DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

One last complaint: the new Batman logo looks ******* stupid. **** reminds me of Eric Cartman.
I get it, but the fact that he didnt fly above the stratosphere before the fight to absorb sun and become a literal god is literally in the top 3 dumbest plotlines/holes I have ever heard. Of course we are excluding joke plotlines like anything to do with Deadpool or Squirrel Girl. They are going to need to come up with a decent story for why that is in the movie.

Make a ridiculously overpowered character that has to be the most inconsistent character in any media ever just so a story with him can last more than 2 seconds then wonder why it is hated :smh:

People try to shrug this off like a tiny plothole too :lol:

Flying to the sun before the fight isn't going to make him immune to the kryptonite. After he gets hit with it and inhales the kryptonite gas, he would still be weakened. Does this not occur to you? You can put Superman right in the core of the sun but you shoot a kryptonite bullet to his heart, chances are he would likely die.

Again, you want to change such a great story just to please your hatred for the man? You want the book to exclude it's climatic ending, you want Supes to just flick Batman to the sunset and dies, the end. Then TDKR becomes one of the best book with a great build up with a crappy ending?

You can't change such a great story like that and no, those are not plotholes. You're just blinded by your hate. It's a great story, it was set up well so that it gives Batman a fighting chance and it's actually one of the most valid ways Batman stood a chance against Superman. That is it, you do not need to further complicate such a great story.
One last complaint: the new Batman logo looks ******* stupid. **** reminds me of Eric Cartman.

It's inspired by Frank Millers design.
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The Frank Miller design is so much better than the one in the movie. Barely anything changed yet the Frank Miller design is 40x better.
Flying to the sun before the fight isn't going to make him immune to the kryptonite. After he gets hit with it and inhales the kryptonite gas, he would still be weakened. Does this not occur to you? You can put Superman right in the core of the sun but you shoot a kryptonite bullet to his heart, chances are he would likely die.

Again, you want to change such a great story just to please your hatred for the man? You want the book to exclude it's climatic ending, you want Supes to just flick Batman to the sunset and dies, the end. Then TDKR becomes one of the best book with a great build up with a crappy ending?

You can't change such a great story like that and no, those are not plotholes. You're just blinded by your hate. It's a great story, it was set up well so that it gives Batman a fighting chance and it's actually one of the most valid ways Batman stood a chance against Superman. That is it, you do not need to further complicate such a great story.

You got me before the edit. But like I said inconsistent. He cant take Kryptonite gas. Wish I still had that page somewhere. Can't even be consistent with his weakness. :smh:
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I don't think there is any hero that is just always consistent with everything.

Things are retconned and changed all the time and there are plenty of non-canon stories out there. You can't help inconsistencies.

In Kingdom Come, Superman is immune to kryptonite but that is isn't canon.

And really, his inconsistencies has nothing to do with the TDKR story, which is also not canon. Frank Miller could make Batman poop diamonds and that is why he is so rich and it wouldn't count toward the real Batman in the main universe.
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There is alright his powers a kinda inconsistent.

Then there is alright his powers are too inconsistent to even be enjoyable (Wolverine)

Then there is which one of his superpowers and weaknesses should we use today? (Superman)
Again, it can't be helped. Dude has been in existence for 75 years and he has been created to be one of the most powerful with a good arsenal of powers. He has also been through so many generations and writers took liberties with what he can do and that;s what retcons are for. It's done with and any changes to those powers like removing one or another will just cause even more fanboy rage, especially the basic ones like flight, super strength, heat vision, etc... They just got to work with what they have but for the most part, his powers and weaknesses are pretty consistent. It's the levels that differ like how much could he really lift or how fast can he really fly.

Overall his main weaknesses are still kryptonite and magic but there are other ways to beat him like blocking his absorption of yellow sun or just a different color sun (red sun for example) as kryptonians absorbs any of them and that is dependent on what powers they get. His physical body also has a limit as Doomsday has beaten him to death. He is also not immune to mind control. And lead, though not really a weakness but he just can't see through it but he also uses it to block any exposure to kryptonite. I mean those are the most basic of all his weaknesses.

He has the general basic powers and weaknesses that's been pretty consistent for the past few decades I say.

But follow the new 52. That is his most current and updated set of powers and weaknesses.
Reading through some of the responses in this thread, I face palmed a lot :lol: :smh:

Thanks RFX for dropping the knowledge in this thread. Without it, I would've left this thread very annoyed. Lol
The only good Marvel movies are Iron Man and Captain America 2. Everything else was pretty bad/average.

None of the Thor movies were even memorable, and IM2 and IM3 were hot pieces of garbage.
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The only good Marvel movies are Iron Man and Captain America 2. Everything else was pretty bad/average.

None of the Thor movies were even memorable, and IM2 and IM3 were hot pieces of garbage.

Id even say iron man was average. At least the final third act. Marvel movies are hyped but the movies really aren't that great. Heck, most of the recent movies don't even come close to Spiderman 2 and TDK ( imo of course)
The novelty of seeing these characters and storylimes played out on screen has completley worn off for me.

At this point all that matters is the quality if the film, you can reference all the frank miller batman you want but if the script and direction arent on point, then it aint on point.

if anyhing referncing classic stories and then ******** on them just makes me angrier.

Goyer script beimg re done/tossed in the garbage gives some hope.
The only good Marvel movies are Iron Man and Captain America 2. Everything else was pretty bad/average.

None of the Thor movies were even memorable, and IM2 and IM3 were hot pieces of garbage.
I enjoyed The Incredible Hulk to go along with Iron Man 1 and Captain America 2.

You're right about the rest of the Marvel stand-alone movies being forgettable though. I disliked Captain America 1, the Thors were decent and the Iron Man sequels were ****.
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I feel weird for not being wowed by the clip :\ ..

It wouldn't surprise me if that was shot specifically for SDCC and isn't even in the film.. or at least doesn't play out like that in the final cut.
Cap 1 was meh
Thor 1 stared Thor not being Thor
Thor 2 sucked
Iron man 2 sucked
Iron man 3 garbage
Avengers had a good last 45mins
(Don't know if the hulk movies count)
Hulk 1 garbage
Hulk 2 was actually top 4 marvel movies so far

So far phase 2 is 1/3

One movie being really good, one being meh, and the other being one of the worst movies to date if not the worst

Marvels track record isn't as good as people make it out to be
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It is tho. It just isn't for you. Only truly bad movies they made are IM2 and IM3

Ok, then DC's movies just might not be for you. That's a bad argument :lol:

You didn't make an argument. TIH, IM1, Cap 1, Avengers, and Cap 2 are liked by fans and critics bruh. And who says I don't like DC movies? Dumb assumption.
I'm sure before Batman goes 1on1 with Superman he has done his homework. He probably knows that kryptonite is Superman weakness. I mean Bat's is suppose to be the greatest detective on Earth. With his unlimited source of $ & resources it wouldn't be hard to get his hands on it. Trust Batman is not going to fight Superman with just a suit on & thats it. He got that green with him too. No question I'm going to see it open night. I just hope they do it right bc Marvel is killing DC right about now in the movies.
Both Thors are extremely meh. Theyhave eenjoyable aspects, but overall meh
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