DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

all it would have took was a 30 second conversation and the fight would have never happened :lol:

Clark was trying to explain, but Bruce's traps kept interrupting him, and then he was weakened by Kryptonite for the first time ever and he had to go into survival mode. Homeboy was never given the chance to state his case before he started catching a whoopin'.
Wait you can complained and moaned because you paid $17 for a movie you hate but we can't defend for a movie we like because you disagree?

What I don't get is why you're trying to convince those who liked the film to dislike them?

We get it, you hate it , everything about it, you've complained and complained a lot so why not just move on?

Why can't you just let people like what they like even if they are in the minority?

uh....because its an internet discussion forum.

Ohhh... so it's an internet discussion forum so you can't let other like what they want to like? You got to beat them up until they see it your way and hate the movie themselves?

Ohhh... so it's an internet discussion forum so you can't let other like what they want to like? You got to beat them up until they see it your way and hate the movie themselves?


you don't have to change your mind. I don't care if you do or you don't i enjoy discussing movies positives and negatives.

if me bringing up the negative hampers your enjoyment of the movie, well sorry man. so it goes. .
because he got hit with thekryptonite gernade.

he tells lois he will kill him if he has to.

Yeah, he said he'd have to kill him if needed, because unlike Bruce the farmboy can't formulate Plan C on the spot, but he was able to buy enough time in the fight to realize he could get through to Bruce by using his mom's name.
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all it would have took was a 30 second conversation and the fight would have never happened 
Clark was trying to explain, but Bruce's traps kept interrupting him, and then he was weakened by Kryptonite for the first time ever and he had to go into survival mode. Homeboy was never given the chance to state his case before he started catching a whoopin'.
its totally on batman, dude is obsessed with superman yet is not willing to have a simple conversation with him to understand why superman has it out for him? 

the motivations on both sides of the fight were incredibly shallow and underdeveloped 
Yeah, he said he'd have to kill him if needed, because unlike Bruce the farmboy can't formulate Plan C on the spot, but he was able to buy enough time in the fight to realize he could get through to Bruce by using his mom's name.

if you write a situation where Superman immediatly resigns himself to murder, in a mopey ridiculous way, you should rip that story up and burn the peices, and then cut of your own hands and burn those so you can never type again.

It's a betray of one of core thematic elements of the character.

He is the man of tomorrow. Living embodiment of the hope for a better future.

being resigned to his fate like he was in this movie is a violation of everything superman stands for.

A lot of people like this movie because they don't like or care about superman.

Thats fine too. But I like Superman, so I would like to see him adaptated to film, and I'm annoyed becuase THIS ISN'T SUPERMAN.
Yep, here we go. Exact same MOS thread, "This isn't Superman". :lol:

We knew it was coming tho. Months in the making. :smh:
In that very same line he also told Lois that he has to get his help before he mentions killing as an option. He didn't want to kill him.

having superman except that as a possibility is an insta fail.

and then he tell lois before he flys away some line like "i guess there aren't heroes or I guess everyone can't be saved" or something I can't even remmeber I've tried to purge it from my memory. :lol:
It definitely isnt a great film but lets stop acting like its the worst comic based film you ever watched.
This isnt meant to be an analytical/canon film or anything like that.
Saw it earlier today, my review in spoiler........

Definitely happy with the product. Started off a little rough, I was worried for a few minutes, bit choppy and seriously, how many times I gotta see Thomas and Martha Wayne die? Was half expecting to see Uncle Ben catch a stray in the next scene, Christ. :lol: :lol:

About 20 minutes in, it started to settle down and get on with the point. In a sense, I liked "some" of the first 20 minutes, like showing what the aftermath of MOS was, seeing Bruce Wayne (not Batman) charge into the city to try and help, that was outstanding. True heroism, and sketchy 9/11ish flashbacks. Not gadget well protected Bats, but wearin a suit playboy Bruce drivin towards total destruction without a care in the world for his own well being, only his employees/the city/people.

