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The fact that Snyder is still heavily involved with any DC property after MoS and BvS is just.......disappointing, to say the least.
I really liked MoS. And I liked BvS (Directors Cut). [emoji]127995[/emoji]‍♂️

Snyder 2 for 2 in my books.
If jla is buns and you guys still worship him, then you're cult-status.
I'm not above complimenting the guy. His visuals can be dope (though it's mostly ripped off completely from the source material...)

Based on MoS and BvS though,,, his movies go from one extreme (boring, slow-paced) to another (buildings topping over, explosions everywhere). I never get a sense of good pacing or creative exposition like a Nolan or Abrams.
I wouldn't knock him for ripping the visuals from the source materials because you got someone like Singer who completely stays away from it and it kind of destroys a lil bit of your childhood.

There are also a lot of directors who simply do their interpretations and that can be good at times but you also want that comic book look and that is where Snyder shines costume-wise, I didn't mind the normal build Supes of Reeves until I saw the brolic Cavill. then he brought us amazing Batfleck look which is probably the best.

I love how close Watchmen was to the comics too.
^ His style was definitely more fitting for Watchmen or a 300 where it's mostly a self-contained story and the visuals play a significant part to connecting it to the source material.

But for something like Batman and Superman (where there have been literally hundreds of interpretations of them over the years),, I would appreciate a fresh approach than just combining "Dark Knight Returns" visuals and scraps of "Death of Superman".

And say what you want about Singer but at least he tries to approach visuals, characters, etc. from a different perspective than what's necessarily on the page. Yes, he can be cheesy but I think he's had more hits than misses, imo.
nah, Singer completely changing characters and putting them in black leather like it's some CW show isn't good

I am a guy who gave him a pass for X1-X3 with costumes but once you start seeing Spidey in spandex, Iron Man in armor, Thor in his Agardian gear and Batman looking like ripped straight from the comics then Singer has no more excuses

Singers visuals has also been the same and his way of filming still looks like it's from the 2000s when he made X1 and if his different perspective is making Apocalypse look like Ivan Ooze then he can keep his candy *ss perspective especially after seeing the comic accurate design that he could have gone with

But for something like Batman and Superman (where there have been literally hundreds of interpretations of them over the years),, I would appreciate a fresh approach than just combining "Dark Knight Returns" visuals and scraps of "Death of Superman".

if you think about it, this is actually a "fresh" approach as it has never been done/seen on the big screen before

as I mentioned, you had a regular built Supes and Bats for decades, Bale was ripped but his suit was tactical, Snyder actually put Bats back in spandex which hasn't been done since the Adam West days and it looked awesome

TDK visuals for Bats is perfectly fine btw, it was the movie that wasn't executed well, had the movie been better the suit would just be as good
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Comparing Snyder to Singer :lol: That's exactly how it should be.

Lousy directors with a laundry list of bad movies.

Some people don't acknowledge the visual artist that is Zack Snyder.
No. Most do.

Its just ppl acknowledge there's more to directing than visuals let alone from being a highly praised one.
When it comes to Singer, these are my basically my thoughts on him. I posted it a while back.
Nowadays, people like to crap on Singer and rightfully so. Like Zik said, he's made a lot of mediocre films that disappoint and on a consistent basis. Plus, his visuals aren't really anything to write home about. That being said, I give him a lot of credit for what he did with X2 (and the first X-Men film to a certain extent). It's easy to dismiss these movies now with the hundreds of comic book movies that have popped up since then -- some of them superior, some not. But the way he juggled all of the characters and still managed to put together a tight, coherent story was pretty impressive. To think this movie had Pyro, Iceman, Rogue, Wolverine, Storm, Magneto, Professor X, Mystique, Jean Gray, Deathstrike, and the very delightful Brian Cox as Stryker all coming together for an entertaining film that still holds up today. That opening scene alone (with Nightcrawler storming the White House) is probably one of the single greatest comic book movie scenes in the last 15 years.
Whereas, other than some neat visuals, Synder is a hack. Still can't wrap my head around the idea of handing this guy the reins to some of the most important properties in comic book cinematic history.
No one wanted the reigns after Nolan turned WB/DC down, Snyder was 7th or 8th down the list.

