"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

Aug 20, 2003

In an interview with IGN, producer Bryan Singer confirmed that the sequel to X-Men: First Class will indeed be titled X-Men: Days of Future Past. Longtime comic book fans know that this is also the title of a watershed story arc in the X-Men universe, which was written by Chris Claremont and illustrated by John Byrne in 1981.

The basics of the original story revolve around an alternate dystopian future where mutant-hunting Sentinel robots rule the U.S. and mutants are either sent to concentration camps or killed on sight. There are other specifics to the story that we're not sure will make it into the film, but Singer still promised that this will be an "ambitious" undertaking.

Interestingly enough, Singer also hinted that this X-Men movie could have ties to the previous ones that he directed in the early 2000's. If the time-traveling and alternate timeline aspects of the original "Days of Future Past" comic are intact, it's possible that this movie could incorporate all sorts of characters and plot threads from the prior X-Men films as well. This could wind up being very similar to the way J.J. Abrams' Star Trek reboot attempted to merge the various timelines from that series into a new continuity.

There is a lot to speculate so far, but we won't know anything for sure until X-Men: Days of Future Past hits theaters on July 18, 2014.



I think this will be great. Always loved this story line and they did well with First Class. What do you guys think?



I think this will be great. Always loved this story line and they did well with First Class. What do you guys think?

I just dont know why a straight up "normal" xmen movie cant be done by these guys. In the 200 xmen, we got 3 members and zero action. Pretty much all of singers movies for me lacked action IMO. Firstc lass was just bad, Save for Fassbender, Bacon, and McAvoy.
They just need to take their time and not rush it. Too many comic book movies now are rushed.
Blade (1998) was the only Marvel movie that I honestly felt satisfaction after watching...all others fell very short.

Blade (1998) was the only Marvel movie that I honestly felt satisfaction after watching...all others fell very short.

the "only" marvel movie?

no iron man.. no spirderman (1 or 2).. or how about avengers?
First Class wasn't good at all. I finally watched it a month ago after all the hype and didn't understand the praise for it especially with all of the Junior Varsity mutants. FOX is forcing a sequel, but like First Class I will easily pass.
January Jones isn't hot at all either, X-MEN First Class felt like it should have been straight to DVD. 
Man.....I actually liked First Class. I didn't know the majority hated it.

The majority loved it. 7.9 on IMDB and 87% on Rotten Tomatoes and was a box office success as well.

Was it The Dark Knight? No, of course not. Would it have been better if there was some continuity between between it and the original trilogy? Perhaps. But it was a great movie considering the lackluster third movie and the botching of the Phoenix story.

The two leads were excellent, it was an interesting take to put it up against the Cuban Missile Crisis, and did well to entertain as a single movie while setting up nicely for a sequel.

I can't wait.
Using this arc is pretty interesting. As for First Class, the acting was okay but everything else was just "eh.."
damn i thought more people liked first class, i thought it was good. Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy put on solid performances.
if you don't have any idea about characters back ground, their porpose or principle then first class is not for you...
when i was starting to know X-Men about two decades ago.lol i was lucky to bumped in with a much older guy in comic shop where i used to hang out. this guy knows his Marvel/X-Men stuff deep! i ask him about all X-Men stuff and he has all the answers and explanation to back it up. thats why when i watch the first class it really connected to me especially in the major parts that was pretty close in the comics...
i always thought the guy i talked to was the shop ower but i didn't ask anyway.
Using this arc is pretty interesting. As for First Class, the acting was okay but everything else was just "eh.."

yup. Good acting doesnt make up for crappy xmen line ups, training montages, poorly filmed action sequences, weak second half of the movie etc. The movie was going good up until Shaw visited the x kiddies while mags and prof x were away
i believe it was critically successful and very successful too box office wise. I think it grossed something close to $400 million off a $160 budget
I thought the Magneto/Xavier movie was pretty awesome. My body's so ready to see a Days of the Future Past and hopefully, and just for my inner geekness, find a way to bring in Cyclops and make him actually do something cool. All you really have to do is have someone grab Scott from the lake in X3 and bring him back in time and people will be looking like

Snatched him up so fast that he lost his glasses just before Phoenix blew him up and then he can have a love relationship with Emma Frost while always thinking about Jean :smokin. It could work.
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