I believe the special bullet issue had something to do with Lex trying to find ways/tech to bring down Superman. He was experimenting or something, maybe for future Kryptonite usage I assume?

We got to see a little of the detective Bruce when he seeking out the Russian, and also the fighting skill when he tells that guy how to beat his opponent.

I knew watching that people who didn't like the Lex casting to begin with wouldn't change their mind, but I fully expected everyone to 180 on Wonder Woman, why? She's hot. :lol: But I actually liked Lex. He wasn't great, nor as good as Affleck, but he was def psychotic, and a true threat to the world. His speech where he sort of wanted to let himself go, but stuttered and stammered his way thru the speech in front of all those people was pretty telling.

Pretty sure Clark learned who Bruce was from the convo at the party he could hear. I think that's how he knew at the end Batman's true identity. As for Lex, he's a flat out genius and has a ton of connections, he simply absorbed knowledge, much like we saw when he entered the ship and told it to proceed with teaching him anything and everything.

In general, I liked the little Easter Egg type files on the meta humans, but the slow scroll, sentence by sentence from Diana was a little off. :lol: Tried to be too fine with that plot point. Should have kept it file logo's to start, and maybe later after it's all over, she goes back and watches the actual scenes as kind of a lead up to the next film. Instead of blowing all that load in one scene.

I was a little stunned at Bats throwin glocks around, but I'm fine with it. Dude in a rubber suit risks his billionaire life every single night to fight 53 bad guys armed with weaponry and he needs to be concerned with their safety and well being at all times? :lol: Clip that. Unload, reload, and unload again Bruce, do your thang.

Really interested in the world likes Supes, doesn't trust Supes, mourns Supes again. That's real. Just like the opinions of these movies, the world doesn't know what to do with itself. Can't make up its own mind.

Really, really cool move by Lex blowing up the Senate building. :wow: I knew the chair was bad, but not like that. And Lex sending in his own assistant. :lol: :pimp: Means to an end, always. Lex cares only about his own goals, no matter the collateral damage. He and Joker would be a dynamic duo I'd pay to see. :nerd:

The fight scenes between Bats-Supes, just pifffffff. Dreams in the flesh.

Bruce's crazy dreams were really cool based on him being an elder Bruce. Def worn down and weary. The scenes with him and Alfred were also great.

In fact, Alfred, Marth Kent, and Pa Kent were all well done scenes. The elders bestowing wisdom on the Heroes seeking their paths. Bats has tried to leave the life, Supes wasn't sure if he should, and then if he should continue, Diana bailed for a century. Heroes wanting out, still need guidance in some capacity, they don't have all the answers, no matter how well they mean, or how experienced they are. As I sat there, I KNEW people would get riled over Costner appearing and talking "this is so stupid, lame, pointless, etc" But I liked his message, same as I did MOS. Same with Ma Kent, "you don't owe these people anything"

Lois throwing the spear in the water was lacking a little, but, in a pinch, she was just trying to get rid of it for that moment I suppose. Nowhere she could really go to hide that thing forever, ya know? But they shouldn't have wasted that time trying to come up with something. Shoulda just left it off to the side, and then Supes goes for it for the kill.

Did like the way they teamed up tho. The trio worked together to take out Doomsday, and that's something Marvel hasn't done right yet, they just kill hundreds of faceless villains without breaking a sweat. These guys quickly teamed up to do work.

Doomsday was wasted because of that trailer........they should have withheld that one. :smh: I didn't really care for him either way, but it would have played so much better as a surprise of some sort.

The Superman coffin :wow: :pimp: I really didn't see him dyin in this one. That caught me off guard a little. I kept waitin for him to break out the coffin.

Bruce sayin he has a feelin they need the other Meta's had to be from the Flash dream sequence.

