Damn Cleveland... Vol. What are we doing?

fam did this over his ex wife? :{

and ppl are supposedly attacking her social media pages? :{
Video of him talking to his frat bros and viewers about his girl being the reason behind this.

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Get this kat outta here 
 Evil people
******* pissed off watching that video! Them videos never hit me but ******* got me heated
**** like this makes me paranoid of ever being in the streets.

Who knows when it'll be my last.

RIP to the old man. Hope they get this sick **** alive.
Where are the trigger happy cops when you need them?

Like Morgan Freeman said in "Wanted"

"SHOOT THIS ************ "
​ saw a short clip of this on the news and thats only because I couldn't find my remote fast enough

I feel so sick for that elderly man and his family
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l was hoping everyone would just ignore dude.

Have no idea why this would be terrorism but l know dude is fishing to say something outlandish.
Well that can be ended easily:

a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

I'm desensitized to violence but damn that was sad. Hope this POS dies a painful death
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