Da hell is wrong wit kanye

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because people are hypocritical

outside of the marriage thing which admittedly i'm not that familiar with the specifics

everything brought up in here you yourself do it in some way if you frequent social media or you probably have 3 or 4 degrees of separation within your family and friends who engage in those behaviors

it's not different for the kardashians because they're doing it on a larger scale

if you're gonna be critical of the kardashians be critical of yourself and your friends and family

****** cherry picking because the kardashains will never see this thread but they aren't trying to have these same conversations with their friends/family :lol:

At the end of day the Kardashians h***. They got a father that don't know what he is. A pimp mother. So all that "well people are hypocrites" talk doesn't make sense unless you're being specific in who you are talking about. No, everybody doesn't do what the Kardashians do. These broads make it clear who they are so take the cape off. They don't wanna be saved. :lol:
The fact that theres a thread about this is already crazy...and to know that yall give this so much attention nullifies all the negative $#^% thats being said...

So with that...Im waiting on the new music...
bouta eat off this dude

December 9, 2016: Kanye West’s just returned home from a difficult few weeks, and people all over the world are wondering WHAT IT WAS LIKE for the Kardashian family to go through that crisis.

Well you won’t have to wait long. According to Entertainment Tonight, the new season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians will PROMINENTLY feature Kanye’s breakdown.

Here is what they are reportng:

A few members of the Kardashian family have filmed scenes discussing the 39-year-old rapper’s recent hospitalization for the next season for KUWTK, a source connected to the show tells ET. However, the source says that Kanye himself has not filmed since he was admitted to UCLA Medical Center on Nov. 21, and that KUWTK production cameras were never inside the hospital filming.

Cot damn.
The fact that theres a thread about this is already crazy...and to know that yall give this so much attention nullifies all the negative $#^% thats being said...

So with that...Im waiting on the new music...

Love when people come into threads they dont care about justvto take the time out their day to type to us about how much we cate about it :lol:

Why even come in?
bouta eat off this dude

December 9, 2016: Kanye West’s just returned home from a difficult few weeks, and people all over the world are wondering WHAT IT WAS LIKE for the Kardashian family to go through that crisis.

Well you won’t have to wait long. According to Entertainment Tonight, the new season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians will PROMINENTLY feature Kanye’s breakdown.

Here is what they are reportng:

A few members of the Kardashian family have filmed scenes discussing the 39-year-old rapper’s recent hospitalization for the next season for KUWTK, a source connected to the show tells ET. However, the source says that Kanye himself has not filmed since he was admitted to UCLA Medical Center on Nov. 21, and that KUWTK production cameras were never inside the hospital filming.

I been said this since the beginning of this thread, these garden tools are gonna bank off Ye's illness, anyone would be silly to think otherwise
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At the end of day the Kardashians h***. They got a father that don't know what he is. A pimp mother. So all that "well people are hypocrites" talk doesn't make sense unless you're being specific in who you are talking about. No, everybody doesn't do what the Kardashians do. These broads make it clear who they are so take the cape off. They don't wanna be saved. :lol:

:lol: this isn't about capes or "saving" anyone.

i just wanna know how anyone can call the Kardashians attention ****** when you post equally pointless and mundane **** on your social media every day? How is Kim K a *** of having 9 to 20 bodies since 2000 but y'all meeting chicks after college who you don't know from a can of paint who have potentially cleared that in their sophomore year.

Again...if it doesn't apply to you then you don't have to quote me to let me know. But for most of the 16-24 demographic, posting pointless **** on social media is something that applies to them.

From when I check in there from time to time TAY is full of ****** congregating about going out and trying to meet women post college in their mid 20's. How do you know how many bodies she's had since high school?

Calling the Kardashians **** is fine but make sure you consider EVERY chick with more than 9 bodies since 2000 a ***.

As far as the mother, one could look at her as a "pimp" or you could look at her as someone who finessed America's obsession with beauty, fame, sex and scandal into an empire the same way 50 or Hov finessed America's obsession with the inner city culture into an empire. I might even look at Jenner as more impressive because she nor her family has any real entertaining talent yet still manages to captivate people everyday.

I don't know what all this cape talk is about but glad I don't have to overcompensate for whatever by being "hard" on some famous *** that doesn't know I exist :lol:
Bruh they trying to capitalize on someone's mental illness, that's supposed to be the man Kim "loves" and she wants to air him out and his demons for ratings on her show...

You looking silly defending these women...willing to put money God forbid North falls off a balcony and dies, the immediate next course of action is "make sure those cameras are rolling"


Like someone earlier said, most if not all of us crave attention in one way or another...however there is LEVELS...
ignoring the fact that the idea of a divorce and kanye's illness being a storyline are both just rumors for now...i'll go ahead and say that it likely will be a storyline because that would make the most business sense to do...

if kanye agrees to it i don't see where i'm supposed to be mad

you're surprised and appalled they'd put his "demons" on television when he's likely in a studio right now putting them in a song :lol:

you're acting like Ye is being forced to do anything when he has his cherry pick of any chick in the world and chose and is currently choosing his current situation
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Is this is your Kanye love talking Flesh? You tryna deflect and defend the Kardashians hard bruh.

