I'd pay up to 500 for the BW and around the same for the Stash HI AF1's..See Im in a completely different but yet same boat as you guys..I don't get to wear dress shoes cause of me being disabled, but Im a stay at home dad and I dont really have many places to go during the week, so my opportunity to wear my sneakers is pretty much limited to the weekends and thats even if there is anything to do..I wish I could figure out how to use ebay/paypal..I signed up and made a paypal account but for some reason no matter what i read or tutorial videos i watch I just can't seem to retain the information sufficiently enough to pull the trigger and put my stuff up for sale..I guess Im just getting too old..LOL..I never thought I'd have a hard time selling my DMP's, Altitudes, Grapes, and Aqua's..I really thought those would be my sure fire "I need money" kicks..haha