Cutting For Bieber, REALLY?


dumb *** people 
Wait, they're cutting their skin and BLEEDING real BLOOD because he chooses to smoke herb? Am I getting this right???
 What has society come to. All I want is to eat my Watermelon in the morning, but nope, have to watch the news about children cutting themselves. 
It's not really happening, anyone can google a picture and then say its guys wanna see a picture I took of Pharrell driving next to me!
if their parents/media wouldn't have brainwashed them their whole lives by saying marijuana is bad, then this wouldn't be a problem.

I bet most of those parents and kids drink or eventually will . . .

I hate the propaganda against a harmless plant . . .
Now that I think of it, I might cut myself if Yeezy ever came out of the closet. 
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