Couple of random ones as always
Hot Topic (Online Only): 20% off including clearance (HTFAVS)
Eastbay: 20% off $99 with free shipping (EMEB6P9M)
J. Crew (Online Only): 30% off (GETSHOPPING), 35% if your a card member (CARDSHOP)
Rue 21: 30% off $30+ including clearance (002047)
Express: $25 off $100+ (1293)
Footlocker: 20% off $75+ (EMFL64T6), Birthday Codes are $10 off $50+ (3242291030290865) and $25 off $100+ (3244985914957049)
Champs: 20% off $75+ (EMCH64W5)
Pac Sun (Members Only): 20% off 1 item (APR20-WMRNG5NQDDBW)
Finish Line: New $20 off reward, expires June 12th (160300199351). I've also got an old one that expired on January 19th (151000232933), but since it was revealed that they really don't "expire", try making a customer service call to see if they'll apply it to any of your orders. If they say they need me to call instead, just quote me and I'll see what I can do.
Hello Fresh: $50 off/ $25 off your first 2 boxes (BF05P6b1L6). If anybody doesn't know what this is, it's basically a food delivery subscription service. They drop off food ingredients for you to use to make meals and you can choose between 2 or 3 types of food (mainly meat, balanced, and vegetarian I think).