safety reasons, it might be best to keep all the doors in the house unlocked (including your front door) and have some friends close by so that they can come and help you at a moment's noice, if you ever need them. Keeping a mobile close at hand would be a good idea too.

*1 - the rice represents innards and also has the role of attracting spirits.
*2 - the crimson thread represents a blood vessel. It seals the spirit(s) up inside the doll.
*3 - by cutting the thread off, you break the seal and release the spirit(s) you have trapped.
*4 - if you go out of the hiding place without salt water, you might encounter "something wandering around" in your house which might harm you in some way. Apparently the way to feel the presence of the "something wandering around" is to watch "what happens to the TV."

Source: http://sayainunderworld.b...e-man-hide-and-seek.html
Originally Posted by Fog Raw

Originally Posted by Adrian1221

My parents are pastors. Now i generally dont try to get into their business but when they told me they had to do an exorcism i was like $+$? They were non nonchalant about it and they said they've seen worst.

I asked how many they've done and they said about 4 and they told me about their worst one and that story shook the !@#$ out of me. I didn't know my parents rolled like that.

Their stories about what they faced > just about anything ive read so far, even though some are indeed good with pics.

has the story been posted? i havent seen anything and would like to read
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