Dark Knight: New Joker Pics?

Dec 30, 2000
Did anybody see the new Joker pics that were leaked this morning, I missed them and was hoping to find them somewhere.
Originally Posted by big1236

^^^ your sig is kind of ironic, isn't it.....

Originally Posted by big1236

^^^ your sig is kind of ironic, isn't it.....

I can't get mad at you for being an $!!%$*@ at that. It was pretty clever.

Still want to see those pics though!
I can post the first 7 minutes of the movie if anyone wants to see it, it's very bad quality though..
I was already planning to see this movie, but all this stuff you guys keep bringin to the table is actually gettin me a lil hyped and anxious. Never thoughtI'd say that about a DC comic flick
AGHHH I shouldn't have clicked the spoiler buttons.

No more... no more of this until July for me.

I want to be on the edge of my seat..
I actually thought this one would look better from the first teaser poster.
dark nights is gonna be sick. i thought batman begins was way better then superman reutrns and i like superman more
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