300 and Watchmen were really good films to me especially considering one of them was considered un-filmable and a property nobody wanted to touch, same with the DCEU.

I am one to defend X1 and X2 but I still do not like the liberties he has taken with the characters and how he pretty much banned comic books during filming and really just made his own sh*t up. Yes he pulled it off, I am not sure it holds up too well anymore, seeing those costumes just looks dreadful on-screen these days but I'd be alright if Singer never handles another CBM again considering how stubborn he is with the characters looks, it took him 16 years to put them in blue and yellow for gods sake and that was for 60 seconds at the end of Apocalypse :lol:

Edit: Oh and I actually liked DoFP a lot too, it's right up there with CBMs but it really would have been so much better if he isn't so attached to black leather suits and if he just made the Sentinels look like the ones everyone's loved from the cartoons, I mean he already did it for the danger room in X2, why change it?
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No one wanted the reigns after Nolan turned WB/DC down, Snyder was 7th or 8th down the list.
I'd add that unfortunately I don't think much has changed. Not just cuz of what the DCEU looks like now but also cuz I'm not sure the really good directors want to deal with the studio execs at WB as they try to apply their vision to the universe.

Some directors it seems to work out but by and large you still got nobody attached to movies that are suppose to come out.

Not sure who would be willing to take over if Snyder got fired tomorrow.
No one wanted the reigns after Nolan turned WB/DC down, Snyder was 7th or 8th down the list.
I'd add that unfortunately I don't think much has changed. Not just cuz of what the DCEU looks like now but also cuz I'm not sure the really good directors want to deal with the studio execs at WB as they try to apply their vision to the universe.

Some directors it seems to work out but by and large you still got nobody attached to movies that are suppose to come out.

Not sure who would be willing to take over if Snyder got fired tomorrow.
That's interesting. I never knew that. Does WB have such a reputation for being so controlling over directors? I mean, being controlling doesn't necessarily seem like a bad thing IF you have a clear vision of where you want to go. Marvel and Edgar Wright situation comes to mind (and I love Edgar Wright btw)

Makes me wonder how WB managed to build up the Harry Potter franchise. All successful films with distinctive flavours in each of them.
WB is (was?) one of the studios that let their director do their thing (he let Nolan do Bats his way and almost let Miller do JL) but I think ever since the extended universe, they've tried to control more of the directions of the films.

HP had the directors reigns all over it and that same with Jackson for the LotR series but those has one set of books/series to follow while CBMS has too many resources so I think the studios took control. They also rushed it and tried to play catch up and that didn't help.

Internally WBs been in a transition too, they separated from Legendary and got a new CEO a couple of years ago and he decided to make as much DC tv shows and movies they can. Then gave Geoff the reigns (likely taking it away from Snyder) and Geoff seems to be looking for help too as I don't think he has as much experience as Feige.

The Edgar Wright situation, Marvel does what they do so well that they could put any directors at the helm and come out with a decent product. Patty Jenkins was one misstep (?) considering how much here hate Thor 2 and it really soured their relationship with Portman because she really wanted her to direct and I think that was one major reason she agreed to return. I put "?" after the misstep because we'll have to see how WW does before deciding if Jenkins could have made a better product out of Thor2 or not.
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I'm not sure how much of a misstep Thor 2 was. It sucked but there's no guarantee Jenkins' Thor would've been better but I see you acknowledge that.

I'm not sure how big of a loss Portman was/is. Besides she's already changed her tune about returning once she wasn't asked to show up in Thor 3.

Ever since Snyder took over there's been studio interference across the DCEU and that's specifically cuz he was #133 on the list of 10 but messing with Ayer was going too far. And it's possibly still going on even after the regime change given directors have still dropped out over creative differences and movies have been postponed or no updates on them.
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Portman didn't want to come back because he told Marvel that he wanted to take a break after she gave birth and kind of forced her to return and then Jenkins was hired and that's what got her on board/happy.

Her tuned changed because she wasn't pregnant yet again when asked those questions but now that she is preggers again (don't know if she gave birth already) she might want to stay out of the industry again for a while.

They definitely needed her for Thor 2 considered it pretty much centered around her being the vessel of the aether unless they changed it and decided to just make Dennings bewbs be the vessel which might not have been a bad alternative other than amel hating it.
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