D.M.P. Official Post - Jan.28 2006 - Final Edition !

is 360 shipped a good price for them cuz i can get them for that price

i say a good price because i paid $318 with tax for my packs and thats retail

dmp will not be available at modells at caesar's bay, bklyn, ny. looking out for fellow nters so you can cross this off your list.
I think prices are definitely going to top $500 on Ebay, just knowing what happened with the white laser IVs. With all the craziness that happened, after I got my pair (at like 2am) I used another log in name to get a pair for my buddy (that took until around 5am), just in case he didn't get through. Luckily he did and so I had an extra pair on my hands. I put em up on Ebay, hoping to make a $100 profit or so, or maybe even cover the cost of my pair. I got all kinds of offers and finally ended it when someone offered to Paypal me $500 on the spot.

I know that was sort of due to the insanity of the online release, but I would expect these to go for $600 and up on the days after the release. If you don't think you'll be able to get a pair on release day and have a chance to get them for $400 or udner, I would take it. If you want em that bad.
Will: When the two of us get together, man, we're invincible!
Jazz: Granted, my brother, we're good. But people can still see us.
For sale: DS Olympic VII size 7 -- hit me up on AIM/AOL: h1joly
can someone show me the number of shoes per size per case paper again, i lost it and i'm not looking through 150 pages lol

am i the only one who thinks that there is a crazy chance that the next DMP will involve the "mars fire red IV's"...just throwing it out there

BABY J can you give any sort of hints or tell us which post you said you accidentally dropped a hint
these packs will not be as hard to get, as long as yall get your lazy selfs up and out, on the other hand, 15 heads, i have yet to heard of ONE pair of were these could be found

Yea alot of fools on here say ppl are paying to much for the DMP..cha cha 500 ur an idiot... Jealous u aint got it, like you know how much paper people make it could be pocket change 2 them fools
hey, dont wanna sound like a hypebeast but i dont have 6+11s.. can anyone tell me how they fit? thanks in advance guys
Dear Nick,

Thank you for your inquiry.

Due to manufacturer guidelines, we cannot sell this product until 12:00
p.m. CST (Central Standard Time) on January 27.

thats my message from eastbayy for all who dont kno what time they will be put up there
NT: J Master10
Ebay: Jordanmster10
AOL: LiLSperanza10
Hey peeps (just a thought) my mall never ever gets anything limited or clost to limited ! Seems some how we are getting the DMP !?!? Well the manager said one per size ? How if they are suppose to be shipped 18 a pack ?!?! Also maybe they are not as limited as said to be ! As you can see on the dog tag they are LIMITED EDITION ! I was thinking just because they are limited edition doesn't mean they are limited ! But hey who knows just a thought !
FYI to all Socal (los angeles) My boy works security for Westfield malls and a memo was sent to all tenants that no camp outs will be allowed within their malls or the store will be fined. Shiekh will be the only store allowing "camp out" because it is outside of the mall but there is a great chance you can get ticketed for loitering.

i copin these for sure but i want to trade my dmp xi's for some black/red xi
dont know if the pics belong here..but its the official post so..





AIM- Screech5511
E-MAIL- [email protected] I got what you want... [url=http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewSellersOtherItems&include=0&userid=screech5511&sort=3&rows=25&since=-1&rd=1]cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewSellersOtherItems&include=0&userid=screech5511&sort=3&rows=25&since=-1&rd=1[/url]
FlipNLu what in the world are u talking about?

limited or not if your spot is getting them then buy them if u want.
NJ <3's Me
dang screech....i dont know if i should say good pick up for the dmp or ride on you for that bedspread...lol......Nice dmp man
damn guys, i was wearing basketball shorts w/ no pockets to Vons and when i came back home carrying all my groceries, i forgot my wallet in the car. so around like 1:00 AM i guess somebody spotted it and bashed my passenger side window. i'm not pissed that they took my $ cuz i only had like $4 in there, but i had to freeze all my credit cards until like 10 business days. i don't know how imma cop the DMP now. plus i had to drop like $110 to fix the window. w/ only 5 days left until the DMP drops, this couldn't have happened at a worse time.
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