damn it xbox360....

how is that Civ revolution? I've always liked Civ games but not sure how they would translate to a system.
it's pretty dope. i like it. it's a lot shorter than the PC versions but they did a great job on it
Originally Posted by Agthekid

I hate turn on my 360 everyday praying I don't see this result.

Edit: You got too much stuff on top of your 360.
yeah every time i turn on my 360 i pray that i dont see any red lights.
hate to say it but you should just get a PS3.. plus the added bonus of a blu-ray player.. what else would you need?
since no one is helping the poor guy...

you have two options:

1: you have xbox send you a box so you can send in your xbox to the repair station... this way takes about roughly two weeks to get your xbox back

2: you print a shipping label and ship it out yourself. 3 sent mine out that way and got mine back in about a week and a half...

either way it will take around 1-2 weeks...

also for dudes who think this doesnt happen to elites... i had my elite for about a year and a half then got the rrod...

thanks for the info Lenny.

i already requested them to send me a box. so im just waiting at this point.

it's gonna suck when Tuesday rolls around and i see the threads for Street Fighter 4
I got the rings about a week ago but I did the towel trick.. Eventually I'll have to call Microsoft and get a replacement.
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