Gal was a damn dime for sure, and she havin that look on her face of satisfaction fighting was pretty amusing. :lol: She LOVED fightin that beast.

I saw some askin why Supes didn't just tell Bats about his mom, he tried, but Bruce had set all the traps and that eventually just got Supes back on track to fight him. He had just told Lois, "I need his help or have to kill him to save my mom" (why Supes didn't just go save her himself, that I don't know, maybe he was just caught off guard Lex knew about her?) Either way, he tried to tell Bruce he was done fighting him and wanted to work together, or something.

Bats completely losing his **** when he mentions Martha was awesome. Shows how crazy he really is, but also how simple Supes is. He wasn't after world domination, he was a boy tryin to save his mom. Humanity. :pimp:

It probably could have shaved a few minutes off, and tightened up some of the early pacing, but it really didn't ever feel long, or dragging to me, it just simply threw a lot stuff in. If you want to add the JL parts, take out Perry and Daily Planet stuff. Shave some of the Holly Hunter scenes, etc.

We already saw RDJ/Iron Man in a courtroom, but that was without the tin can. Seeing the actual Superman walk into a Senate meeting and face the world was :wow: Sad they had to blow the building up around him, but oh well. :lol:

It's weird, but it didn't FEEL like a Snyder film. MOS absolutely did, this one felt a little more Nolanish if he'd been drinking maybe. Not as complete as Nolan usually is, but it wasn't all Snyderized. Minus a couple shots here and there, savin the little girl, the village reachin out to him, the dream gargoyle stuff, little Bruce floating with the bats, and of course the slow mo walking in fields and stuff. :lol:

The final battle happening on an abandoned island. :rofl: :rofl: DC heard everyone. I was cacklin when that went down.

I know for a fact it will get picked apart by NT, I can only imagine how bad it's gonna get in here, but I thought it was solid as hell. Perfect? Naw. Certainly not perfect, but it was well done, well performed, and well shot for the most part. People will praise the **** out of Mad Max, but clown this one because of technical aspects and camera placements. :lol: Is what it is. Most of the people that will bag on it were baggin on it the past several months without even seein it. That's how we do now, judge films long before they come out, then roll with it after it drops. Rinse and repeat. I went in hopeful, and came out happy enough, with a few scenes here or there that could have been stronger. And I'm fine with that.


Excellent review repped.

Saw it last night in 3D XD. Disclaimer: I'm a DC guy through-and-through. I appreciate the Marvel movies as a comic fan, but think for the most part they're absurdly light on story and emotional depth.

I loved this. More than DK Rises & MoS, just behind Dark Knight & Batman Begins.

Review in spoiler...

So first of all, seeing the TRINITY FIGHTING DOOMSDAY was incredible and worth the price of admission alone.

This is what I've been waiting for for the last 25 years. I finally got to see Superman punch something in MoS, and people complained that he wasn't Christopher Reeve spinning the earth backwards to change the past. Now in this I get to see the epic battle of DKR (minus one-armed old man Ollie's help, but oh well), as well as a totally bad-***** Wonder Woman, and I'm reading the same damn reviews from 3 yrs ago (too dark, too gritty, not enough laughs, etc.). Argh! Give me a break!

If you want a Marvel movie, there's another one opening in a few weeks. This is a DC movie, and dammit, DC is dark, it's gritty, it feels like it's a world that could actually exist if a psychopath in clown makeup started f'ing stuff up in an economically-disadvantaged city. And what a DC movie this is.

So the start of the film showing the MoS ending from Bruce's perspective was great, and puts all of the "SO MANY PEOPLE DIED!!1!!" MoS complaints into perspective.

Lex's hatred and distrust of Supes is totally believable. He's a brilliant, spoiled kid with F-U money who was fixing to be the most "powerful" man on the planet before a creature with real powers emerged, and he'll do ANYTHING to remove this more powerful being from his path.

Holly Hunter was solid as the senator, and the Capitol bombing was totally unexpected.

