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If Freeman sees you on myspace your as good as dead.

Chick i work with was on the net at work. Freeman is her mngr
They cant stop me...even if they'd stopped me ha ha ha yea

Im on it ooh im on it im so on it and how ever you want it
You can get it tonight %$@
And all night %$@ I get the beat from
A f**kin right %$@
I might go crazy on these !%%*%% I dont give a motherf**k
Run up in a #%%+* house and shoot his grandmother up what!
What I dont give a motherf**k get cha baby kidnapped
And ya baby motherf**ked
It's tha Carter 3 @#@@* better put ya supper up
Hollygrove I throw it up like im tryna lose my gut
F**k is up beat him up like a million uppercuts
Got a million duffeled up for the f**k of it
+@@# get on my level you cant get on my level
You would need a spaceshuttle or a ladder thats forever
However im better if not now than never
Dont you ever fix ya lips unless you bout to suck my $!$$
@#@@* swallow my words taste my thoughts
And if its too nasty spit it back at me
Two more inches i'da been in that casket
According to the doctor I could of died in traffic
Bounce right back on them %!$+%!! like Magic
Abra-cadabra im up like Viagra
I just do this +@@# for my click like Adam Sandler
I control hip hop and ima keep it on my channel
Watch me!
@#@@* watch me!
@#@@* watch me!

But they cannot see me like Hitler
Its the New Orleans Nightmare
Money so old its growin white hair
Young Money baby
Yeah we right here
Ima make sure we ball till we fall like tears
And mama dont cry
Ya son can handle his
I got her out the hood and put her in the hills
Yeah when I was fourteen I told my mom we will see better days
And sure enough I got Miss Cita in a better place
When I was fourteen I told my mom we will see better days
And sure enough we did exactly what I say
I told my girl when you f**k me better f**k me good
Cause if another girl could she gon f**k me good
No sittin at the table if you bringin nothin to it
And I get straight to it like its nothin to it
Yea I got game like Stuart…Scott
Fresh out the ESPN shop
And when sportscenter poppin
E'ery thang stoppin but you cant fool me I know what you watchin
You watch me
You watch me
Cause I be
WEE-ZY must see t.v.
C3 #%%+* thats me
And im me im me
Times three so retreat or suffer defeat
Im back 3 PEAT
I won't succumb to all the stereotypes
Won't sacrifice me for what the stereo hypes
They told me get in where you fit in, this is what's in demand now
I told 'em why try to fit in when you a standout?
For the poor who are true sacraments of God and for our Parish community who are present to them through listening and serving to them of food, drink andhospitality, for this we pray to the Lord...
Originally Posted by bns1201

Originally Posted by AmericanDream

Originally Posted by mondayC

Morally...eh unless we can actually create a matrix life state, in that itself will replicate what we have now as "life", i think thats a little too far. I mean, then itd have to run for seemingly ever, you cant just shut the program off and forget about it.

I dont smoke, dont do drugs, rarely drink, i just think deeply on myself. So those who think that its any drug, dont. Just try and come up with something intelligent to talk about that could possibly be true, cuz im really likin this discussion.

Things I wonder about.
Time Travel- if you seemingly pass an object through space (general space, not space as we see it as outside our atmosphere) faster than the speed of light, will it travel backwards in time? I mean, lets say you are traveling faster than the speed of light, then you see what was there a second ago correct? I cant grasp it yet. Also, i feel like time travel can only proceed from the point of invention and further, but never before that point. Like if time travel were invented in 2015, they wouldnt be able to come back in time because by then history has been written that time travel does not yet exist. But if they came back to present day 2008, the history would have to be changed. Then we're getting into parallel dimensions and stuff which is another cool topic. But i just feel that when time travel is conceived, it can only progress forward and not backwards.

I also have the same beliefs that pharell does on death. And that is the thought that no one really dies. Think of ourselves as hermit crabs. Our body can be maimed, hell we can even go into comas where the body does not react, yet we still have the voice inside of our head, and the will to move and act upon our environment. Its tough to explain, but we are all conscious and minus the physicality of our bodies all exist and will continue to exist forever. Einstein stated that energy cannot be destroyed, so how can the consciousness inside of us be an exception. Yet Im just tryin to figure out the whole creation part of it, where humans are born and energy is created, but it cannot be destroyed. To counter that, I say that there are always an equal number of living things on this planet, with animals/humans/plants anything living. When one dies, another life-form is created to house its energy. If there was only a way to correlate the dropping animal population rates with the rising human population rates, It could be proven/disproven. How cool would it be to gather up every living thing in our planet, and watch as one withers away and another is made in its place to house its energy....

HisAirness....would you care to elaborate on the "documents" you have seen?
Certainly some good points you made there. I don't know enough about physics/speed of light/etc to comment on the firstpart. however, on the subject of life after death, I hold somewhat similar beliefs to you. I think we are energy that happens to be trapped at this moment inmatter in the form of a human being. A good quote I read a couple weeks ago suggested that "we are not humans beings on a spiritual journey, but insteadwe are spirtual beings on a human journey." I think that just about sums it up. To add to that, Einstein also theorized that energy cannot be destroyed sothis would seem to suggest that our "spirits" live on forever, but take on different forms when we die. I don't claim to be an expert, I can onlyhope to continue to further my knowledge and understanding to gain a better grip on what we call "life". I hope everyone that reads this topic trysto do the same as well.

DunkNForce wrote:
you seen the end of men in black 2. with the lockers. There is Prolly Bigger and smaller worlds that we dont know about.

It's funny you should mention that because I often think about the same thing. It's sort of the same idea proposed in the OP, but some would say a more"realistic" scenerio. None the less, I hope neither are even remotely close to the truth

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