David Letterman: Target of an extortion attempt BREAKING NEWS

Booo this man. Leno > Letterman. Nobody cares about your personal life, especially your cheatin ++%. Get out there and make your show funny
I don't condone his actions, but the way he just came out and said it's true you gotta give the man props for not running from it.

AND not that anybody on NT cares, but Kim K is gonna be on after Woody Harrellson.
Originally Posted by abernja

I don't condone his actions, but the way he just came out and said it's true you gotta give the man props for not running from it.
I agree.
What exactly did he do wrong if nobody knows when these events even occurred? He JUST recently got married, this could've happened a while ago while he wassingle (dudes tryna speculate already).

Its sex.....OH MY GOSH.
Originally Posted by abernja

I don't condone his actions, but the way he just came out and said it's true you gotta give the man props for not running from it.

AND not that anybody on NT cares, but Kim K is gonna be on after Woody Harrellson.
I switched it on for like 2 seconds and saw him talking about it and the crowd laughing hysterically, really? you cheated on your wife and yourjoking about it?
back to conan, call me when Kim K is on
I had never heard her talk before tonight and my conclusion is this. She's a sexy airhead.
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by pip777

Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

kim k is a friggin moron.
You talking about the "diamonds" part?
+ the giraffe part.

and well, the whole interview.
True. She stills look good.......................that's all that matters on TV.
I'm pretty much a hardcore Letterman fan. Been watching since he had the Late Show on NBC. Even I was shocked when he revealed this. I didn't even seeany news coverage before I saw the airing, and than I see CNN covering it. I'm sure Dave will keep this buzz going on for at least a few more months withjokes about himself despite how personal it is. He did it with the whole Sarah Palin battle, and is known to have some controversy on his show. Just recentlyhe has been doing well against Conan. By the way I hate the fact that Conan has to go head to head with Dave...I miss the old days where I could watchLetterman, and avoid Leno, than at 12:35 I can watch Conan.
Could you imagine if one of the girls were Beth, Howard Stern's current wife? She use to intern there and I know he's going to get a lot of that nextweek
Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

Could you imagine if one of the girls were Beth, Howard Stern's current wife? She use to intern there and I know he's going to get a lot of that next week
I came here to post the same exact thing. One thing tho, i don't think she was an intern, i believe she had small parts on the show (likewhenever they had sketches)
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