Regular girls get called h*** too. It's regular everyday thots and it's famous thots. Nothing you say will takeaway the h**ness from the Kardashians and the circus that the family is.
Regular girls get called h*** too. It's regular everyday thots and it's famous thots. Nothing you say will takeaway the h**ness from the Kardashians and the circus that the family is.
Oh absolutely. 

All I'm saying is call out the "hoeness" and "circuses" in your own life and close circle also. That's my whole point. It has nothing to do with defending anyone
 I never said whether I thought the Kardashians were right or wrong.
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They put there whole life out there literally to be **** bruh. The day we stop talking bout these ignorant ******* is when they don't matter anymore. This is what they want :lol:

Kris literally the goat manager forreal
Is this is your Kanye love talking Flesh? You tryna deflect and defend the Kardashians hard bruh.

Regular girls get called h*** too. It's regular everyday thots and it's famous thots. Nothing you say will takeaway the h**ness from the Kardashians and the circus that the family is.

Oh absolutely. :lol:

All I'm saying is call out the "hoeness" and "circuses" in your own life and close circle also. That's my whole point. It has nothing to do with defending anyone :lol:  I never said whether I thought the Kardashians were right or wrong.

Yeah that's if somebody life is a circus and if they surround themselves with h***.
Nobody is answering your questions directly so I will address from my opinion what I think of some of the scenarios and questions you posed.

y'all think the girls you are about to make your significant isn't gonna be involved with at least 9 dudes within the 16 years after they start *******


ya talking **** about kim k but y'all getting on your knees and proposing and marrying chicks who cleared that before their junior year of college :lol:
Secondly she had 9 different boyfriend since she has been in the public light. Im sure she had boyfriends before the year 2000
But Im not marrying no chick that got publicly D'd down by Ray J either.

why does attention seeking only bother you when it's kim kardashian and not when it's your cousin posting her going to get her nails done or when you take a picture of your shoes for the day for snapchat or some other equally non eventful ****
Cause if my cousin goes to the shop and gets her nails done, she aint gone photoshop her nails to look longer and add some sparkles to make them look more luxurious.
In contrast Kim gets her attention from her body and looks but what she puts out is not truly representative of who she REALLY is.
Every photo is heavily doctored by her own admission, to look perfect like Butters' ideas of women but when you see live video or other people's photos of her its DIAPER ALERT!
So she out here capitalizing on fake images of herself. That one MAJOR way that its different.

of course i'm a kardashian cape because i just wanna know how criticizing something that you engage in yourself or co-sign everyday in your personal life laugh.gif

this really isn't about the kardashians as much as it is people having more in common with "attention seeking celebrities" than they think in a post social media world
I have never in my life photoshopped a photo to make myself look better. I have never married someone I knew I didnt love for money and more attention and most imporatantly I never had sex with Ray J on film and released it for the world to see...for money,(or anything else for that matter just cause I know how NT gets with sus word usage :lol:...and not for free either)

When she decided to capitalize of her private moments and became a glorified pornstar she earned the right to be called names like **** and ***.
I wouldnt have any problem calling Kendall Woods, Ally Berry, or Nicole Bexley **** or sluts. Even though they fine as **** to me it doesnt change the fact that people are going to judge you for your actions. I look at Kim the same way. She may not be still sleeping with dudes on film but she has hoeish ways, like all the nude photoshoots for example.
Everytime she starts becoming irrelevant her first reaction is to take her clothes off for attention. MOST people aint doin that. Which is why I feel the scrutiny is warranted.
If she wants attention we will give her some but it aint gone be that of admiration.

All I'm saying is call out the "hoeness" and "circuses" in your own life and close circle also. That's my whole point. It has nothing to do with defending anyone :lol: I never said whether I thought the Kardashians were right or wrong.
If any of my family rises to the levels of the Kardashians in terms of hoeness then I definitely will and do call them out. I dont think anyone is saying that the principle that you are championing is wrong. We all agree, at least I do, that hypocrisy is not a good look in any area of life but imo and I think in the minds of some others, you are defending the wrong people using that principle.
They know they do *** ****, on 10,000, strictly to get paid off of the attention it brings.

And really MY main problem with them is the fakeness involved with capitalizing off of an image that is not even real.
If that's the case, i should be able to photoshop abs on my stomach and arms,, stretch my legs to look like Im taller, give myself perfect teeth and I should be able to make money off of THAT image and no one should car that I altered all those photos because they also do it with their Snapchat filters.

But that's not how it works. people would be like Hell Nah this fool aint nothing like his pictures. But somehow for the Kardashians its ok.
:lol: next album guaranteed blassic
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