DC Snipers 10 years later

i remember this happening, but i also don't remember being as scared as all of you guys were apparently. i guess i just felt invincible, but i just figured the chances of something happening to me or someone i knew were slim.
I have been writing to Lee Malvo for 7 years, I have not forgotten the victims.  Our book, The Diary of the D.C. Sniper, details WHY these crimes happened and will be out next month.  It is not because of the 10 year anniversary, as this has been many years in the works. 

My prayers to the victims.  I am donating 30% of the proceeds to charity, Lee Malvo will receive nothing.
I have been writing to Lee Malvo for 7 years, I have not forgotten the victims.  Our book, The Diary of the D.C. Sniper, details WHY these crimes happened and will be out next month.  It is not because of the 10 year anniversary, as this has been many years in the works. 

My prayers to the victims.  I am donating 30% of the proceeds to charity, Lee Malvo will receive nothing.
Has he responded?

and why are you writing this book? 
Had us low key shook in Harrisburg once they mentioned they were spotted heading up 83N. U had dudes w/ yoppas on top of yoppas
Between this and 9/11...the last two years of High School were wild in the DMV area. A lot of paranoia from local folks and this was before the instant updates of social media and technology really so it still had that word of mouth/local news feel to the story.

Yeah crazy time.
Just ran a wiki on Muhammad.  I'm sure this was mentioned at the time, but it's creepy that the time he was pronounced dead after the lethal injection was 9:11
This whole ordeal was set-up to install even more fear and paranoia in the minds of Americans, to further justify the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Here's a black man, who's name was Muhammad. Going around fatally sniping and killing innocent people for no apparent reason or motive. They wanted gullible Americans to believe that any person named Muhammad - whether Arab, Black, Asian, etc. was fully capable of terrorizing this country. The timing and person(s) behind this whole situation was more sketchy then the actual sniping itself.
It was part of the plan going forward right after 9/11. Accuse someone name Muhammad, add some color to it, create fear/paranoia, put it on FoxNews, CNN, etc; get support from Americans to keep pushing the war until it rolls down an unstoppable hill to which there would be no point of return.
It also sidetracked people from understanding and opening up their eyes to what was really going on in the world at the time..
Don't be so gullible. Our country does not have it's citizens in it's best interest. The news can make one believe anything. There's literally no law preventing a news corp from lying or reporting fictional stories.
I would love to dig more into this whole ordeal, but I don't want to waste any more time dwelling on the past. I've argued and debated this 'DC Sniper' thing far too much in real life over the years.

LOL.. Here we go again. What's your favorite Ventura movie?
Damm 10 years already?!

Rip to the people that died..
It was a crazy time in the dmv..
This makes me feel old. They had the whole area shook, pumping gas became somewhat of a tactical mission.
Man I was at Suitland HS during this time. It was like a Cowboy movie at High Noon... straight tumbleweeds everywhere. Still mad they had us watching out for white vans. :smh:
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