Dating a woman with children

Nah, I'm cool. My mind doesn't operate on sucker mode, so I'll save that for someone else.
my cuz is pushing 40 and settled down with a beautiful chick who has a son. all my life i've known him as an alpha male... he taught me the game, has had countless chicks on deck since i was wearing onesies but i guess that life catches up with you. i know he's regretting not having a kid, so i see it as his way of coping with that loneliness. i don't see it being desirable til you're in that exact predicament.

Refer to my post #44. Your cuz is on top of his game and played it out well. IMO. I wish my father or any older male family member laced me with game. I learn purely on trail and error and now the internet.

Doesn't hurt to have OGs school you, but for real the lessons don't really hit you till you live it anyways.
Why not settle down with someone in their late 20s/early 30s and have his own children?

If he had countless chicks on deck what was the predicament?

Why dd you guys speak as if people have all the options in the world. His uncle could be an ugly ***** who has to take what he can get. Or he could have a low paying job. Sometimes young cute chick will **** with you but they want to marry a young dude eventually

"If he had countless chicks on deck what was the predicament?"

That's why. Do you actually read the posts you quote?
Why people gotta bring up peoples moms in this argument? Acting like dudes is choosing mates based off what their mom was like :lol
just like saying that girls with kids are destined to make poor decisions.
well thats not an assumption nor isnt it extreme, like i posted earlier.... i provided unrefutable, statistical facts...maybe not you...but someone saying 8 abortions is an extreme unless they can provide some percentage, facts that state an overwhelmingly amount of young single woman have had multiple abortions...or hell abortions at all.

total abortions for last year in us....was 62,097....and guess what 64.3% of the abortions were by woman who are single parents...etc multiple kids...So even under the so called i rather date a girl with a kid then a girl with multiple abortions...statistical speaking...more in like that girl with the miltiple abortions is a girl who also is a single mother never married etc.... multiple baby daddies etc.

So im really confused...youd rather date a girl with a kid(s) who stat wise 6 outta 10 chances would have even more kids if not aborted a few...then a single woman with no kids who 3 outta 10 chances never been pregnant or had an abortion... Just isnt making a whole lotta sense to me.
Why people gotta bring up peoples moms in this argument? Acting like dudes is choosing mates based off what their mom was like
actually latest dsm-iv studies show, particularly in black males who grew up in a single home, often times find a woman that basically fills the role their mom had...Aka my mom was unstable jumpoff so on and so forth...and i wanted in a way be that man she wanted ....aka simp/sucker etc...w/e street term you wanna use...and they basically go out and find a woman who embodies those same flaws/characteristics etc....
just like saying that girls with kids are destined to make poor decisions.
well thats not an assumption nor isnt it extreme, like i posted earlier.... i provided unrefutable, statistical facts...maybe not you...but someone saying 8 abortions is an extreme unless they can provide some percentage, facts that state an overwhelmingly amount of young single woman have had multiple abortions...or hell abortions at all.

total abortions for last year in us....was 62,097....and guess what 64.3% of the abortions were by woman who are single parents...etc multiple kids...So even under the so called i rather date a girl with a kid then a girl with multiple abortions...statistical speaking...more in like that girl with the miltiple abortions is a girl who also is a single mother never married etc.... multiple baby daddies etc.

So im really confused...youd rather date a girl with a kid(s) who stat wise 6 outta 10 chances would have even more kids if not aborted a few...then a single woman with no kids who 3 outta 10 chances never been pregnant or had an abortion... Just isnt making a whole lotta sense to me.
There's nothing to be confused about, you're confusing yourself:

"I'd rather wife a chick with a kid than one who had a bunch of abortions" (Implicit in that statement is the assumption that the girl with a ki never had, or will have abortions)

You want to introduce statistical analysis of abortions and their influence on relationship decisions go ahead, but my statement is my statement. Further you mean to tell me that abortions in the US dropped from 784,000 (2009) to 62,000(2012).??????????????
Why people gotta bring up peoples moms in this argument? Acting like dudes is choosing mates based off what their mom was like
i didn't mean for it to be a low blow, but to contextualize some of these guy's  comments...ninjas mom seems like good people and did right by him, and to assume that a single mom is always getting broken off by tahrone is just ludicrous.
If u cool wit her having kids then that shouldn't hold u back. Long as her kids got respect for u. That's important as well
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