DAMN a girl I went to HS hung herself, 1 yr old kid SMH

funny the two people justifying suicide have their girls pics in their avy

food for thought, i'm done

She's an internet meme. Our avy's have nothing to do with anything. Shouldn't you be offended that I called you out on your mom having PPD?Unless...
i got nothing else to say

suicide is justified according to Moonmaster and a few others...you are have more courage to be able to kill yourself than to work it out

I'm done with irrational NTers

RIP to her and I pray for the husband and daughter

like I said, suicide is a coward's way out, especially when you have a husband and 1 yr old kid
Originally Posted by raptors29

I hate how people say suicide is a coward's way out. Depression is real. People with it struggle and sometimes they feel that suicide is their only option.
That makes them a coward AND a loser. Don't use depression as an excuse for suicide. It's ok to be down, but not suicidal. I look at it asbetter them killing themselves than someone else.
you say its ok to be down like she was just having a bad day...this was something she had been dealing with for a year if not longer...this is a real mentaldisorder not just people overreacting...
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

you say its ok to be down like she was just having a bad day...this was something she had been dealing with for a year if not longer...this is a real mental disorder not just people overreacting...

Ya'll are basically saying it's OK to commit suicide. If she had HEART, she would have said, I need to work things out for my daughter, her husband isjust as bad for letting her get that bad, he should have did something on the first sign. Now he has to raise his daughter saying, damn, her mom could havebeen there. I'm also sure he is sitting there like she shoudln't have killed herself, I could have got her help.

You guys are accepting suicidal thoughts and denial as a norm.
Ya'll are basically saying it's OK to commit suicide. If she had HEART, she would have said, I need to work things out for my daughter, her husband is just as bad for letting her get that bad, he should have did something on the first sign. Now he has to raise his daughter saying, damn, her mom could have been there. I'm also sure he is sitting there like she shoudln't have killed herself, I could have got her help.

You guys are accepting suicidal thoughts and denial as a norm.

How do you know she didn't bottle all of this up? Again, you're seeing things through an outsiders perspective. Unless you know what it's like tobe depressed to the point where you think suicide is the only option, you can't judge. How do you know she was thinking straight enough to reach out to gethelp? How? You're trying to act like she was fully aware of what to do and how to treat her own problem in a logical way.
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

you say its ok to be down like she was just having a bad day...this was something she had been dealing with for a year if not longer...this is a real mental disorder not just people overreacting...

Ya'll are basically saying it's OK to commit suicide. If she had HEART, she would have said, I need to work things out for my daughter, her husband is just as bad for letting her get that bad, he should have did something on the first sign. Now he has to raise his daughter saying, damn, her mom could have been there. I'm also sure he is sitting there like she shoudln't have killed herself, I could have got her help.

You guys are accepting suicidal thoughts and denial as a norm.

i never said it was ok...never...but to call her a coward is not fair cuz you don't know what its like...you mean to tell me everytime you have a problemyou run to someone for help...most people try to work it out by their self first...i know i do...like i said she may have been embarrassed to ask forhelp...people think when you become a mothe its suppose to just click on what to do and how to do it...just try to think of how bad it had to have been for herto take her own life...thats not just some bad day type stuff...thats really deep issues...not saying she's brave but just think how bad it was for her toget to that point...
Im not condoning suicide but I can't judge anybody for taking themselves out. Sometimes life brings you to that point of no return. So all you judging thisgirl you never met are hypocrites because the thought has crossed all our minds, but yes those of us still standing had the heart to live on.
R.I.P. to the mother, best wishes to the surviving fam.
sad to hear, its hard the 1st time some stuff like that happens to you, but youll learn to deal with it, believe me
People have a hard time accepting Mental Disorders as diseases. If she would have died from something like cancer or another physical disorder or diseasepeople would not be calling her a coward. Unfortunately she committed suicide (which anyone with a sane mind will agree is not an answer to your problems) andthat suicide is directly related to her Depression. Not all people with depression commit suicide. Some people get help and the help makes them better whilesome other people never get help, or do not get the adequate help. What the specific case is with this woman NOBODY knows. Why some people who suffer fromdepression get better and some people who suffer from depression do not NOBODY KNOWS. You can get the most knowledgeable Psychologists in the world togetherand ask them that same question and they will not be able to tell you a definitive answer.