I loved Jeremy Irons as Alfred. Best Alfred since BtAS.

The whole dream sequence almost made me pee myself. If DC can get Darkseid fighting the JL on-screen before Marvel finally gets Thanos involved with the Avengers, I'll personally fly to Cali and take Goyer, Nolan & Geoff Johns to dinner. That'd be the ultimate irony, since Thanos is such a Darkseid ripoff. All of the teasers (Omega symbol, f'ing PARADEMONS, the painting, "He's coming") were really ominous, and perfect fan-service.

Gal Gadot was a perfect Diana/ WW. Gorgeous as a civvy, brutal as a warrior. Her comment about having fought beings "from other worlds" gives me hope her villain will be Hades, and her sword's ability to damage Doomsday gives me hope that magic will be introduced soon (well before Shazam, at least), too.

Having Supes dropped by Doomsday (who looked frigging awesome, btw), was amazing and completely unexpected, at least by me. The black casket during the funeral, the monument after the burial, the simple farm funeral for Clark - fantastic.

And I liked the ficus on the pearls for Bruce. Tye pearls drive everything he is as Batman, and Clark's ability to connect to him by using his mother's name was the best way to make Bruce see him as human instead of alien.

Only things that initially confused me when I watched the movie were:
- the revised geography of having Gotham across the bay from Metropolis, almost making it more of Bludhaven.
- I totally didn't realize that was Robin's suit w/ Joker's writing on it in the cave
- I had no idea who was warning Bruce during his dream. Thought it was Flash but had no clue til I went online this AM.

Other than that, man.... what a great movie. Easily an 8-out-of-10 as a movie, and a 9.2 as a comic book movie

(As comic book movies, DK is a 10, BB is a 9.4, DKR is an 8.8, MoS is an 8.6; to put it in context of Marvel movies, IM1 is an 8.6, IM2 is a 7.8, IM3 is a 6, Thor1 is an 8, Thor 2 is a 7, Cap 1 is a 9.2, Cap 2 is an 8.8, Avengers is a 9, Avengers 2 is an 8, GotG is a 9, Ant Man is an 8.4)

Excellent review repped sir
Yep, same ones from the MOS thread, wait til Zik actually sees the film when he's done giving opinions the last couple days without even watchin it yet. :lol: Then the trio will be complete and they can destroy scene after scene and come up with stupid *** why this, why that's like you can do for every movie in history.

I've seen this thread before. :rolleyes

Yupppp :lol: fight the good fight :lol:

You guys realize you are the minority right?

You guys can cape of for Snyder if you want to, but understand you taking up arms against ******* roiling sea of troubles.

Wait you can complained and moaned because you paid $17 for a movie you hate but we can't defend for a movie we like because you disagree?

What I don't get is why you're trying to convince those who liked the film to dislike them?

We get it, you hate it , everything about it, you've complained and complained a lot so why not just move on?

Why can't you just let people like what they like even if they are in the minority?
This. Seriously all of this.

Wait you can complained and moaned because you paid $17 for a movie you hate but we can't defend for a movie we like because you disagree?

What I don't get is why you're trying to convince those who liked the film to dislike them?

We get it, you hate it , everything about it, you've complained and complained a lot so why not just move on?

Why can't you just let people like what they like even if they are in the minority?

uh....because its an internet discussion forum.

Ohhh... so it's an internet discussion forum so you can't let other like what they want to like? You got to beat them up until they see it your way and hate the movie themselves?


RFX you da real MVP :lol:
It wasn't a great film, but also on the level of batman and robin, GL, Forever, and any of the F4 films.
Def better then Thors, Im2, IM3 and a few other MCU films.
aahhhh. not worth it :lol:

its just going around in circles

Its just me disagreeing.

again. maybe I've been confused this whole time about what a discussion forum is supposed to be for.

if you like the movie good for you, no one is telling you, you shouldn't like it.
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