Damn NY We Took A L For This One- Father Murders 7 Mth Old Son Punches Him In The Chest To Toughen

7 months old though?

RIP to the child...
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

eh. i watched a 3rd trimester abortion bout 2 days ago.

there should be nothing in this world to shock anyone.

isnt that illegal? out of curiosity, where could i see something like that
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

eh. i watched a 3rd trimester abortion bout 2 days ago.

there should be nothing in this world to shock anyone.
Like...WHY they do that at?
Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

eh. i watched a 3rd trimester abortion bout 2 days ago.

there should be nothing in this world to shock anyone.
Like...WHY they do that at?


RIP to the lil man
Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

ole weak +#@ new millenium babies.. man if he was actually tough, like his dad, we wouldn't even be reading this right now. But noooooo, now a concerned pappy has to go to jail. That ain't right.
You're not very good at this Niketalk thing brah
Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Really Rilla? Really?

Yes. I advocate punching babies. Really. 

Theres instances where you dont make jokes.

This is clearly one of them.
Go fly a kite..

I'm sure you have a family member, sister, brother, aunt, cousin etc... Who has a small child, which you might care about, and God forbid something terrible happens to them, think about that for a second, and see if your comment was appropriate.

I know NT is getting younger and immature by the day, but sometimes I wonder what kind of parents you have or how a person was raised, to make a joke like that.   This is why there are people like the man who committed this crime.

Damn. You can't tell me that he loved his son. One punch is too much, but REPEATEDLY punch a child in the chest?

That dad needs to have his **+ kicked weekly until he dies of old age.
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Really Rilla? Really?

Yes. I advocate punching babies. Really. 

Theres instances where you dont make jokes.

This is clearly one of them.
Go fly a kite..

I'm sure you have a family member, sister, brother, aunt, cousin etc... Who has a small child, which you might care about, and God forbid something terrible happens to them, think about that for a second, and see if your comment was appropriate.

I know NT is getting younger and immature by the day, but sometimes I wonder what kind of parents you have or how a person was raised, to make a joke like that.   This is why there are people like the man who committed this crime.

I'm  grown #@+ man... first of all. Secondly, once I learned to laugh at the jokes WITH the guys on here who think it's funny to insult someone's dead mom, I stopped giving a damn about how you and everyone else felt about me laughing at dead babies I don't know. Sorry. And noooooooo, I'm not asking you to care that I lost my mom. I'm telling you I don't care about THREADS about dead babies
... sue me. Of course this is aside from the fact that my original post was PURE sarcasm. At this point, I'm just letting you know that even if it wasn't sarcasm, I still wouldn't care about threads about dead babies. Now go deal with it.

And no, callous senses of humor have nothing to do with why people are like that. I'm a butthole...fact.. but I'VE never punched a baby now have I?

I knew you were joking but some things just don't need to be joked about.

True. And yet they are... it's the internet. Don't get all weak on my now. Toughen up before I punch YOU in the chest.

EDIT: and just to drive home the idea, 2 days ago a friend told me a person they sorta-know via FB had a baby that was crushed by a 42inch TV
.. man I still
just thinking about it. I'm sorry. Is it funny? Not actually, but the visual is hilarious.If it were on Family Guy you'd %@%+ yourself cracking up though. I'm just real enough to not give a damn if you see me laughing in real life.
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