Crossfit? anyone here do it

Mar 19, 2006
So I typically do my splits every week, chest/tris, back/bis, shoulders/legs. Sometimes I switch it up
I've heard about cross fit years ago, and sometimes do their workouts from the main page ( Recently I have been doing them more and more, and typically they end up killing me.

For example, today's WOD (workout of the day) was:

Eight rounds for time of:
10 Burpees
15 Jumping alternating lunges
20 Double-unders
25 yard Shuttle sprint (5 x 5 yards)
Rest 90 seconds

And it was deadly (In a good, cardio/burn type of way). I am thinking of switching over and doing mainly cross fit as my workout, and then doing major body parts as a secondary workout. 

I see a lot of stans nowadays doing cross fit religiously, wearing cross fit gear and shoes, and only talking about it like its their god. I don't wanna be like them, I just wanna do my workouts for fun, and get a good cardio out of it.

Anyone else do cross fit on here? or done it before? What do you guys think of it?
I heard its not so safe. Slow and proper versus fast and a chance of getting hurt just to make it in time.
The gym I joined today also has the local crossfit club in the same building. They have a small crossfit area for normal gym members. I might check it out in a few months, have a stress fracture in my foot from running that needs to heal up first.
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