I can understand why some people find logic in the idea that suicide is a cowardly act. The fault in that logic is something not so simple to comprehend. Youare applying logic to try to understand something someone does when their thinking becomes illogical. Once a person's thinking becomes illogical, anylogical argument cannot explain it. Depression as well as all mental disorders are very complex diseases, and trying to understand it in an oversimplifiedmanner can lead you to call suicide (suicide being something that people with mental disorders do, sane people do not commit suicides) a cowardly act.

Suicides are very difficult things for family and friends of the victim to cope with and honestly, nothing about calling the deceased person a coward helps thegrieving process. Frankly it is disrespectful and inappropriate, and it doesn't help anyone to think that way. All that does is satisfy your oversimplifiedview of suicide and show disrespect for a person who is deceased.

I am not trying to justify suicide. If you derive from anything I have written that I am trying to justify suicide then you are again not taking into accountthe complexity of a situation that is a suicide. Suicidal thoughts and denial are symptoms of a greater Mental DISEASE.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

I know exactly what PPD is.

It's no excuse to off yourself. She should have gotten treatment and taken her medicine and just used her will power to fight through it. I can never accept someone just killing themselves, especially when they have a child or a family because they cant deal with a problem. That's cowardly to me. What makes it worse is you bringing random examples and going so far as to say we are cowards for NOT offing ourselves and she is brave for having the courage to "face the unknown" and put a noose around her neck. What part of the game is that ? That's the easy way out.

I won't even get into the religion aspect.

So if you're brother or sister took there own life you would still consider them a coward.....Try walking to a room and seeing your cousin's brains onthe wall....are you still going to call them a coward.....people need to watch what they see if they never experienced a tragedy like this in therefamily....R.I.P to her though...
Originally Posted by BeastMode212

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

I know exactly what PPD is.

It's no excuse to off yourself. She should have gotten treatment and taken her medicine and just used her will power to fight through it. I can never accept someone just killing themselves, especially when they have a child or a family because they cant deal with a problem. That's cowardly to me. What makes it worse is you bringing random examples and going so far as to say we are cowards for NOT offing ourselves and she is brave for having the courage to "face the unknown" and put a noose around her neck. What part of the game is that ? That's the easy way out.

I won't even get into the religion aspect.

So if you're brother or sister took there own life you would still consider them a coward.....Try walking to a room and seeing your cousin's brains on the wall....are you still going to call them a coward.....people need to watch what they see if they never experienced a tragedy like this in there family....R.I.P to her though...
yes I would 100%
Originally Posted by StillIn729

Originally Posted by BeastMode212

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

I know exactly what PPD is.

It's no excuse to off yourself. She should have gotten treatment and taken her medicine and just used her will power to fight through it. I can never accept someone just killing themselves, especially when they have a child or a family because they cant deal with a problem. That's cowardly to me. What makes it worse is you bringing random examples and going so far as to say we are cowards for NOT offing ourselves and she is brave for having the courage to "face the unknown" and put a noose around her neck. What part of the game is that ? That's the easy way out.

I won't even get into the religion aspect.

So if you're brother or sister took there own life you would still consider them a coward.....Try walking to a room and seeing your cousin's brains on the wall....are you still going to call them a coward.....people need to watch what they see if they never experienced a tragedy like this in there family....R.I.P to her though...
yes I would 100%
seriously. it doesnt matter who it was that actually committed suicide, i'd still consider them to be a coward. They would just be a cowardlyfamily member, would i be extremely upset about the situation & felt like i could have done something to prevent the situation. But none of those feelingswould take away from the fact that i still think they are a coward for that act.
Everyone here saying they would call them a coward seriously do not factor in the state of mind these people are in. You're basing your judgement off yourown LOGICAL state of mind, not the mind of someone who is deeply depressed and can't think straight. If you're depressed to the point where youcan't make logical decisions, how can you call them a coward for offing themselves?
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